[PDF] Solutions to Practice Problems II

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Section 116: Vector Functions and Space Curves vector

t 2 is de ned for t 2 The component function ln(8 t) is de ned for t

Method 1: Using the formulas

1 lnt 1 t2 1 t2 lnt+ 1 t2 = 1 t3 lnt+ 1 t3 + 1 t3 lnt = 1 t3: Now, note g(t) is the right-hand side when the equation is in the form y00+ p(t)y0+ q(t)y = g(t): Our equation is t2y00(t) + 3ty0(t) + y(t) = 1 t so we need to divide both sides by t2 Doing so, we obtain the equation y00(t) + 3 t y0(t) + 1 t2 y(t) = 1 t3: Now, we see that g(t) = 1

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lnt 1 t2 t (s 1) dt+ Z 1 p 1 ˇ(t) t2 (t 1) dt+ Z 1 p 1 t s lnt dt+ o(1) as s1+:The third integral can be simplified using the change of variables u= (s 1)lnt;followedbyintegrationbyparts Theresultingformulais Z 1 p 1 t s lnt dt= ln 1 s 1 lnlnp 1 + Z 1 0 e ulnudu+ o(1): However,itiswellknown(seeforinstance[4])that R 1 0 e ulnudu= 0(1


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Solutions to Practice Problems II

2 t2 1=2 2 lnt+ 1 t5=2 lnt Simplify the right hand side: 3t =2 lnt 2t3=2 t5=2 lnt = 1 t 2 tlnt Integrate both sides: Z dw w = Z 1 t 2 tlnt dt On the right hand side you will need to use the substitution a = lnt;da = 1 t dt: lnjwj= lnjtj 2lnjlntj Now solve for w But rst we need to combine the log terms on the right hand side: lnjwj= ln 1 t + ln

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= t2lnt¡ Z (t+tlnt)dt = t2lnt¡ Z tdt¡ Z tlntdt = t2lnt¡ 1 2 t2¡ Z tlntdt: So far, we have Z tlntdt=t2lnt¡ 1 2 t2¡ Z tlntdt: By adding R tlntdtto both sides of the above equation, we obtain 2 Z tlntdt=t 2lnt¡ 1 2 t: The nal result is Z tlntdt= 1 2 t2lnt¡ 1 4 t2+C: Here is the check: d dt µ1 2 t2lnt¡ 1 4 t2 ¶ = 1 2 t2¢ 1 t +lnt¢t

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Solutions to Practice Problems II

Written by Victoria Kala


SH 6432u Oce Hours: T 12:451:45pm

Last updated 7/12/2016


This page contains answers only. Detailed solutions are on the following pages.

1. (a)y=e2x(c1cosp3x+c2sinp3x)

(b)y=c1+c2ex+c3xex (c)u=c1e12 t+c2e3t (d)r=c1es+c2es+c3coss+c4sins

2.W= 2e6x

3. (a)y2=x2lnx

(b)W=x3 (c)y=c1x2+c2x2lnx


5. (a)yp=At2+Bt+C

(b) Answers will vary (c)yp=At2+Bt+C+Ee2t (d)yp=Ae3tsin4t+Be3tcos4t (e) Answers will vary (f)yp=A+ (Bt2+Ct+E)et (g)yp=Acos2t+Bsin2t (h) Answers will vary (i)yp= (At+B) + (Ct+E)sint+ (Ft+G)cost


t12 sin2t12 cos2t

7.y= 2e2t+ 9te2t+16

t3+32 t2e2t

8.y=c1cost+c2sintcostlnjsect+ tantj:

9.y=c1cos(lnt) +c2sin(lnt) + lnjcos(lnt)j(cos(lnt)) + lnjtj(sin(lnt))


Detailed Solutions

1. Find the general solution of the following homogeneous higher-order dierential equations:

(a)y00+ 4y0+ 7y= 0 (usexas the independent variable) Solution.The characteristic equation isr2+4r+7 = 0. Using the quadratic equation, we see the roots are r=4p4


)r=4i2p3 2 =2ip3: We have two complex roots, hence the solution to the dierential equation is y=e2x(c1cosp3x+c2sinp3x)(b)y(3)+ 2y00+y0= 0 (usexas the independent variable) Solution.The characteristic equation isr3+ 2r2+r= 0 which factors as r(r2+ 2r+ 1) = 0)r(r+ 1)2= 0: Therefore the roots arer= 0 multiplicity 1,r=1 multiplicity 2. The solution to the dierential equation is therefore y=c1e0x+c2e1x+c3xe1xory=c1+c2ex+c3xex:(c) 2 d2udt


3u= 0 Solution.The characteristic equation is 2r25r3 = 0, which factors as (2r+ 1)(r3) = 0:

The roots arer=12

;r= 3 each with multiplicity 1. The solution to the dierential equation is therefore u=c1e12 t+c2e3t:(d) d4rds 4r= 0 Solution.The characteristic equation ism41 = 0 (we cannot useras our characteristic equation variable since it is being used in the dierential equation). This factors as (m21)(m2+ 1) = 0)(m1)(m+ 1)(mi)(m+i) = 0: The roots arem= 1;1;i. The solution to the dierential equation is

r=c1es+c2es+e0s(c3coss+c4sins))r=c1es+c2es+c3coss+c4sins:2. CalculateW(y1;y2;y3) wherey1=ex;y2=e2x;y3=e3x.



W(ex;e2x;e3x) =

e xe2xe3x (ex)0(e2x)0(e3x)0 (ex)00(e2x)00(e3x)00 e xe2xe3x e x2e2x3e3x e x4e2x9e3x =ex2e2x3e3x






=ex(18e5x12e5x)ex(9e5x4e5x) +ex(3e5x2e3x) =ex(6e5x5e5x+e5x) = 2e6x3. (a) The functiony1=x2is a solution ofx2y003xy0+4y= 0. Use the method of reduction of order to nd a second solutiony2to the dierential equation on the interval (0;1). Proof.We need to write the dierential equation in standard form by dividing through byx2: y 003x y0+4x

2y= 0 (1)

Lety2=vy1wherevis a function ofx. Sincey1=x2, theny2=x2v. We wish to plug this into the equation above, so we need to ndy02;y002using the product rule: y 2=x2v y

02= (x2)0v+x2v0= 2xv+x2v0


002= (2xv)0+ (x2v0)0= (2x)0v+ 2xv0+ (x2)0v0+x2v00= 2v+ 2xv0+ 2xv0+x2v00= 2v+ 4xv0+x2v00

Substitute these into the standard form equation (5) above:

2v+ 4xv0+x2v003x

(2xv+x2v0) +4x

2(x2v) = 0

)2v+ 4xv0+x2v006xv3xv0+ 4v= 0 )x2v00+xv0= 0 (2)

Now letw=v0, thenw=v00and (6) becomes


2w0+xw= 0)x2dwdx

=xw: This is a separable equation. Separate the variables: dww =1x dx

Integrate both sides:

Zdww =Z1x dx)lnw=lnx)lnw= ln1x

Solve forw:


But,w=v0, and so we have

v 0=1x )v=Z1x dx= lnx




(b) Show thaty1andy2form a fundamental set of solutions to the dierential equation. Solution.We need to show thatW(y1;y2)6= 0 in the interval (0;1).

W(y1;y2) =x2x2lnx

(x2)0(x2lnx)0 =x2x2lnx


=x2(2xlnx+x)2x(x2lnx) =x3

W=x3which is nonzero since we are in the interval (0;1).(c) Write the general solution of the dierential equation usingy1andy2.

Solution.The general solution to the dierential equation isy=c1y1+c2y2, which is y=c1x2+c2x2lnx:4. Use reduction of order to nd a second solutiony2to the dierential equation

4t2y00+y= 0

given thaty1=t1=2lntis a solution. Solution.Lety2=vy1=v(t1=2lnt). We need to ndy02;y002: y

02=v0(t1=2lnt) +v(t1=2lnt))0=v0(t1=2lnt) +v12

t1=2lnt+t1=2 =v0(t1=2lnt) +v t 1=212 lnt+ 1 y

002=v00(t1=2lnt) +v0(t1=2lnt)0+v0

t 1=212 lnt+ 1 +v t 1=212 lnt+ 1 0 =v00(t1=2lnt) + 2v0 t 1=212 lnt+ 1 +v 12 t3=212 lnt+ 1 +t1=212t =v00(t1=2lnt) + 2v0 t 1=212 lnt+ 1 +v 14 t3=2lnt

Now plug these into the original equation:

4t2y00+y= 4t2


00(t1=2lnt) + 2v0

t 1=212 lnt+ 1 +v 14 t3=2lnt +v(t1=2lnt) = 4v00t5=2lnt+ 8t2v0 t 1=212 lnt+ 1 t2v t3=2lnt +v(t1=2lnt) = 4v00t5=2lnt+ 8t2v0 t 1=212 lnt+ 1

Now set this equal to 0:

4v00t5=2lnt+ 8t2v0

t 1=212 lnt+ 1 = 0

Letw=v0, thenw0=v00:

4w0t5=2lnt+ 8t2w

t 1=212 lnt+ 1 = 0 4 This is a separable equation. We can rewritew0asdwdx and getw's on one side,t's on the other: 4 dwdt t5=2lnt=8t2w t 1=212 lnt+ 1 dww =2t2t1=212 lnt+ 1t


Simplify the right hand side:




Integrate both sides:

Zdww =Z 1t 2tlnt dt On the right hand side you will need to use the substitutiona= lnt;da=1t dt: lnjwj=lnjtj 2lnjlntj Now solve forw. But rst we need to combine the log terms on the right hand side: lnjwj= ln1t + ln1(lnt)2 lnjwj= ln1t(lnt)2

Take the exponential of both sides:


But,w=v0, so

v=Z1t(lnt)2dt and using the substitutiona= lnt;da=1t dt, v=Z1a





2=v2t1=2lnt=1lntt1=2lnt=t1=2:5. Suppose you are solving the equationy00+P(t)y0+Q(t)y=g(t), whereP(t) andQ(t) are constants,

using the method of undetermined coecients. Complete the table below. Assumeg(t) has no function in common with the homogeneous solutionyh. List your solutions for (a)(i). g(t)Form ofypg(t)Form ofyp3t22(a)1t2et(f) (b)Ae


6t2+ 212e2t(c)(h)At+Be

3xsin4x(d)4t(1 + 3sint)(i)

(e)(At+B)e3tSolution.(a)g(t) is a second degree polynomial, so we must guess a second degree polynomial:

y p=At2+Bt+C 5 (b)ypis an exponential function, sogmust have also been an exponential function:g= 100e5t (answers will vary) (c)g(t) is a second degree polynomial added to an exponential function, so we must guess a second degree polynomial added to an exponential function:yp=At2+Bt+C+Ee2t.

(d)g(t) is an exponential function multiplied by a sine function, so we must also guess an exponential

function multiplied by a sine function (we will also have to include a cosine function since sine and cosine come in pairs):yp=Ae3tsin4t+Be3tcos4t (e)ypis a rst degree polynomial multiplied by an exponential function, sogmust have been a rst degree polynomial multiplied by an exponential function:g= 18te3t(answers will vary)

(f)g(t) is a constant term added to a second degree polynomial multiplied by an exponential function,

so we guess the same thing:yp=A+ (Bt2+Ct+E)et

(g)g(t) is a cosine function, so we must also guess a cosine function (we will also have to include a

sine function since sine and cosine come in pairs):yp=Acos2t+Bsin2t (h)ypis a rst degree polynomial, sogmust have also been a rst degree polynomial:g=t+ 3 (answers will vary) (i) Distribute rst: g= 4t+ 12tsint gis a rst degree polynomial added to a rst degree polynomial multiplied by a sine function, so we must also guess the same thing (we will also have to include a cosine function since sine and

cosine come in pairs):yp=At+B+ (Ct+E)sint+ (Ft+G)cost6. Solve the given dierential equation using the method of undetermined coecients.


00+ 2y0= 3 + 4sin2t:

Solution.We rst nd the homogeneous solution:


00+ 2y0= 0

has the characteristic equation r

2+ 2r= 0)r(r+ 2) = 0r= 0;r=2

therefore the homogeneous solution isyh=c1+c2e2t. Now we guess a particular solution.g(t) = 3+4sin2t, which is a constant term added to a sine term. We must also guess the same thing, but we will need to include a cosine term as well since sine and cosine come in pairs: y p=A+Bsin2t+Ccos2t: Now we compare withyhto check if there are any solutions in common. Notice thatyphas a constant term in common withyh(c1), so we must multiply our constantAbyt(\bump it up") so there is no more overlap: y p=At+Bsin2t+Ccos2t: We compare again withyh, and we see there are no more solutions in common, so this is our nal guess.



0p=A+ 2Bcos2t2Csin2t




Substitute these values into our equation above:


00+ 2y0=4Bsin2t4Ccos2t+ 2(A+ 2Bcos2t2Csin2t)

=4Bsin2t4Ccos2t+ 2A+ 4Bcos2t4Csin2t

Set this equal tog(t):

4Bsin2t4Ccos2t+ 2A+ 4Bcos2t4Csin2t= 3 + 4sin2t

Set like terms equal to each other:

2A= 3

4B4C= 4

4C+ 4B= 0

The solution to this system isA=32

;B=12 ;C=12 , therefore the particular solution isyp= 32
t12 sin2t12 cos2t. The general solution isy=yh+yp: y=c1+c2e2t+32 t12 sin2t12 cos2t:7. Solve the given initial-value problem. y

00+ 4y0+ 4y= (3 +t)e2t; y(0) = 2;y0(0) = 5
