[PDF] Interview with Mr Mohamed Bousmaha, Wali

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Station of ASSEKREM (2710 m) Global atmosphere Watch Station of KSAR CHELLALA Arid and semi ‐ arid Zones: Station Météorologique : Poste Climatologique : Poste Pluviométrique: Station Automatique (Type Cimel): Station Automatique (Type Miria 5A) 52 m

Estimation of Barley (Hordeum Vulgare L) Crop Water

The agricultural region of Ksar-Chellala belongs to the central steppe areas of Algeria The geographical coordinates of the weather station of Ksar-Chellala, are: the latitude 35°10, longitude 2°19, Altitude is 800 m above sea level, it is 3 km far from the study area The precipitations’


Tylenchorhynchus Ksar Chellala station (1940 N/dm3) and for by way of example Pratylenchus in the same station; with a density not exceeding 440 N/dm3 Moreover, the results show that the diversity varies from one site to another and in the two sampling modes Also in Rechaigua station phytophagous nematodes are maintained at relatively low

Presentation of the Meteorological National Office of Algeria

: Station Météorologique Station of ASSEKREM (2710 m) Global atmosphere Watch Station of KSAR CHELLALA Arid and semi-arid Zones: Station Météorologique : Poste Climatologique : Poste Pluviométrique: Station Automatique (Type Cimel) : Station Automatique (Type Miria 5A) Global atmosphere Watch 52 m

Interview with Mr Mohamed Bousmaha, Wali

One university campus of Ksar Chellala; 4,000 shelter beds In addition to these infrastructures, is added the reception for the next academic year 1,000 educational seats and 500 beds as well as the launch of 6,000 beds and 8,000 educational seats • YOUTH, SPORT AND CULTURE: 17 sports complex of proximity; 04 semi Olympic swimming pools;

Contribution à l’Etude du Vent en Rapport avec l’Erosion

Station Longitude Latitude Altitude Période Ain Oussera 02°3l'E 35°33'N 649m 1985-1995 Djelfa 03°15'E 34°41’N 1144m 1981-1990 Ksar-El-Chellala 02°19E 35°10’N 800m 1990-1997 Au sol trois stations de mesure, situées dans les trois villes précitées mesurent les vitesses moyennes et

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