[PDF] European Respiratory Society Annual Congress 2012

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European Respiratory Society Annual Congress 2013

Service De Pneumologie, Centre National De Référence De L'Hypertension Pulmonaire Sévère, Hôpital Bicêtre, AP-HP, DHU Torino, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France and 3 Faculté De Médecine, Université Paris-Sud, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France Body: Increasing evidences support the hypothesis that immune mechanisms may play a key role in

European Respiratory Society Annual Congress 2012

Paris-Sud, Kremlin-Bicêtre, France, F-94276 ; 3 AP-HP, Centre National de Référence de l'Hypertension Pulmonaire Sévère, Service de Pneumologie et Réanimation Respiratoire, Hôpital Antoine Béclère, Clamart, France, F-92140 ; 4 INSERM UMR-S 999, Pulmonary Hypertension: Pathophysiology and Novel

Future perspectives on rare pulmonary diseases and rare

Service de pneumologie – Centre de re´fe´rence national des maladies pulmonaires rares et Centre de compe´tences de l’hypertension arte´rielle pulmonaire, Lyon, and 4Universite´ de Lyon, Universite´ Claude Bernard Lyon 1, INRA, UMR754 INRA-Vetagrosup EPHE IFR 128, Lyon, France


CONTINUITY: The 26th National Congress 2 / 11 Miercuri / Wednesday / Mercredi 04 11 2020 CANAL / CHANNEL / CANAL 1 l'hypertension pulmonaire du SRP

EDITORIAL Global effort against rare and orphan diseases

National de re´fe´rence des maladies pulmonaires rares et Centre de compe´tences de l’hypertension arte´rielle pulmonaire, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Service de pneumologie, Hoˆpital Louis Pradel, Universite ´de Lyon, Universite Claude Bernard Lyon I, INRA, UMR754 IFR 128, Lyon, and "Centre

The 2020 Annual Meeting of the Lebanese Pulmonary Society Le

Hypertension, ILDs, and many others Hot topics We are more than confident that this scientific gathering will serve as an excellent networking platform with our fellow colleagues to exchange professional experiences and insights with one another, as well as to explore possible forms of international collaborations in research and education


National Gaucher Foundation Eczema Society of Canada Pulmonary Hypertension Association of Canada Sclerodermie Québec / Canada Canadian Adult Congenital Heart Network Fondation en Coeur Edmonton Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Society (EPAHS) Fondation Hypertension Artérielle Pulmonaire Québec (HTAPQ) Unrestricted Educational


promote lung health and drive standards in respiratory medicine, in close partnership with national societies, patient organisations, and various institutions all over Europe and beyond Prof Nicolas Roche CONGRESS CO-CHAIR Prof Anh-Tuan Dinh-Xuan CONGRESS CHAIR 3

Mon anticoagulant, ma protection

Synopsis du congr s 2 Mot des pr sidents 5 Mercredi 14 juin 7 Jeudi 15 juin 17 Vendredi 16 juin 33 Communications afÞch es 43 Remerciements 62 Comit scientiÞque 63 Conseil dÕadministration 63 Agence PCO conception, r alisation programme www e-mer-gence + 33 (0) 240 867 679

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