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its own game For Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs, the cofounders of Apple Computer, the battlefield was business and the weapon of choice was the personal computer The personal computer revolution was beginning to brew when Wozniak built the Apple I Just starting to gain attention, the tech-nology was primarily seen as a tool for business

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The Ontario Public Service endeavours to demonstrate leadership with respect to accessibility in Ontario Our goal is to ensure that Ontario government services, products, and facilities are

Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice

Key Points 46 Discussion Points 46 References 46 3 KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT MODELS 47 Learning Objectives 47 Introduction 48 Major Theoretical KM Models 49 The von Krogh and Roos Model of Organizational

Linux System Programming - IGM

Overview This book is about writing software that makes the most effective use of the system you're running on -- code that interfaces directly with the kernel and core system libraries, including

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Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial v2

functions Finally, book covers various sys admin related scripts such as making a backup, using cron jobs, writing interactive tools, web based tools, remote login, ftp and database backup related scripts This book is intended for Linux system administrators or students who have mastered the basics of a Linux Operating System You should be

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