[PDF] De la logistique au supply chain management (SCM)

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Fundamentals of Supply Chain Management

Fundamentals of Supply Chain Management 8 Introduction 1ntroduction I 1 1hy Supply Chain Management W A supply chain is basically a group of independent organisations connected together through the products and services that they separately and/or jointly add value on in order to deliver them to the end consumer It is very much an extended


Le supply chain management est devenu un thème très courant Le moteur de recherche Google trouve plus de 25 millions de pages Web contenant le terme supply chain management Tous les grands groupes industriels ont mis en place une fonction supply chain management Mais quelle est la définition du supply chain management


PRATIquE Du suPPly CHAIn mAnAgEmEnT Au cours de la lecture de cet ouvrage, vous serez invité à consulter les outils du livre Pratiquedu supply chain management (Dunod, 2014), qui reprend de manière claire et pratique l’ensemble des outils utiles à l’amélioration de la performance supply chain Les outils qui y sont présentés


The definition of “supply chain” seems to be more common across authors than the definition of “supply chain management” (Cooper and Ellram 1993; La Londe and Masters 1994; Lambert, Stock, and Ellram 1998) La Londe and Masters proposed that a supply chain is a set of firms that pass mate-rials forward

Lectures in Supply-Chain Optimization

Introduction to Supply-Chain Optimization 1 OVERVIEW Supply Chains The supply chains of large corporations involve hundreds of facilities (retail-ers, distributors, plants and suppliers) that are globally distributed and involve thousands of parts and products As one example, one auto manufacturer has 12 thousand suppliers, 70 plants,


supply chain 3 1 1 Définitions des logistiques 4 1 2 Le paradigme de la supply chain 5 1 3 Flux de produits et réseaux à valeur ajoutée 13 1 4 Techniques d’analyse des flux de produits 22 1 5 Urbanismes logistiques 27 1 6 Les principes logistiques de base au sein des réseaux 41 1 7 Les fonctions logistiques et de management de supply chain

De la logistique au supply chain management (SCM)

De la logistique d’entreprise au supply chain management (SCM) Page 5 Joëlle Morana pour e-theque Figure 1 Une représentation du supply chain management (selon Mentzer et al , 2001) ½ ¾ Satisfaction du client / Valeur / Profitabilité / Avantage compétitif Flux de la chaîne d’approvisionne ment

Lean Supply Chain Management Principles and Practices

Oct 03, 2005 · Lean Supply Chain Management Learning Points • Lean supply chain management represents a new way of thinking about supplier networks • Lean principles require cooperative supplier relationships while balancing cooperation and competition • Cooperation involves a spectrum of collaborative relationships & coordination mechanisms


in operations management • A little more than half of the respondents are managers involved with team or functional management Twenty percent of respondents are directors and in charge of department-level or middle management • Forty-six percent of respondents indicate the head of supply chain planning as the official “owner” of the S&OP

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