[PDF] United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) on

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United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) on

VI Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000): Achievements and Challenges 62 1 UN Initiatives for Peace in Africa 63 2 The African Union and the Commitment to Gender, Peace and Security

Resolution 1325 - Security Council Report

United Nations S/RES/1325 (2000) Security Council Distr : General 31 October 2000 00-72018 (E) ````` Resolution 1325 (2000) Adopted by the Security Council at its 4213th meeting, on 31 October 2000 The Security Council, Recalling its resolutions 1261 (1999) of 25 August 1999, 1265 (1999) of 17

Annotated Security Council resolution 1325

SECURITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 1325 ANNOTATED AND EXPLAINED The text: Recalling its resolutions 1261 (1999) of 25 August 1999, 1265 (1999) of 17 September 1999, 1296 (2000) of 19 April 2000 and 1314 (2000) of 11 August 2000, as well as relevant statements of its President and recalling also the

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women

Resolution 1325 (hereafter UNSCR 1325) through monitoring and evaluating the evolution of the status of women in the armed forces of NATO member states from 1999 to 2013 A final goal of the project is to provide recommendations and best practices with a view to improving the status of women in the armed forces

Nations Unies S Conseil de sécurité - United Nations

Nations Unies S/RES/1325 (2000) Conseil de sécurité Distr générale 31 octobre 2000 00-72019 (F) ````` Résolution 1325 (2000) Adoptée par le Conseil de sécurité à sa 4213e séance,

Women in Peace and Security through United Nations Security

Resolution 1325: Literature Review, Content Analysis of National Action Plans, and Implementation Barbara Miller, Milad Pournik, and Aisling Swaine IGIS WP 13/GGP WP 09 May 2014 Institute for Global and International Studies 1957 E Street NW, Suite 501 The Elliott School of International Affairs The George Washington University

National Action Plan for the Implementation of UNSCR 1325 and

UN Resolution 1325 is dedicated entirely to the link that exists between armed conflict, peace building and the gender dimension and builds on the Convention on Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), the Beijing Platform for Action, the Windhoek Declaration

The Norwegian Government’s Action Plan for the Implementation

Resolution 1325 recognises the need for women to participate on equal terms with men, at all levels and in all roles, to promote peace and security The responsibility for implementing Resolution 1325 rests largely with UN Member States, through measures at national level, through contributions to the UN’s efforts to promote peace and


Apr 06, 2010 · Resolution 1325 didn’t call on governments to merely acknowledge women’s vital contributions—it charged them to act The mismatch between the promise and reality of Resolution 1325 is what led Inclusive Security to launch its National Action Plan Initiative in 2012

La mise en œuvre de la Résolution 1325 dans les États arabes

thématiue su la mise en œuve de la ésolution 1325 et mis à disposition su la plate-forme iKNOW Politics En outre, ces réponses seront également utilisées comme références supplémentaire pour de futures formations sur la résolution 1325 dans la région arabe I L’Avancement de l’agenda sur les femmes, la paix et la sécurité

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United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) on Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women (OSAGI)

Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA)

Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) on Women, Peace and Security Understanding the Implications, Fulfilling the Obligations

Prepared by:

Françoise Nduwimana

Office of the Special Adviser on Ge

nder Issues and Advancement of Women

Department of Economic and Social Affairs

United Nations, Room DC2-1220, 2 UN Plaza

New York, NY 10017, USA

Fax No.: 1-212-963-1802

E-mail: osagi@un.org

Web site: http://www.un.org/womenwatch

The views expressed in this document are those of the consultant and do not necessarily represent the views of the United Nations 1

Acronyms and Abbreviations

ACCORD: African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes ACMC: African Civil Military Coordination Programme

AMIB: African Mission in Burundi

AMIS: African Mission in Sudan

BCPR: Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery

BINUB: United Nations Integr

ated Office in Burundi CAFOB: Collectif des associations et ONG féminines du Burundi

CAP: Consolidated Appeals Process

CEDEW: Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women

CIVPOL: United Nations Civilian Police

DDR: Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration DDRR: Disarmament, Demobilization, Repatriation, Resettlement and Reintegration

DPKO: Department of Peacekeeping Operations

ECCAS: Economic Community of Central African States ECOMOG: Economic Community of West African States Military Observation Group ECOSOC: United Nations Economic and Social Council

ECOWAS: Economic Community of West African States

EMP: Peacekeeping School

FAS: Femmes Africa Solidarité

ICTR: International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda

IGAD: Inter-governmental Authority on Development

JAM: Joint Assessment Mission

KAIPTC: Koffi Annan International Peacekeeping Centre

LRA: Lord's Resistance Army

MARWONET: Mano River Un

ion Women's Network MDRP: Multi-country Demobilization and Reintegration Programme MINUAR: United Nations Assistance Mission to Rwanda MINURCAT: United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad MINURSO: United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara MONUC: United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo

NEPAD: New Partnership for Africa's Development

NGO: Non-governmental organization

OCHA: Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

OECD: Organisation for Economic

Co-operation and Development

ONUB: United Nations Operations in Burundi

ONUCI: United Nations Operations in Côte d'Ivoire PAIF: Promotion et Appui aux Initiatives Féminines

RDC: Democratic Republic of the Congo

SADEC: Southern African Development and Economic Community

SCSL: Special Court for Sierra Leone

SWAN: Sudanese Women's Association in Nairobi

TRC: Truth and Reconciliation Commission

UN: United Nations

UNAIDS: The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS 2 UNAMID: African Union/United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur

UNAMSIL: United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone

UNDP: United Nations Development Programme

UNFPA: United Nations Population Fund

UNHCR: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

UNICEF: United Nations Children's Fund

UNIFEM: United Nations Development Fund for Women

UNITAR: United Nations Institute for Training and Research UNMEE: United Nations Missions in Ethiopia and Eritrea

UNMIL: United Nations Mission in Liberia

UNMIS: United Nations Mission in Sudan

WHO: World Health Organization


Table of Contents

Acronyms and Abbreviations 2

Table of contents 4

I. Introduction 7
