[PDF] D12313 Title of deliverable Biochemical and nutritional

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Serum vitamin C determination Serum vitamin C level was determined in the deproteinised serum by a titrimetric method based on the reduction of 2,6-dichlorophenol-indolphenol (DCPIP) by ascorbic acid (Boyer, 1986) Vitamin C concentration was estimated by comparing with ascorbic acid standards Statistical analysis

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Vitamin C (also known as ascorbic acid, HC 6 H 7 O 6) is a necessary ingredient in the human diet A deficiency of Vitamin C leads to the disease scurvy, at one time commonly occurring during long sea voyages British sailors combatted scurvy by carrying limes, rich in Vitamin C, on their voyages, thus engendering the name “limey ”

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Jun 06, 2017 · Vitamin – C content was measured by 2, 6-dichlorophenolindophenol method A blue substance called 2, 6-dichlorophenolindophenol (or DCPIP for short) acts as an indicator It changes from blue to red with acids but loses its colour in the presence of certain chemicals, one of which is ascorbic acid (vitamin C) DCPIP

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D12313 Title of deliverable Biochemical and nutritional

Dosage volumétrique par le 2,6-dichlorophénol-indophénol, qui sert également d’indicateur coloré SOPS Groupe 3‐ Vitamine C doc: 2 Nutrional factors: Vitam; in C * * * R: P: P RCIRAD: La vitamine C est extraite de l’échantillon à analyser en utilisant une solution d’acide métaphosphorique dont le: SOP Groupe 3‐ Vitamine C HPLC doc

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Vitamin C tablets Twenty tablets of vitamin C were weighed and ground into a fine powder An accurately weighed powder equivalent to 100 mg of the active component was transferred into a 100 mL standard flask and dissolved in doubly distilled water and the mixture was shaken thoroughly for 20 min

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African Food Tradition rEvisited by Research

FP7 n°245025

Start date of project: 01/09/2010

Duration: 45 months

Deliverable number : D.

Title of deliverable: Biochemical and nutritional analysis for Group 3

Deliverable type (

Report, Prototype, Demonstration, Other): Report

Dissemination level (PU, PP, RE, CO)*: PU

Contractual date of delivery: February 2011

Actual date of delivery: October 2011

Work-package contributing to the deliverable: WP1

Organisation name of lead contractor for this deliverable: CIRAD


are indicated on the appropriate SOPs.

This document has been send to :

The coordinator by WP Leader Date: September 2011 To the Commission by the Coordinator Date: October 2011

* PU: Public; PP: Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services); RE:

Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services); CO: Confidential, only

for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services)

AFTER (G.A n°245025) - Deliverable .

Title of deliverable: Biochemical and nutritional analysis for Group 3 Methodology for the development of SOPs for this deliverable. This deliverable consists of several SOPs. SOPs related to Biochemical and nutritional analysis for one Group of product.

The SOP's come from four sources:

1. The literature by searching the analysis method for similar components we

want to determine in the African fermented and functional products. In this case several articles are combined according to their precisions.

2. Standards from the international Organization Standardization (ISO) or AACC

the International Approved methods. In this case, the method is used like that or after minor modifications. And the modifications are then precised in the document, with the ISO or AACC joined in the annex. To be in agreement with intellectual property rules the project coordination purchased and distributed to partners all the standards referenced in SOP

3. The SOP's can come from the laboratory that developed the methods for the

specific analysis. 4. Case of the kit enzymatic method developed by the vendors of the kit materials. After writing, the SOP's are approved by the Work Package Leader (WPL) related to the group of product concerned (Group 1: WP2; Group 2: WP3; Group 3: WP4).

The WPL is in charge to se

nd the SOP's to the concerned partners for validation. Each partner, according to his laboratory facilities, validates the method and informs one of the following alternatives in his laboratory: R - The laboratory makes the analysis in routine (= R codification in the table joined)

P - The laboratory is able to ma

ke this analysis (= possible P) B - The laboratory can make the analysis after buying equipment (= B) I - The laboratory can't make the analysis ( I= impossible or sub-contracting). The WPL decides the end of the validation step. He accepts the final SOP version. He completes the table with the last revision date. tapospor (MPA)





S (R=routine; P=possible ; B=After buying equipment ;

I=impossible or sub-contracting)


t yp e istic Chara cter Bis sap B aobabJujube UCAD ENSAICVG CIRAD MéthodePrincipeSource Deliverable Biochemical aand nutritional analysis

1 Nutrional

factorsVitamin C***RPPRUCADDosage volumétrique par le 2,6- dichlorophénol-indophénol, qui sert également d'indicateur coloré.



2 Nutrional

factorsVitamin C***RPPRCIRAD

La vitamine C est extraite de

l'échantillon à analyser en utilisant une solution d'acide métaphosphorique (MPA) dont le SOP





m h h i que d ont l e rôle est également de ralentir l'oxydation de la vitamine C à l'air. Ensuite une solution réductrice tris(2- carboxyéthyl)phosphine hydrochloride (TCEP) est utilisée pour transformer l'acide L(+)- déshydroascorbique (DHAA) en acide L(+)-ascorbique. Folin

3 Nutrional

factorsFree a acidsmino ***BIIRCIRADLes acides aminés libres sont extraits par un tampon citrate (pH 2.2) en présence d'un standard interne (norleucine). Ils sont analysés par HPLC en utilisant une résine d'échange cationique. Des tampons de différents pH ainsi qu'un gradient de température (four à effet

Peltier) permettent de séparer

les différents acides aminés. SOP




aminés libres.doc

4 Nutrional

factorsTotal amino

acidsLes protéines sont hydrolysées à l'aide d'acide Méthane sulfoxide 4N à 150°C pendant 2h.





aminés totaux.doc

5 Biochemic

characterial sticsPolyp totauxhénols ***PPR R CIRAD A près extraction des polyphénols

à l'acétone/eau, les polyphènols

sont dosés par la méthode de Folin SOP





6 Biochemic

characterial sticsAntho totauxcyanes ***PPPRCIRADLe principe est basé sur la modification de la coloration des anthocyanes en fonction du pH.




7 Biochemic

characterial sticsCapac antiox (DPPHité ydante ) ***BPPRENSAI La méthode est basée sur la dégradation du radical DPPH

Un antioxydant aura la capacité

de donner un électron singulet au radical synthétique DPPH de coloration violette pour le stabiliser en DPPH de coloration jaune-verte. La mesure de la décroissance de coloration violette au cours du temps permet de déterminer la EC 50
temps au bout duquel 50% de coloration est perdue.



8 Biochemic

characterial sticsCapacantiox(FRAPité ydante ) ***BPPRENSA

I Ce test repose sur la capacité

que possède une solution antioxydante à réduire le complexe ferrique- tripyridyltriazine (Fe 3+ -TPTZ) en cation ferre trip rid ltria ine



cation f erreux tripyridyltriazine ([Fe(II)(TPTZ) 2 2+ , qui absorbe dans le spectre UV à 593 nm.

9 Biochemic

characterial sticsCapac antiox (ORAité ydante

C) ***III R CIRADLa mesure du pouvoir

antioxydant par la méthode

ORAC (Oxygen Radical

Absorbance Capacity) est basée

sur la détection de la chute de fluorescence de la fluorescéine (FL), due à sa réaction avec le une matrice alimentaire contenant des composés antioxydants. SOP




10 Biochemic

characterial sticsComp d'arômosés e***III R CIRADPiégeage des composés volatils

émis, après génération d'un

espace de tête contrôlé, sur une fibre SPME. Injection, séparation et analyse sur un système CG-

SM, avec semi quantification

grâce à un étalonnage interne.




African Food Tradition rEvisited by Research

FP7 n°245025 Deliverable D. SOP for biochemical and nutritional analysis for Group 3 Procédure pour la détermination de la vitamine C dans les fruits, légumes et produits dérivés SOP : Nutri-ExtPlantes-01-fr Date de creation: 15/06/2011 Révision: 1, CISSE, 27/10/2011

Ecrit par : Ale KANE

Pour plus d'information sur ce SOP, contactez :

Mady CISSE (macisse73@hotmail.com) / WP4 Leader

Ce document a été approuvé par :

Partenaire Noms des personnes l'ayant approuvé Date







Page 1 sur 4

Dosage de la vitamine C

SOP : Bioch-ExtPlantes-01

Date de creation: 15/06/2011 Révision : 1, CISSE, 27/10/2011

AFTER - FP7 n°245025 - Deliverable D.

SOP : Bioch-ExtPlantes-01 Page 2 sur 7

Table des matières

1Domaine et application .......................................................... 3

2Références .......................................................

...................... 3

3Définitions .........................................................

..................... 3quotesdbs_dbs5.pdfusesText_9