[PDF] ISBN 978-91-7258-845-5

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Les cotutelles internationales de thèse

l‘étranger – des cotutelles internationales de thèse Elles permettent une coopération scientifique bilatérale où l’expertise de deux directeurs de recherche permet la réalisation d’un travail original par le futur docteur La cotutelle internationale constitue une forme spécifique de codirection


en place de cotutelles de thèse au sein d’Eucor 1 Terme générique pour l’ensemble de la formation doctorale (admission, rédaction de la thèse, participation à des cours, conférences, sessions de formation continue, examens)

IDEX Paris-Saclay Action Doctorale Internationale (ADI)

Pour cela, l’IDEX Paris-Saclay finance un programme de soutien aux cotutelles internationales de thèses En 2020 ce programme « ADI » sera doté d’un montant prévisionnel 1 929 k€ (les arbitrages restent à venir) Le financement pourra être utilisé pour la rémunération des

E ambassade de france au canada Service pour la science et la

cotutelles internationales de thèse Ce texte-cadre définit les conditions générales de mise en œuvre des cotutelles au niveau de l’établissement et permet d’anticiper et d’éviter les difficultés techniques et administratives auxquelles le doctorant pourrait se voir confronté Le texte-cadre garantit également aux


Unité de Recherche Développement Financier et Innov ation (Tunis) / Laboratoire d Economie d Orléans (F rance) THÈSE EN COTUTELLE INTERNATIONALE

ISBN 978-91-7258-845-5

Taxation of Foreign Business Income within the European Internal Market An analysis of the conflict between the objective of achievement of the European internal

Ecole Doctorale Gestion des Ressources Naturelles et

1 1 Avant-propos Cette partie précise les principes et les objectifs recherchés par le livre blanc Les normes de présentation de la thèse au sein de l'Ecole Doctorale Gestion des Res-

Livre blanc Ecole Doctorale Gestion des Ressources Naturelles

1 1 Avant-propos Les normes de présentation de la thèse au sein de l'Ecole Doctorale Gestion des Ressources Naturelles et Développement visent à faciliter l'accessibilité, l'évaluation et la

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Taxation of Foreign Business Income

within the European Internal Market An analysis of the con?ict between the objective of achievement of the European internal market and the principles of territoriality and worldwide taxation Taxation of Foreign Business Income within the European Internal Market

ISBN 978-91-7258-845-5

Member States' rules on the taxation of the foreign business income of companies, whether they are based on the ?scal principle of territoriality or on the principle of worldwide taxation, raise complex issues of compatibility with the law of the European Union. Areas of con?ict include particularly the taxation of foreign pro?ts, the deduction of foreign losses, the elimination of international double taxation, and the attribution of pro?ts to permanent establishments. ?e dissertation analyses these con?icts on the basis of a study of the case law of the European Court of Justice. Although this analysis provides some guidance for the taxation of companies when they carry out business activities throughout the European Union, it is concluded that the Court cannot, by itself, solve the con?ict between the taxation of business income in a cross-border context and the objective of achievement of the internal market. Jérôme Monsenego conducted this research project as part of a joint supervision agreement (convention de cotutelle internationale de thèse) between the Stockholm School of Economics and the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Jérôme by Deloitte, Ernst & Young, KPMG, Mannheimer Swartling, PwC, and

Skeppsbron Skatt.Jérôme Monsenego

Jérôme Monsenego

Taxation of Foreign Business Income

within the European Internal Market An analysis of the con?ict between the objective of achievement of the European internal market and the principles of territoriality and worldwide taxation Taxation of Foreign Business Income within the European Internal Market

ISBN 978-91-7258-845-5

Member States' rules on the taxation of the foreign business income of companies, whether they are based on the ?scal principle of territoriality or on the principle of worldwide taxation, raise complex issues of compatibility with the law of the European Union. Areas of con?ict include particularly the taxation of foreign pro?ts, the deduction of foreign losses, the elimination of international double taxation, and the attribution of pro?ts to permanent establishments. ?e dissertation analyses these con?icts on the basis of a study of the case law of the European Court of Justice. Although this analysis provides some guidance for the taxation of companies when they carry out business activities throughout the European Union, it is concluded that the Court cannot, by itself, solve the con?ict between the taxation of business income in a cross-border context and the objective of achievement of the internal market. Jérôme Monsenego conducted this research project as part of a joint supervision agreement (convention de cotutelle internationale de thèse) between the Stockholm School of Economics and the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Jérôme by Deloitte, Ernst & Young, KPMG, Mannheimer Swartling, PwC, and

Skeppsbron Skatt.Jérôme Monsenego

Jérôme Monsenego
