[PDF] Assessment for Mission Service of Individual Police Officers

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United Nations S Security Council Distr: General

United Nations S/RES/2242 (2015) Security Council Distr : General 13 October 2015 Resolution 2242 (2015) 15-17716 (E) *1517716* Adopted by the Security Council at its 7533rd meeting, on 13 October 2015 The Security Council, Reaffirming its commitment to the continuing and full implementation, in a

UN Security Council Resolution 2242

UN Security Council Resolution 2242 Since the passage of UNSCR 1325 in October 2000, the UN Security Council has adopted seven additional resolutions related to women’s inclusion in peace and security The latest of these is UNSCR 2242, adopted in October 2015 to recognize and address obstacles to implementation of UNSCR 1325

Security Council Unanimously Adopts Resolution 2242 (2015) to

Through resolution 2242 (2015), adopted unanimously ahead of a high-level open debate on the topic, the Council decided to integrate women, peace and security concerns across all country

Women Transforming Peace in Peacekeeping Contexts

3 UN Security Council (October 13, 2015), Resolution 2242: Women and peace and security, S/RES/2242 (2015) 4 UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations, UN Department of Field Support (2018), Gender Responsive United Nations Peacekeeping Operations

United Nations S Security Council Distr: General

Recalling resolution 2242 (2015) and its request that Secretary-General initiate, in collaboration with Member States, a strategy to double the number of women in military and police contingents of United Nations peacekeeping operations by 2020 and further requests that this strategy ensure the full, effective and meaningful

United Nations S Security Council Distr: General

and Security as expressed in resolution 2242 (2015) to facilitate a more systematic approach to Women, Peace and Security within its own work and enable greater oversight and coordination of implementation efforts; and acknowledges UN Women’s important role in this regard; 8 Encourages regional organizations to consider convening meetings in the

United Nations S Security Council Distr: General

recalling resolution 2242 (2015) and its aspiration to double the number of women in military and police contingents of United Nations peacekeeping operations by 2020, S/RES/2429 (2018)

Gender Equality in Peacekeeping Operations

• Security Council resolution 2122 (2013) Affirms an “integrated approach” to sustainable peace • Security Council resolution 2242 (2015) Strategies and resources regarding the implementation of the WPS Agenda • Security Council resolution 2467 (2019) enhancing support for survivors and civil society

Assessment for Mission Service of Individual Police Officers

6 Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) and other issuances recognize the importance of women’s participation in peacekeeping operations Security Council resolution 2242 (2015) calls for the doubling of the number of uniformed women personnel by 2020 Building on the Secretary-General’s System-Wide Strategy on Gender Parity, DPO

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