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72 Complex arithmetic - mathcentreacuk

j2 = −1 If z 1 and z2 are the two complex numbers their product is written z1z2 Example If z1 = 5− 2j and z2 = 2+4j find z1z2 Solution z1z2 = (5− 2j)(2+4j) = 10+20j −4j − 8j2 Replacing j2 by −1 we obtain z1z2 = 10+16j −8(−1) = 18+16j In general we have the following result: www mathcentre ac uk 7 2 1 c Pearson Education Ltd 2000

Topic 8 Notes Jeremy Orlo - MIT Mathematics

f(z) = z+ 1 z3(z2 + 1) has isolated singularities at z= 0; iand a zero at z= 1 We will show that z= 0 is a pole of order 3, z= iare poles of order 1 and z= 1 is a zero of order 1 The style of argument is the same in each case At z= 0: f(z) = 1 z3 z+ 1 z2 + 1: Call the second factor g(z) Since g(z) is analytic at z= 0 and g(0) = 1, it has a

1 Basics of Series and Complex Numbers

1 1 z = 1 + z+ z2 + = X1 n=0 zn (19) is the Taylor series of f(z) = 1=(1 z) about z= 0 As mentioned earlier, the function 1=(1 z) exists and is in nitely di erentiable everywhere except at z= 1 while the series P 1 n=0 z nonly exists in the unit circle jzj


z2 +z +1 z=e2πı/3 = 2πı 1 2z +1 z=e2πı/3 = 2π √ 3 (b) The only singularity of z2e1/z sin(1/z) occurs at z = 0, and it is an essential singularity Therefore the formula for computing the residue at a pole will not work, but we can still compute some of the coefficients in the Laurent series expansion about z = 0 : z2e1/z sin(1/z) = z2

Functions of a Complex Variable - MIT OpenCourseWare

1 z + 1 dz 2 −1 z is −2 − i if the path is the upper half of the circle r = 1 [Write z = ei , where varies from to 0, or from (2k + 1) to 2k , where k is any integer ] (b) Show (also by direct integration) that the value is −2 + i if the path is the lower half of the circle

Lecture 22: Inverse Functions - Furman

1+z 1−z Hence w = 1 2 log 1+z 1−z Thus we define the inverse hyperbolic tangent function by tanh−1(z) = 1 2 log 1+z 1−z We find the other inverse hyperbolic trigonometric functions in a similar manner The most important of these are sinh−1(z) = log z +(z2 +1)12 and cosh−1(z) = log z +(z2 −1)12 The derivatives are d dz sinh

7 Taylor and Laurent series - MIT Mathematics

1 w z which looks a lot like the sum of a geometric series We will make frequent use of the following manipulations of this expression 1 w z = 1 w 1 1 z=w = 1 w 1 + (z=w) + (z=w)2 + ::: (3) The geometric series in this equation has ratio z=w Therefore, the series converges, i e the formula is valid, whenever jz=wj

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