[PDF] Passer d 'ISO 9001:2008 ? ISO 9001:2015

Passer d’ISO 9001:2008

ISO 9001 est une norme qui établit les exigences relatives à un système de management de la qualité Elle aide les entreprises et organismes à gagner en efficacité et à accroître la satisfaction de leurs clients Une nouvelle version d’ISO 9001:2015 vient d’être publiée pour remplacer l’édition précédente (ISO 9001:2008)

Changes in ISO 9001:2008 from ISO 9001:2000

2) One year after publication of ISO 9001:2008, all certifications issued (new certifications and re-certifications) must be to ISO 9001:2008 3) Two years after publication of ISO 9001:2008, existing ISO 9001:2000 certifications will not be valid This plan is possible, because ISO and IAF agreed that ISO 9001:2008 introduces no new requirements

AS/NZS ISO 9001:2008 Quality management systems Requirements

AS/NZS ISO 9001:2008 This Joint Australian/New Zealand Standard was prepared by Joint Technical Committee QR-008, Quality Management Systems It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 12 December 2008 and on behalf of the Council of Standards New Zealand on 19 December 2008 This Standard was published on 30 December 2008

Quality management systems — Requirements

This corrected version of ISO 9001:2008 incorporates the following corrections: ⎯ minor editorial errors in Tables А 1, A 2 and B 1 have been corrected This is a preview of "ISO 9001:2008"

ISO Revisions Moving from ISO 9001:2008 to ISO 9001:2015

ISO 9001 with ISO 9001:2008 ISO 9001:2015 will be based on Annex SL – the new high level structure (HLS) that brings a common framework to all ISO management systems This helps to keep consistency, align different management system standards, offer matching sub-clauses against the top-level structure and apply common language across all

10 clés pour réussir sa certification ISO 9001:2008 - 2e édition

X 10 clés pour réussir sa certification ISO 9001:2008 Tel une feuille de route, à l’aide des 10 clés clairement exposées ainsi que les 14 fiches techniques remarquablement présentées, ce livre, pas après pas, vous conduira à la mise en œuvre de la norme et à l’obtention de la certification tant convoitée

1 of 11 ISO 9001:2008 Requirements Explained - An Adobe PDF

ISO 9001:2008 - List of all requirement clauses Numbered clauses are links in the actual document Scroll to next page Contents page for ALL personnel : Shaded clauses contain requirements that should be known by all personnel

Norma ISO 9001 2008 - Sistema de Gest o da Qualidade Rev 2008

a correspondência entre a ABNT NBR ISO 9001:2008 ea ABNT NBR ISO 14001:2004 Esta Norma näo inclui requistoS especiticoS para outroS sisternaS de gestäo tais coma aqueleS especfficoS à arnbiental, gestáo de segurança e ocupacional, gestá0 tirlancelra de risco Entrelanto,

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[PDF] Passer d 'ISO 9001:2008 ? ISO 9001:2015