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A Comparative Trial: The Safety and Clinical Efficacy of PEG

more, serious adverse drug reaction was not observed The family history of constipation and presence of incontinence were two worse prognostic factors Conclusion: No difference was observed between PEG 3350 and liquid paraffin in chronic functional constipation in children in terms of their efficacies They are safe and effective medications

Comparing Oral Route Paraffin Oil versus Rectal Route for

Constipation is a common reason of referring a child to a pediatric gastroenterologist There is no underlying organic disease in 97 of cases[1] Even though it creates a significant amount of distress and anxiety to the families[2] indeed, it could be the most common cause of acute abdominal pain[3] Management of chronic constipation in the

DuolaxTM Magnesium Hydroxide & Liquid Paraffin

This medicine should not be used if constipation is accompanied by symptoms like nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, bleeding or patient is known to have a blockage in the bowel Maintain adequate ˚uid intake as this can lead to dehydration Caution should be exercised when prescribing to patients with renal and hepatic impairment SIDE EFFECT


• Constipation is often overlooked despite being an important symptom that can cause distress and complications for many patients Aim to anticipate and prevent constipation, especially when prescribing regular opioids • If evidence of bowel obstruction see separate guideline Assessment: • Take a clinical history of the constipation

Qu’appelle-t-on la constipation chronique

Les laxatifs lubrifiants (à base de paraffine) : font glisser et ramollissent les selles Leur délai d’action est de 6 heures à 3 jours Ils se présentent sous forme liquide, gélifiée ou d’une pâte ; des suintements et irritations au niveau de l’anus sont fréquents Ils peuvent être proposés en cas d’échec des laxatifs de

Dr Wahid Bouida Service des urgences

•La constipation •avant un examen 2 c à soupe d ’huile de paraffine •Apparition de coliques : diminuer la pression du liquide en abaissant la poche


Idiopathic constipation is defined as having a stool which is difficult or painful to pass and is often associated with soiling and impaction (see later) The most common cause of constipation is functional and can be defined as either having pellet-like stools or firm stools two or less times per week in the absence of

De GheOP³S-tool - UPHOC

20 Paraffine liquide Macrogol/lactulose 21 Méthyldopa Considérer un antihypertenseur plus sûr 22 Métoclopramide 1st Approche non pharmacologique 2e Réduire la dose à 3 x 5 mg/jour 23 Pentazocine Considérer la combinaison paracétamol/codéine ou un médicament purement morphinomimétique, en fon tion de lindi ation

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