[PDF] Sullivans Minimal Models - RHT Seminar, CPR Rabat

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Sullivans Minimal Models - RHT Seminar, CPR Rabat

My Ismail Mamouni (CPGE-CPR Rabat) RHT Seminar, CPR Rabat Sullivan’s Minimal Models 3 / 14 Glossary A simply connected space X is called rational if the following is

Lycée français Descartes de Rabat

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My Ismail Mamouni (CPGE-CPR Rabat) RHT-Seminar Spectral Sequences I 20 / 29 Analyzing a simple situation Our array diagram has only two levels, which we shall call the

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Sullivan'sMinimal Models



Professeur Agrégé-Docteur en Math

Master 1 en Sc de l'éducation, Univ. Rouen

mamouni.new.fr mamouni.myismail@gmail.com

My Ismail Mamouni, CPGE-CPR, Rabat

My Ismail Mamouni (CPGE-CPR Rabat)RHT Seminar, CPR RabatSullivan's Minimal Models 1 / 14

Aim of the talk

?Rational Homotopy Theory: Brief description ?Modèle minimal de Sullivan: Definition and main proprieties My Ismail Mamouni (CPGE-CPR Rabat)RHT Seminar, CPR RabatSullivan's Minimal Models 2 / 14

Aim of the talk

?Rational Homotopy Theory: Brief description ?Modèle minimal de Sullivan: Definition and main proprieties My Ismail Mamouni (CPGE-CPR Rabat)RHT Seminar, CPR RabatSullivan's Minimal Models 2 / 14


Algebraic Topology basic knowledge of what is :

?Homology ?Homotopy My Ismail Mamouni (CPGE-CPR Rabat)RHT Seminar, CPR RabatSullivan's Minimal Models 3 / 14


(A,d)that means : ?A, module, vector space, algebra, ... ?A:=? kA k ?dk:Ak-→Ak+1such thatdk+1◦dk=0 ?We writed:A-→A, wheredk=d|Akandd2=0

Graded & differential

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(A,d)that means : ?Hk(A,d) :=kerdk+1Imdk ?H?(A,d) :=? kH k(A,d)


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?Two continuous mapsf,g:Sk-→Xare calledhomotopic when there is continuous deformationH:Sk×[0,1]-→X , such thatH(.,0) =f,H(.,1) =g. We obtain an equivalence relation≂ ?The homotopy groups :πk(X) :=C(Sn,X)/≂and

π?(X) :=?

kπ k(X). ?Type of homotopy :XandYare called with thesame type of homotopy whenπ?(X)≂=π?(Y).


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A simply connected spaceXis calledrationalif the following is satisfied.

π?(X)is aQ-vector space.

N.B :π?(X)?Qis aQ-vector space

Rational Space

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LetXbe a simply connected space. Arationalization ofXis simply connected and rational spaceY, such that :


H ?(X;Q)≂=H?(Y;Q)


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Any simply connected spaceXadmits an unique (up to homo- topy) CW-complex rationalization

Theorem, [FHT]

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Therational homotopy typeof a simply connected space X is the homotopy type of its rationalization.


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Rational Homotopy Theory

Rationalhomotopytheory is the study of rational homotopytypes of spaces and of the properties of spaces and maps that are invariant under rational homotopy equivalence.

What it is it

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Founders in 1967

work in topology, both algebraic and geomet- ric, and on dynamical systems

Doctoral advisor : William Browder

Wolf Prize in Mathematics (2010)

Leroy P. Steele Prize (2006)

National Medal of Science (2004)

Denis Sullivan (1941- ), CUNY-SUNY, USA

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Founders in 1967

the "prime architect" of higher algebraic K- theory

Doctoral advisor : Raoul Bott

Fields Medal (1978)

Cole Prize (1975)

Putnam Fellow (1959)

Daniel Quillen (1940-2011), Oxford

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Model of Sullivan

Acommutative graded differential algebraover the rational num- bers is a gradedQ- algebra(A,d)such that ?ab= (-1)|a||b|ba (?)d(ab) = (da).b+ (-1)|a|b.dafor alla,b?A

In particular :

?y2=0when|y|odd ?xy=yxwhen|x|even CGDA My Ismail Mamouni (CPGE-CPR Rabat)RHT Seminar, CPR RabatSullivan's Minimal Models 7 / 14

Model of Sullivan

From any differential and gradedQ-vector spaceV, we define the cgda

ΛVdenotes defined by


whereTVdenotes the tensor algebra overV. The differential onΛVis naturally extended from that ofVwith respecting the condition (*) called of nilpotence or of Leibniz

How to build it

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Model of Sullivan

Our cgda is called amodel of Sullivanwhen there exists some well ordered basis(vα)α?IofVsuch that dvα?Λ{vβ, β < α}

Model of Sullivan

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Model of Sullivan

The model of Sullivan is calledminimalwhen

Minimal model

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Model of Sullivan

The minimal model is calledellipticwhen bothVandH?(ΛV,d) are finite dimensional , in this case dx 1=0 anddxj?Λ(x1,...,xj-1) forj≥2

Elliptic model

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Model of Sullivan

Any simply connected space have a minimal model of Sullivan, (ΛV,d)(unique up to isomorphism of cgda), who models its co- homology and homotopy as follows :



D. Sullivan, [Su]

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Model of Sullivan

For the odd sphere :S2k+1, the model is the form(Λ{x},0)with |x|=2k+1. So

πn(S2k+1)≂=Zifn=2k+1≂=0 if not

Basic Examples

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Model of Sullivan

For the even sphere :S2k, the model is the form(Λ{x,y},d)with |x|=2k,|y|=4k-1,dy=x2. So πn(S2k)≂=Zifn=2k≂=Zifn=4k-1≂=0 if not

Basic Examples

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Special Denotations

?In general for anyx?ΛV, we have dx=?k≥0β klenght=k????y1...yk? |yi|odd? |xi|evenx


kΛ kVodd?ΛVeven ?HenceΛVis bi-graded as followsΛV=? p,q(ΛpVodd?ΛVeven)q. pword-lengthgraduation andq: degreegraduation. ?Λ≥kV:=? p≥kΛpVandΛ+V:= Λ≥1V ?When(ΛV,d)is a simply elliptic minimal model, we have dV?Λ≥2V= Λ+V.Λ+V My Ismail Mamouni (CPGE-CPR Rabat)RHT Seminar, CPR RabatSullivan's Minimal Models 8 / 14

Special Denotations

?Λ(V?W) = ΛV?ΛW ?When|y|odd,Λy={ay+b;a,b?Q}=Q1[y] ?When|x|even,Λx={? ka kxk;a,b?Q}=Q[x]

Simple Conclusions

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Special Denotations


dV odd?ΛVeven

Pure Model

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Special Denotations

When dVeven=0

Hyperelliptic Model

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Special Denotations


dU=0 dW?ΛU

Two Stage Model

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Example of Algebraization

For anyellipticandsimply connectedtopolog-

ical spaceX, we have

Hilali Conjecture (1990)

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Example of Algebraization

For anyellipticmodel of Sullivan,(ΛV,d)we have

Algebraic version

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Example of Algebraization

For the sphereSnwe have seen that

dimV=1 or 2 , and its well known that

H0(Sn;Q) =Hn(Sn;Q) =QandHi(X;Q) =0

for all other i.

Simple example in which it holds

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Euler-Poincaré characteristic

For any 1-connected elliptic model(ΛV,d)we define two invari- ants. One cohomological : c:=?k≥0(-1)kdimHk(ΛV,d) and anotherhomotopic :



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Euler-Poincaré characteristic

we have the following :



In this case

H?(ΛV,d) =Heven(ΛV,d)

S. Halperin, [Ha83]

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Euler-Poincaré characteristic

For any graded vector spaceA, the Euler-Poincaré characteristic is defined as follows

χ(A) :=?k≥0(-1)kdimAk


χc=χ(H?(ΛV,d)), χπ=χ(V)


χ(H?(A,d)) =χ(A)


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Euler-Poincaré characteristic

?Asχπ=dimVeven-dimVodd, we putdimVeven=pand dimVodd=n+p, so ?χπ=-panddimV=2n+p ?p=0??H?(ΛV,d) =Heven(ΛV,d) ?p?=0??dimH?(ΛV,d) =2dimHeven(ΛV,d)

Util Remark

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Toral Rank

rk0(X) :=The largest integern≥1 for whichXadmits an almost-freen-torus action


The equality holds whenXis pure

C. Allday & Halperin,[AH78]

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Toral Rank

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Toral Rank

For anyellipticandsimply connectedtopolog-

ical spaceX, we have dimH?(X;Q)≥2rk0(X)

Toral Rank Conjecture (TRC), S.Halperin (1986)

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Toral Rank

TRC : dimH?(X;Q)≥2p-ε

Conj. H : dimH?(X;Q)≥2n+p

?Conj H+2n+p≥2p-ε=?CRT

The link between ConjH & TRC

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Formal dimension

For an elliptic spaceX, we put

fd(X) :=max{k,Hk(X,Q)?=0}


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Formal dimension

IfXis a 1-connectedand elliptic space of minimal Sullivan model (ΛV,d), then fd(X)≥dimV

J. Friedlander and S. Halperin, [FH79]

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Formal dimension

IfXis a 1-connected and elliptic manifold, thenfd(X) =dimX

Best known result, losed source

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Formal dimension

There exists a special homogeneousbasisx1,...,xnofVeven and a basisy1,...yn+pofVoddsuch that : n? n+p? n+p? i=1|yi| -n? i(|xi| -1) =fd(X)

J. Friedlander and S. Halperin, [FH79]

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Main References of RHT

C. Allday & S. Halperin,Lie group actions on espace s of finite rank,

Quar. J. Math. Oxford28(1978), 69-76.

D.E. Blair and S.I. Goldberg,Topology of almost contact manifolds, Journal of Differential GeometryVol.1(1967), Intelpress, 347-354. J. Friedlander and S. Halperin,An arithmetic characterization of the rational homotopy groups of certain espace s,

Invent. Math.53

(1979), 117-133. Y. Félix, S. Halperin & J.-C. Thomas,Rational Homotopy Theory,

Graduate Texts in Mathematics, vol. 205,

Springer-Verlag, 2001.

S. Halperin,Finitness in the minimal models of Sullivan,Transc. AMS

230(1983), 173-199.

D. Sullivan,Infinitesimal computations in topology,Publications

Mathématiques de l'IHÉS

, 47 (1977), 269-331 My Ismail Mamouni (CPGE-CPR Rabat)RHT Seminar, CPR RabatSullivan's Minimal Models 13 / 14 My Ismail Mamouni (CPGE-CPR Rabat)RHT Seminar, CPR RabatSullivan's Minimal Models 14 / 14quotesdbs_dbs11.pdfusesText_17