[PDF] Latitude and Longitude Fill In the Blanks

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Latitude is a series of lines that run east to west The Equator is the main line of latitude and is designated as 0 degrees The Equator is halfway between the North and South Poles The North Pole is 90 deg N lat and the South Pole is 90 deg S lat The following map demonstrates lines of latitude

Navigation Principles

Latitude - Equator is the reference for latitude - Mesures angular distance North or South from the Equator (0º - 090º) - Described in degrees, minutes and seconds followed by the suffix N/S ᵠ= XXº XX’ XX’’ N/S Degrees expressed always in 2 digits 3

Latitude, Longitude and Time

The value of equator is 0° and the latitude of the poles are 90°N and 90°S (Fig 3 1 on the next page) If parallels of latitude are drawn at an interval of one degree, there will be 89 parallels in the northern and the southern hemispheres each The total number of parallels thus drawn, including the equator , will be 179 Depending

Latitude and Longitude Fill In the Blanks

Latitude and Longitude Fill In the Blanks Use the terms at the bottom of each page to correctly complete the sentences Latitude • The Equator divides the earth into _____ hemispheres know as the _____ and _____ hemispheres • Other imaginary lines running in an East-West direction are know as

Latitude and Longitude Infographic for Kids

latitude is the same as the degree of the angle formed between the equator and points north and south Imagine you could draw a line from the North Pole into the center of Earth and from the center straight to the surface The lines would form a 900 angle That's why the North Pole has the latitude 900 N, and the South Pole hasthe latitude 900 S

Chapter 6: Latitude by Noon Sight - Marine Navigation Books

Latitude 54° 58 7' }N 6 1 2 Scenario 2: Sun GP and boat in opposite hemispheres This is an example of latitude and Declination with contrary names (fig 6 2) When the boat is on one side of the equator, and the sun on the other, the latitude of the boat, during a noon sight, is equal to ZD − the Declination of the sun

33 CCCartographie de laartographie de la Terre Terre

2) Retracer en rouge l’Equateur – en vert le Méridien de Greenwich 3) Localiser les points suivants : -A = 40° latitude Nord et 20° longitude Est -B = 20° latitude Sud et 40° longitude Est -C = 40° latitude Sud et 60° longitude Ouest -D = 40° latitude Sud et 100° longitude Est -E = 60° latitude Nord et 120° longitude Est

Les parallèles et les méridiens - Le site web de M St Denis

Cette latitude représente la section la plus près du soleil lors du solstice d’hiver Il fait donc plus chaud dans l’hémisphère sud à cette période de l’année ***Rappelons d’abord que la terre est une sphère qui tourne sur elle-même L’axe de rotation est légèrement incliné À l’aide du diagramme ci-dessous, i

Exercice n°1 : « latitude et longitude

Faux Tout dépend de la latitude des points du parallèle d Faux Le plus court chemin est l'arc du grand cercle qui les relie Faux, car la longueur du parallèle sur lequel sont situés les points U et Z est inférieure à celle du parallèle sur lequel sont situés les points C et M Vrai BC Dans le triangle ABC, sinA 100 AC donc sin 350

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Latitude and Longitude Fill In the Blanks Use the terms at the bottom of each page to correctly complete the sentences. Latitude • The Equator divides the earth into _______________ hemispheres know as the _____________________ and _____________________ hemispheres. • Other imaginary lines running in an East-West direction are know as ______________________ of latitude • Parallels of latitude are numbered in _____________________________ • The Equator is the starting line for numbering the parallels of latitude. The equator lies at _______________ • Each parallel is 1 degree apart (approximately 111 km) • Special Parallels of Latitude o Tropic of _________________________ at 23.5º N o Tropic of _________________________ at 23.5 º S y These two tropics have the sun directly overhead o Arctic Circle at ___________________ o Antarctic Circle at _______________ y Between these two circles and their respective poles lies the area in which the sun does not set in the summer and does not rise in the winter • Reference to high, mid and low parallels of latitude as are follows y Low levels of latitude - 0º-30º y Mid levels of latitude - 30º-60º y High levels of latitude - 60º-90º Terms Capricorn Libra Cancer Sagittarius 2 180º 0º Eastern 3 Southern parallels degrees fahrenheit Western 66.5ºN 66.5ºS 66.5ºE 66.5ºW Northern

Latitude and Longitude Fill In the Blanks Use the terms at the bottom of the page to correctly complete the sentences. Longitude • North-South lines making up the earth grid are called _________________ (meaning "mid-day") of longitude • Meridians of longitude extend from the ___________ Pole to the ______________ Pole. • There are two special meridians of longitude. These meridians are called ____________________ at 0º and the ___________________________ at 180º. • The Prime Meridian splits the Earth into two hemispheres. These Hemispheres are known as the __________________ and ______________________ Hemispheres. • In 1884, it was agreed that the Prime Meridian would run through ________________ , England (A borough of London) • Measurements of Longitude increase going ___________ or ______________ from the Prime Meridian until they reach the 180º mark at the International Date Line (half way around the world) • Meridians get __________________ together as they move away from the Equator. At the Equator the distance between two meridians of longitude is approximately 111 km. At the poles the distance is between two meridians is 0 km. Terms closer further East West North South Greenwich meridians Prime Meridian Eastern Southern Western Northern Manchester International Date Line
