[PDF] What we offer Why exposé? - Exposé : Data Exposed

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Mon exposé sur l Australie

Mon exposé sur l’Australie Mon exposé parle de l'Australie J’aime l'Australie car il y a beaucoup d’animaux et j’aimerais bien aller là-bas plus grande En Australie, on parle Anglais L'Australie a été découvert par le lieutenant de la Royal Navy James Cook en 1770


AN EXPOSÉ OF AUSTRALIA’S CHICKEN FACTORIES VOICELESS LIMITED 2 Paddington Street, Paddington NSW 2021 Australia Telephone: + 612 9357 0723 Fax: + 612 9357 0711

What we offer Why exposé? - Exposé : Data Exposed

exposé gives you a 360° vantage point for your organisation Headquartered in South Australia, but working nationally, exposé is a data and analytics consulting firm delivering business focussed outcomes for clients; not technology-first solutions Our Digital Marketing Services About exposé: Data Exposed We’re about Business, not Technology

Local Government Visualisation Proof of Concept Package - Exposé

About exposé: Data Exposed exposé gives you a 360° vantage point for your organisation Headquartered in South Australia, but working nationally, exposé is a data and analytics consulting firm delivering business focussed outcomes for clients: not technology-first solutions We’re about Business, not technology


Australia The exposé titled ‘Who Cares?’ depicted terrible abuse and neglect of residents at more than one facility in Australia In a time of increased sanctions, non-compliance notices and growing public awareness, the exposé prompted rapid response from the Federal Government and a Royal


Viral Exposé COVID-19 has hit Australia’s 37 public universities particularly hard With the inflow of international students cut dramatically, campuses are mothballed, and teaching has switched abruptly to on-line only mode The business model that has underwritten the sector’s expansion for more than two decades – a model that relied

Creature of Circumstance: Australia’s Pavilion at Expo ’70

Australia was a major supplier of the raw materials that drove Japan’s extraordinary post- war development 15 The strengthening relationship with Japan reflected growing Australian interest in engaging Asia through diplomacy, economic and technical

Australian Public Opinions Regarding the Live Export Trade

Australia, were surveyed just before and after an exposé of cruelty to sheep on board ships destined for the Middle East in 2017 More respondents had negative than positive attitudes towards the


May 15, 2018 · 1 5 First, Australia is alone in contesting the jurisdiction of the Court to give the requested Advisory Opinion Every other State (including the administering power) and the African Union are in agreement that there is no bar to the Court’s jurisdiction in respect of the matters raised by the request

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RETAIL Data Exposed

A retail focused capability within

exposé, providing actionable insight accompanied by meaningful visualisations and predictive analytics to the retail industry. We are a commercially focused analytics company committed to delivering data analysis.

We have a dedicated Retail capability

that understands the challenges retailers face and a team of experienced

Business Intelligence and Data Analytics

Consultants to support this.

We understand Retail data segmentation

and offer access to external/open data sources to make your segmentations relevant

We have a team of Data Scientists who

algorithms to ensure you have the fastest

ROI possible

We have extensive predictive analytics

experience to assist you with using historical data to predict the future

We offer a support model that will offer

your business cost-effective actionable insights fast Real-time Shop Floor Analytics

Customer Analysis (Conversion Rate and

Segmentation), Product Performance (Basket Size /

Composition, Range and Optimisation), Full Range

of Operational Metrics

Predictive analytics

Smart Product Reordering, Smart Direct Marketing (propensity to purchases), Product and Customer

Clustering, Customer Churn Disruption Model


Including integrated datasets, reports and

dashboards on any device.


End-to-end data analytics architecture.

Cognitive Analytics

Including behavioural recommendations, emotion,

facial and movement analysis.Data Platform

Including data ingestion (steam and batch),

storage, modelling and large computational workloads.

Technical and Thought Leadership

At the forefront of data analytics related advances, helping our customers traverse this complex landscape.

What we offer

Why exposé?

Kelly Drewett, Head of Sales, Marketing

and Partnerships

E: Kelly.drewett@exposedata.com.au

M: +61 (0)405 816 133

Etienne Oosthuysen, Head of Technology

and Solutions

E: Etienne.oosthuysen@exposedata.com.au

M: +61 (0)415 177 340

Silvano Tittoto, Retail Capability Lead

E: silvano.tittoto@exposedata.com.au

M: +61 (0)414 945 143

A: Level 9, 108 King William Street,

Adelaide SA 5000

W: www.exposedata.com.au


Want to know more?

In this day and age there is greater access to

data than ever before. Our customers have to derive quality insights from this data to assist them with:

Increasing their market share

Improving customer retention

Increasing performance for both

themselves and their customers exposé gives you a 360° vantage point for your organisation.

Headquartered in South Australia, but working

nationally, exposé is a data and analytics