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Laplace Transform - Math

7 1 Introduction to the Laplace Method 247 Laplace Integral The integral R1 0 g(t)est dt is called the Laplace integral of the function g(t) It is de ned by limN1 RN 0 g(t)est dt and


t N − 1) x N − 1 x N − 1 × x 2 1 x e iH (t 2 − t 1) x x 1 x 1 x 1 e − iH (T + t 1) S x 0 (6 16) Thus, we see that the path integral is so smart that it can even calculate the ground state wave function for us The last matrix element in Eq (6 16) can also be written as x 1 0 e iH (t 1 − (−)) t x 0, which can be described as

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Chapter 7

Laplace Transform

The Laplace transform can be used to solve dierential equations. Be- sides being a dierent and ecient alternative to variation of parame- ters and undetermined coecients, theLaplace methodis particularly advantageous for input terms that are piecewise-dened, periodic or im- pulsive. Thedirect Laplace transformor theLaplace integralof a function f(t) dened for 0t <1is the ordinary calculus integration problemZ1


succinctly denotedL(f(t)) in science and engineering literature. The L{notation recognizes that integration always proceeds overt= 0 to t=1and that the integral involves anintegratorestdtinstead of the usualdt. These minor dierences distinguishLaplace integralsfrom the ordinary integrals found on the inside covers of calculus texts.

7.1 Introduction to the Laplace Method

The foundation of Laplace theory isLerch's cancellation law R1


0f(t)estdtimpliesy(t) =f(t);


L(y(t) =L(f(t)) impliesy(t) =f(t):(1)In dierential equation applications,y(t) is the sought-after unknown

whilef(t) is an explicit expression taken from integral tables. Below, we illustrate Laplace's method by solving the initial value prob- lem y

0=1; y(0) = 0:

The method obtains a relationL(y(t)) =L(t), whence Lerch's cancel- lation law implies the solution isy(t) =t. TheLaplace methodis advertised as atable lookup method, in which the solutiony(t) to a dierential equation is found by looking up the answer in a special integral table.

7.1 Introduction to the Laplace Method 247

Laplace Integral.The integralR1

0g(t)estdtis called theLaplace

integralof the functiong(t). It is dened by limN!1RN


depends on variables. The ideas will be illustrated forg(t) = 1,g(t) =t andg(t) =t2, producing the integral formulas in Table 1. R 1


t =0Laplace integral ofg(t) = 1. = 1=sAssumeds >0.R1


0d ds(est)dtLaplace integral ofg(t) =t. =d dsR 1


=d ds(1=s)UseL(1) = 1=s. = 1=s2Dierentiate.R1


0d ds(test)dtLaplace integral ofg(t) =t2. =d dsR 1


=d ds(1=s2)UseL(t) = 1=s2. = 2=s3

Table 1. The Laplace integral


0g(t)estdtforg(t) = 1,tandt2.



sR 1




In summary,L(tn) =n!

s1+n An Illustration.The ideas of theLaplace methodwill be illus- trated for the solutiony(t) =tof the problemy0=1,y(0) = 0. The method, entirely dierent from variation of parameters or undetermined coecients, uses basic calculus and college algebra; see Table 2. Table 2. Laplace method details for the illustrationy0=1,y(0) = 0. y0(t)est=estMultiplyy0=1byest. R1


0estdtIntegratet= 0tot=1.R1

0y0(t)estdt=1=sUse Table 1.


0y(t)estdty(0) =1=sIntegrate by parts on the left.R1

0y(t)estdt=1=s2Usey(0) = 0and divide.R1


0(t)estdtUse Table 1.

y(t) =tApply Lerch's cancellation law.

248Laplace Transform

In Lerch's law, the formal rule of erasing the integral signsis validpro- videdthe integrals are equal for largesand certain conditions hold ony andf{ see Theorem 2. The illustration in Table 2 shows that Laplace theory requires an in-depth study of aspecial integral table, a table which is a true extension of the usual table found on the inside covers of calculus books. Some entries for the special integral table appear in

Table 1 and also in section 7.2, Table 4.

TheL-notation for the direct Laplace transform produces briefer details, as witnessed by the translation of Table 2 into Table 3 below.The reader is advised to move from Laplace integral notation to theL{notation as soon as possible, in order to clarify the ideas of the transform method. Table 3. Laplace methodL-notation details fory0=1,y(0) = 0 translated from Table 2.

L(y0(t)) =L(1)ApplyLacrossy0=1, or multiplyy0=

1byest, integratet= 0tot=1.

L(y0(t)) =1=sUse Table 1.

sL(y(t))y(0) =1=sIntegrate by parts on the left.

L(y(t)) =1=s2Usey(0) = 0and divide.

L(y(t)) =L(t)Apply Table 1.

y(t) =tInvoke Lerch's cancellation law. Some Transform Rules.The formal properties of calculus integrals plus the integration by parts formula used in Tables 2 and 3 leads to these rulesfor the Laplace transform: L(f(t) +g(t)) =L(f(t)) +L(g(t))The integral of a sum is the sum of the integrals.

L(cf(t)) =cL(f(t))Constantscpass through the

integral sign. L(y0(t)) =sL(y(t))y(0)Thet-derivative rule, or inte- gration by parts. See Theo- rem 3. L(y(t)) =L(f(t))impliesy(t) =f(t)Lerch's cancellation law. See

Theorem 2.

1 Example (Laplace method)Solve by Laplace's method the initial value

problemy0= 52t,y(0) = 1. Solution:Laplace's method is outlined in Tables 2 and 3. TheL-notation of Table 3 will be used to nd the solutiony(t) = 1 + 5tt2.

7.1 Introduction to the Laplace Method 249

L(y0(t)) =L(52t)ApplyLacrossy0= 52t.

L(y0(t)) =5

s2s2Use Table 1. sL(y(t))y(0) =5 s2s2Apply thet-derivative rule, page 248.

L(y(t)) =1

s+5s22s3Usey(0) = 1and divide. L(y(t)) =L(1) + 5L(t) L(t2)Apply Table 1, backwards. =L(1 + 5tt2)Linearity, page 248. y(t) = 1 + 5tt2Invoke Lerch's cancellation law.

2 Example (Laplace method)Solve by Laplace's method the initial value

problemy00= 10,y(0) =y0(0) = 0. Solution:TheL-notation of Table 3 will be used to nd the solutiony(t) = 5t2.

L(y00(t)) =L(10)ApplyLacrossy00= 10.

sL(y0(t))y0(0) =L(10)Apply thet-derivative rule toy0, that is, replaceybyy0on page 248. s[sL(y(t))y(0)]y0(0) =L(10)Repeat thet-derivative rule, ony. s

2L(y(t)) =L(10)Usey(0) =y0(0) = 0.

L(y(t)) =10

s3Use Table 1. Then divide.

L(y(t)) =L(5t2)Apply Table 1, backwards.

y(t) = 5t2Invoke Lerch's cancellation law.

Existence of the Transform.The Laplace integralR1


is known to exist in the sense of the improper integral denition1 Z 1

0g(t)dt= limN!1Z



providedf(t) belongs to a class of functions known in the literature as functions ofexponential order. For this class of functions the relation lim t !1f(t) eat= 0(2)is required to hold for some real numbera, or equivalently, for some constantsMand, jf(t)j Met:(3)In addition,f(t) is required to bepiecewise continuouson each nite subinterval of 0t <1, a term dened as follows.

1An advanced calculus background is assumed for the Laplace transform existence

proof. Applications of Laplace theory require only a calculus background.

250Laplace Transform

Denition 1 (piecewise continuous)

A functionf(t) ispiecewise continuouson a nite interval [a;b] pro- vided there exists a partitiona=t0<< tn=bof the interval [a;b] and functionsf1,f2, ...,fncontinuous on (1;1) such that fortnot a partition point f(t) =8><>:f

1(t)t0< t < t1;

f n(t)tn1< t < tn:(4)The values offat partition points are undecided by equation (4). In particular, equation (4) implies thatf(t) has one-sided limits at each point ofa < t < band appropriate one-sided limits at the endpoints. Therefore,fhas at worst ajump discontinuityat each partition point.

3 Example (Exponential order)Show thatf(t) =etcost+tis of expo-

nential order, that is, show thatf(t)is piecewise continuous and nd >0 such thatlimt!1f(t)=et= 0. Solution:Already,f(t) is continuous, hence piecewise continuous. From

L'Hospital's rule in calculus, lim

t!1p(t)=et= 0 for any polynomialpand any >0. Choose= 2, then lim t!1f(t) e2t= limt!1costet+ limt!1te2t= 0:

Theorem 1 (Existence ofL(f))

Letf(t)be piecewise continuous on every nite interval int0and satisfy jf(t)j Metfor some constantsMand. ThenL(f(t))exists fors > andlims!1L(f(t)) = 0. Proof:It has to be shown that the Laplace integral offis nite fors > . Advanced calculus implies that it is sucient to show that the integrand is ab- solutely bounded above by an integrable functiong(t). Takeg(t) =Me(s)t.

Theng(t)0. Furthermore,gis integrable, because

Z 1 0 g(t)dt=M s: Inequalityjf(t)j Metimplies the absolute value of the Laplace transform integrandf(t)estis estimated by f(t)estMetest=g(t):

The limit statement follows fromjL(f(t))j R1


s, because the right side of this inequality has limit zero ats=1. The proof is complete.

7.1 Introduction to the Laplace Method 251

Theorem 2 (Lerch)

Iff1(t)andf2(t)are continuous, of exponential order andR1


0f2(t)estdtfor alls > s0, thenf1(t) =f2(t)fort0.

Proof: See Widder [?].

Theorem 3 (t-Derivative Rule)

Iff(t)is continuous,limt!1f(t)est= 0for all large values ofsandf0(t) is piecewise continuous, thenL(f0(t))exists for all largesandL(f0(t)) = sL(f(t))f(0).

Proof: See page 276.

Exercises 7.1

Laplace method. Solve the given

initial value problem using Laplace's method.

1.y0=2,y(0) = 0.

2.y0= 1,y(0) = 0.

3.y0=t,y(0) = 0.

4.y0=t,y(0) = 0.

5.y0= 1t,y(0) = 0.

6.y0= 1 +t,y(0) = 0.

7.y0= 32t,y(0) = 0.

8.y0= 3 + 2t,y(0) = 0.

9.y00=2,y(0) =y0(0) = 0.

10.y00= 1,y(0) =y0(0) = 0.

11.y00= 1t,y(0) =y0(0) = 0.

12.y00= 1 +t,y(0) =y0(0) = 0.

13.y00= 32t,y(0) =y0(0) = 0.

14.y00= 3 + 2t,y(0) =y0(0) = 0.

Exponential order. Show thatf(t)

is of exponential order, by nding a constant0 in each case such that lim t!1f(t) et= 0.

15.f(t) = 1 +t

16.f(t) =etsin(t)

17.f(t) =PNn=0cnxn, for any choice

of the constantsc0, ...,cN.

18.f(t) =PNn=1cnsin(nt), for any

choice of the constantsc1, ...,cN.

Existence of transforms. Letf(t) =

te t2sin(et2). Establish these results.

19.The functionf(t) is not of expo-

nential order.

20.The Laplace integral off(t),R1

0f(t)estdt, converges for all

s >0.

Jump Magnitude

. Forfpiecewise continuous, dene thejumpattby

J(t) = limh!0+f(t+h)limh!0+f(th):

ComputeJ(t) for the followingf.

21.f(t) = 1 fort0, elsef(t) = 0

22.f(t) = 1 fort1=2, elsef(t) = 0

23.f(t) =t=jtjfort6= 0,f(0) = 0

24.f(t) = sint=jsintjfort6=n,

f(n) = (1)n

Taylor series

. The series relation

L(P1n=0cntn) =P1n=0cnL(tn) often

holds, in which case the resultL(tn) = n!s1ncan be employed to nd a series representation of the Laplace transform. Use this idea on the fol- lowing to nd a series formula for


25.f(t) =e2t=P1n=0(2t)n=n!

26.f(t) =et=P1n=0(t)n=n!

252Laplace Transform

7.2 Laplace Integral Table

The objective in developing a table of Laplace integrals, e.g., Tables 4 and 5, is to keep the table size small. Table manipulation rules appear- ing in Table 6, page 257, eectively increase the table size manyfold, making it possible to solve typical dierential equations from electrical and mechanical problems. The combination of Laplace tablesplus the table manipulation rules is called theLaplace transform calculus. Table 4 is considered to be a table of minimum size to be memorized. Table 5 adds a number of special-use entries. For instance, the Heaviside entry in Table 5 is memorized, but usually not the others. Derivationsare postponed to page 270. The theory of thegamma func- tion(x) appears below on page 255. Table 4. A minimal Laplace integral table withL-notation R1


s1+nL(tn) =n!s1+n R 1


saL(eat) =1saR1


s2+b2L(cosbt) =ss2+b2 R 1


s2+b2L(sinbt) =bs2+b2

Table 5. Laplace integral table extension

L(H(ta)) =eass(a0) Heaviside unit step, dened by

H(t) =1fort0;


L((ta)) =easDirac delta,(t) =dH(t).

Special usage rules apply.

L( oor(t=a)) =eas s(1eas)Staircase function, oor(x) =greatest integerx.

L(sqw(t=a)) =1

stanh(as=2)Square wave, sqw(x) = (1) oor(x).

L(atrw(t=a)) =1

s2tanh(as=2)Triangular wave, trw(x) =Rx


L(t) =(1 +)

s1+Generalized power function,(1 +) =R1


L(t1=2) =r

sBecause(1=2) =p.

7.2 Laplace Integral Table253

4 Example (Laplace transform)Letf(t) =t(t1)sin2t+e3t. Compute

L(f(t))using the basic Laplace table and transform linearity properties.


L(f(t)) =L(t25tsin2t+e3t)Expandt(t5).

=L(t2)5L(t) L(sin2t) +L(e3t)Linearity applied. 2 s35s22s2+ 4+1s3Table lookup.

5 Example (Inverse Laplace transform)Use the basic Laplace table back-

wards plus transform linearity properties to solve forf(t)in the equation

L(f(t)) =s

s2+ 16+2s3+s+ 1s3:


L(f(t)) =s

s2+ 16+ 21s3+1s2+122s3Convert to table entries. =L(cos4t) + 2L(e3t) +L(t) +1

2L(t2)Laplace table (backwards).

=L(cos4t+ 2e3t+t+1

2t2)Linearity applied.

f(t) = cos4t+ 2e3t+t+1

2t2Lerch's cancellation law.

6 Example (Heaviside)Find the Laplace transform off(t)in Figure 1.

1 3 155

Figure 1. A piecewise dened

functionf(t)on0t <1:f(t) = 0 except for1t <2and3t <4. Solution:The details require the use of the Heaviside function formula

H(ta)H(tb) =1at < b;

0 otherwise:

The formula forf(t):

f(t) =8<:1 1t <2;

5 3t <4;

0 otherwise=1 1t <2;

0 otherwise+ 51 3t <4;

0 otherwise

Thenf(t) =f1(t) + 5f2(t) wheref1(t) =H(t1)H(t2) andf2(t) =

H(t3)H(t4). The extended table gives
