[PDF] Resource-Centered Human Development Model: A Conceptual

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Leadership Requirements for School Principals: Similarities

which can be defined as an ability, a useful skill for successful functioning or to perform a task (Le Boterf, 2010; Legendre, 2005) Overall, two types of competencies (point 2, Figure 1) are associated with the roles and responsibilities of school principal First, there are the competencies associated with tasks that

education policy analysis archives

2010), the standard provides a common, reliable and shared information on which to base the development of competencies to be a school principal (Lecoeur, 2008) Le Boterf (2000), considers that a competency standard offers the possibility of developing individuals professionally because it

Assessment of the Professional Skills of Student Inspectors

formatted evaluation (Le Boterf, 2010) In addition, it is possible to assess the quality of training through the evaluation of individuals who have benefited from these programmes

The challenges of competence-based assessment in the

faced As pointed out by Le Boterf (2010), it is the situation what determines a contextualized response From this idea, the direction of the competence acts from the analysis (singular and plural) with the purpose of using the adequate resources (knowledge) according to the diagnosed need In short, this perspective on competences

Resource-Centered Human Development Model: A Conceptual

factors identified by Le Boterf (2002): knowing how to act, the will to act, and the power to act Knowing how to act (which is, for Le Boterf, an essential characteristic of autonomy) refers “to knowing how to combine and mobilize relevant resources” The will to act encompasses

Guy Le Boterf Professionnaliser

Guy Le Boterf est le créateur de l’approche de la compétence ©Savoir agir 2004, 2006, 2010, 2013, 2015 • Transmettre en éducation,

Competence and Competency: Core Concepts for International

know-acting (Lasnier, 2000; Le Boterf, 2000), or problem solving, and followed by enactment Competency is viewed as an integrative concept because it considers, at the same time, the relevant intellectual content, the activities to be conducted at a specified level of perfor-mance, and the situations in which those activities are to

Repenser la compétence - fnac-staticcom

Guy Le Boterf REPENSER LA COMPÉTENCE Pour dépasser les idées reçues : quinze propositions Deuxième édition texte (p1-144) indd 3 20/08/10 9:33:53

Gérer la formation – Viser le transfert

et à le maintenir; Il nécessite dans certains cas un processus de particularisation qui permet de distinguer ce qui s’applique ou non à un contexte précis dans une logique d’adaptation (Le Boterf, 2010; Huang et al , 2016) Plus d’un type de transfert 10

Capacités dynamiques et innovation : les apports d’un modèle

on n’élucide pas le mystère) de ressources propres et de l’environnement (Le Boterf, 1999) De la même manière, la question de l’articulation entre compétences individuelles et

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