[PDF] ISO 14001:2015 Internal Audit Checklist

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INTERNAL CONTROL QUESTIONNAIRE OFFICE OF INTERNAL AUDIT UNIVERSITY OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS Cabinet Member or Representative responsible for completing this form: INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM: Answer each question by placing an X in the either the Yes, No, Not Sure, or Not Applicable (N/A) column Provide comments as you deem necessary

ISO 14001:2015 Internal Audit Checklist

ISO 14001:2015 Audit Checklist System & Process Compliance Auditing www iso-9001-checklist co uk Page 6 of 41 Audit Findings Summary Manually transfer the audit findings from the audit checklist above into the audit findings summary table below At the end of the audit, you should transfer


L'audit interne doit avoir un rattachement fonctionnel direct avec le Conseil d'Administration et un rattachement hiérarchique avec la direction générale e double attcahement pe met d’atteind e le niveau d’indépendance nécessai e à l’exe cice efficace des esponsabilités de l'audit


Questionnaie d’audit environnemental 08/02/2019 Service production (teinture) Objet Audit terrain interne en vue du renouvèlement de la certification ISO 140001 Rédacteur Responsable service environnement Destinataire(s) Service production Nom du fichier Questionnaire d’audit production du 08 02 Version(s) Nom du document Date Commentaire


audit objectives We extend our appreciation to the management and staff of Columbia Hospitality Inc , Central Harbor Management, Seaport Finance and Budget and Accounting and Financial Reporting for their assistance and cooperation during the audit Joyce Kirangi, CPA, CGMA Internal Audit, Director AUDIT TEAM RESPONSIBLE MANAGEMENT TEAM

sno ti 0Q s 2eu q ue les administrateurs devraient poser sur

d’audit interne sur la façon dont l’audit interne peut s’adapter aux nouvelles attentes à l’égard de la profession, compte tenu des concepts ambitieux sous-jacents Un thème récurrent dans cette nouvelle édition est celui de la « création de valeur » On demande à de nombreux services d’audit interne d’évoluer, de


Conseil, qui stipule que « le responsable de l'audit interne doit rendre compte périodiquement à la direction générale et au Conseil des missions, des pouvoirs et des responsabi-lités de l'audit interne, ainsi que du degré de réalisation du plan d’audit » Pour élaborer un plan stratégique, il est possible d'utili-


différents outils mis à la disposition de l’auditeur (questionnaire de prise de connaissance, grille d’analyse des tâches, tableau des forces et des faiblesses, diagramme de circulation, questionnaire de contrôle interne, etc ) Ces outils sont bien évidemment spécifiques à la fonction auditée et adaptés à ses finalités et objectifs

Audit de la Fonction Approvisionnement / Achats

Ainsi, l’Audit de fonction approvisionnement/ achats doit établir la communication au sein de l’entreprise : dans le service, entre les services, vers la direction Générale, mais aussi permettre la communication vers l’extérieur (vers les fournisseurs)

ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Assessment Checklist RP-2

RP-2 ISO 9001:2015 Issued: 9/18/15 DQS Inc Revised: 5/12/17

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ISO 14001:2015 Master Internal Audit Checklist

ConformMinor NCMajor NCOFI

The internal audit checklist will ensure your audits concisely appraise your management system and processes against the requirements of ISO 14001:2015.

Answer questions 1 to 186 to determine conformance. The audit results are summarized in the 'Audit Results' worksheet.

Each audit question phrases each ISO 14001:2015 'shall' requirement as a question, in order to elicit either a 'yes' or 'no' response, that can be represented as

an 'x'. The scoring formula assumes each requirement conforms, until an 'x' is entered into Column F or G.

Audit Finding

Describe the possible cause of the minor or

major nonconformance.

Note any process or practice that seems

weak, cumbersome, redundant or complex.

Audit Risk


Provide a reference to the documentation,

records, observations, questioning, etc. supporting the answer each audit finding.

Enter 'x' into Column E, F or G. Capture

OFIs separately in Column H.

6.1.3Compliance Obligations55Has your organization determined, and have access to relevant compliance obligations related to its

environmental aspects?x100

6.1.3Compliance Obligations56Has your organization determined how these compliance obligations apply to your organization?x100

6.1.3Compliance Obligations57Does your organization take its compliance obligations into account when establishing, implementing,

maintaining and improving its EMS?x100

6.1.4Planning Action58Does your organization plan to take actions to address its significant environmental aspects?x100

6.1.4Planning Action59Does your organization plan to take actions to address its compliance obligations?x100

6.1.4Planning Action60Does your organization plan to take actions to address its risks and opportunities identified in 6.1.1.x100

6.1.4Planning Action61Does your organization plan how to integrate and implement the actions into its EMS process (See 6.2,

7, 8 and 9.1) or other processes?x100

6.1.4Planning Action62Does your organization plan how to evaluate the effectiveness of these actions (See 9.1)?x100

6.1.4Planning Action63When planning these actions, does organization consider technological options and its financial,

operational and other business requirements?x100

6.2.1Environmental Objectives64

Has your organization established environmental objectives at relevant functions and levels, taking into

account its significant environmental aspects, associated compliance obligations, and risk and opportunities? x100

6.2.1Environmental Objectives655.2)?x100

6.2.1Environmental Objectives66x100

6.2.1Environmental Objectives679.1)?x100

6.2.1Environmental Objectives687.4.1)?x75

6.2.1Environmental Objectives69x100

6.2.1Environmental Objectives707.5)?x100

6.2.2Objectives & Planning to Achieve

Objectives71When planning how to achieve its environmental objectives, has your organization determined what

will be done?x100

6.2.2Objectives & Planning to Achieve

Objectives72When planning how to achieve its environmental objectives, has your organization determined what

resources will be required?x100

6.2.2Objectives & Planning to Achieve

Objectives73When planning how to achieve its environmental objectives, has your organization determined who is


6.2.2Objectives & Planning to Achieve

Objectives74When planning how to achieve its environmental objectives, has your organization determined when it

will be completed?x100quotesdbs_dbs7.pdfusesText_13