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ABLATIVE ABSOLUTE - thelatinlibrarycom

ABLATIVE ABSOLUTE One of the most common uses of present and perfect participles in Latin is a construction called the Ablative Absolute The ablatives of a participle and a noun (or pronoun) are used to form a substitute for a subordinate clause defining the circumstances or situation in which the action of the main verb occurs

The Ablative Absolute Construction

The Ablative Absolute Construction The Ablative Absoluteis a special use of the participial phrase, and is the most efficient example of abbreviation of subordinate clauses by the use of participles The term absolute means that the phrase is grammatically set apart from the main clause; in other words, the participle does not modify any noun


THE ABLATIVE ABSOLUTE FORMATION: 1 The ABLATIVE ABSOLUTE is composed of two major elements that make up a phrase or independent clause a a NOUN (or PRON ) + PARTICIPLE in the ABLATIVE case b a NOUN (or PRON ) + a NOUN (or PRONOUN) in the ABLATIVE case 2 The Ablative Absolute is not grammatically related to any other word in the main clause

Ablative Absolute; Passive Periphrastic; Dative

As seen in the following examples, even two nouns, or a noun and an adjective, can function as an ablative absolute, with the present participle of sum (lacking in classical Latin) to be understood: Caesare duee, nihil timebimus Caesar being the c0l1ll11andel; Under Caesar's command, With Caesar in command,

CHAPTER 24 Ablative Absolute; Passive Periphrastic; The

So recognizing that an Ablative Absolute clause in a Latin sentence and plugging in the "with" to bring it into English is only the first step in translation Next you must "promote" the participial clause into a subordinate clause with a finite verb (a verb with

L’ablatif absolu - WordPresscom

a) Encadre la subordonnée qui serait un ablatif absolu en latin, donc le complément de phrase b) Souligne en rouge le participe c) Indique s’il s’agit d’une simultanéité ou d’une antériorité par rapport à l’action principale d) Note si le latin choisirait alors un part parfait passif ou un part présent actif

Latin III: Ablative Absolutes – Worksheet I

Latin III: Ablative Absolutes – Worksheet I Change each of the following sentences to an ablative absolute phrase 3 pts each, 15 total Example: Independent Clause (A complete sentence in Latin as it would be in English) Ablative Absolute Phrase (equivalent of a dependent, adverbial clause in English) Puer vīsus est (The boy was seen )


CAPUT XXIV: WORKSHEET for ABLATIVE ABSOLUTE R A LaFleur (rev January 25, 2006) 1 DEFINITION : A participial phr ase containing a noun/pr onoun and a participle in the ablative case and describing an action related to the action of the main clause Unlike other participial

LATIN 4 Leçon n° Lablatif absolu I°) Définition: un

LATIN 4 Leçon n° L'ablatif absolu I°) Définition: L'ablatif absolu est une proposition participiale composée d'un participe à l'ablatif et d'un nom ou pronom à l'ablatif Le participe est le verbe de la proposition Le nom ou le pronom est le sujet de ce verbe

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