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Hegel, Encyclopédie des sciences philosophiques I - Science

Hegel, Encyclopédie des sciences philosophiques – Science de la logique Hegel, Encyclopédie des sciences philosophiques – Science de la logique

Philosopher Networking Assignment

Name of Philosopher: George Hegel Dates of Birth and Death : August 27, 1770 to November 14, 1831 Name of Publication (s) : Phenomenology of Spirit, The Science of Logic, Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences, Elements of the Philosophy of Right Synopsis of Philosophy and Ideas: Believed that the basis of individual rights lie in property


Philosophiques (Journal of the Society for Philosophy of Québec), co-editor with Charlotte Sabourin, Special Issue: Les nouveaux horizons du féminisme dans la philosophie francophone (New Horizons for Feminism in Francophone Philosophy), December, 2017

0 Filosofia Contemporanea

Diff”rence des syst‘mes philosophiques de Fichte et de Schelling Foi et savoir, Ed Ophrys, Paris, 1964 Encyclop”die des Sciences Philosophiques en abr”g”, Gallimard, Paris, 1970 Encyclop”die des Sciences Philosophiques, I — La Science de la Logique, e III — Phi-losophie de lÕEsprit, Vrin, Paris, 1970 e 1988

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AP European History

Philosopher Networking Assignment

Name of Philosopher: Francis Bacon

Dates of Birth and Death: January 1561 to April 1626

Name of Publication (s):

The Advancement of Learning, New Atlantis, Of the Colours of Good and Evil, A Device of England, The New Organon

Synopsis of Philosophy and Ideas:

He believed in uncovering the truth, serving his country (early form of nationalism) and serving the church. He was liberal and wanted to reform England. Wanted to simplify the law, opposed dictatorial powers and bribes. Spoke against religious persecution and wanted equality in that respect. He developed inductive reasoning which means the thinker must go beyond the information to make mental connections.

Impact of Ideas on European History:

Inductive reasoning helped scientific advances in Europe. This helped make Europe one of the most scientifically advanced part of the world.

Name of Philosopher: Edmund Burke

Dates of Birth and Death : January, 12 1729 to July, 9 1797

Name of Publication (s):

A Vindication of Natural Society, Reflections on the Revolution in France, Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents.

Synopsis of Philosophy and Ideas:

Believed that beauty consists of obscurity and suggestive thinking rather than intellectual clarity. Member of the Whig Party. He supported the American revolution but opposed the French Revolution. Took a role in the debate over constitutional limits to executive authority to the King. Wanted the people to have more of a say in government to decide what was libel.

Impact of Ideas on European History:

Had a bug impact on the French Revolution and the response of the British government to the revolution

Name of Philosopher: FREDRICH NIETZCHE

Dates of Birth and Death : October 15, 1844 to August 25 1900

Name of Publication (s):

The Birth of Tragedy, Human, All Too Human, Beyond Good and Evil, The Antichrist

Synopsis of Philosophy and Ideas:

-semitism. Arsitocracy helped set the stage for his belief of good and evil instead of good and bad and morality. Developed Nihilism which focuses on the death of God. Claims that there is a loss of meaning in the world and that with the death of God comes the loss of any truth. He also believed that humans love power and will do anything to be in power of other humans. But those that crave power are, in truth, weak.

Impact of Ideas on European History:

Nihilism is present in many European pieces of literature. His beliefs were lectured in many colleges and universities throughout Europe.

Name of Philosopher: George Hegel

Dates of Birth and Death : August 27, 1770 to November 14, 1831

Name of Publication (s):

Phenomenology of Spirit, The Science of Logic, Encyclopedia of the Philosophical

Sciences, Elements of the Philosophy of Right

Synopsis of Philosophy and Ideas:

Believed that the basis of individual rights lie in property. Economy should be free

Impact of Ideas on European History:

Name of Philosopher: Jean Jacques Rousseau

Dates of Birth and Death : June, 28 1712 to July, 2 1778

Name of Publication (s):

Discourse on the Sciences and Arts (1750), Discourse on the Origin and Foundations of Inequality (1755), Discourse on the Political Economy (1755), The Social Contract (1762)

Synopsis of Philosophy and Ideas:

Focused on the importance of freedom. A good government must give citizens individual freedom. He also expressed the dangers of needs and that there is a line between want and need. Men become slaves to their needs. He said that inequality is unnatural and can be remedied.

Impact of Ideas on European History:

He was one of the first people to inspire communism and socalism and his works inspired governments in Europe.

Name of Philosopher: John Stuart Mill

Dates of Birth and Death : May, 20 1806 to May, 8 1873

Name of Publication (s):

Two Letters on the Measure of Value, Questions of Population, War Expenditure, The Spirit of the Age, Civilization, Claims of Labour, Centralisation, Utilitarianism, The

Subjection of Women, On Social Freedom

Synopsis of Philosophy and Ideas:

achievements should be counted as part of their happiness. Believed heavily in utilitarianism. He said that rights exist for human happiness.

Impact of Ideas on European History:

His ideas have had influences on popular psychologists of where happiness comes from, like Wilhelm Wundt of Germany,

Name of Philosopher: Louis Blanc

Dates of Birth and Death : October 29, 1811 to December 6 1882

Name of Publication (s):

The Organization of Labor (1839)

Synopsis of Philosophy and Ideas:

He was a utopian socialist. He believed that competitive capitalism was bad for human growth. He wanted everyone to have work and highly believed in socialism.

Impact of Ideas on European History:

His ideas have had a big impact on socialism today in France. His important works have paved the way for socialism.

Name of Philosopher: Niccolo Macchiavelli

Dates of Birth and Death : May 3 1469 to June 21 1527

Name of Publication (s):

The Prince (1513), Discourse on Livy (1517), Art of War (1520), Reform of Florence (1520)

Synopsis of Philosophy and Ideas:

He believes that a strong army is key to a strong government and that the state cannot labor cannot be trusted. He believes that the reputation of the ruler is one of the most important aspects to ruling. A ruler who is respected will not probably face treason or methods of ruling. He also believed in a wise and intelligent council to help the ruler be successful. He also said that a ruler must follow his own advice.

Impact of Ideas on European History:

he wrote it. He paved the way for many successful rulers.

Name of Philosopher: Rene Descartes

Dates of Birth and Death : March 31 1596 to Feb 11 1650

Name of Publication (s):

Discourse on the Method (1637), Principles of Philosophy (1644)

Synopsis of Philosophy and Ideas:

He believes in the existence of God and that knowledge is key to understanding life. He believed in studying the body to understand humans. Men should seek the sovereign good is their own control to happiness. Developed the theory of Dualism where the mind controls the body, and the body has an impact on the mind.

Impact of Ideas on European History:

His theory of dualism raised many questions and paved the way for scientific discoveries of the human body and anatomy.

Name of Philosopher: Robert Owen

Dates of Birth and Death : May 14 1771 to November 17 1858

Name of Publication (s):

A New View of Society, Report to the County of Lanark, Revolution in the Mind and

Practice of the Human Race

Synopsis of Philosophy and Ideas:

machinery and wanted men to do work instead. Wanted to develop communities where people could live and grow together. He also believed in secularism and spiritualism.

Impact of Ideas on European History:

His ideas influenced modern day communism and socialism.

Name of Philosopher: Thomas More

Dates of Birth and Death : Feb 7 1478 to July 6 1535

Name of Publication (s):

Life of Pico della Mirandola (1510) History of King Richard the Third, (1518), Utopia (1516)

Synopsis of Philosophy and Ideas:

supreme head of the church of England. He highly supported communism. He believed in punishment, state controlled education, multi- rights. He was also a noted humanist. He also believed in reason over faith.

Impact of Ideas on European History:

deas helped influence communism among other modern beliefs. His belief that the there should be a separation of church and state, although far fetched at the time, has

Name of Philosopher: Voltaire

Dates of Birth and Death : November 21, 1694 to May 30 1778

Name of Publication (s):

History or Charles XII (1731), Lettres Philosophiques (Philosophical letters) (1734), Zadig (1747), Vision of Babouc (1748), The Century of Louis VIV (1751), Micromegas (1752), Essay on Manners (1756), Candide (1759), Philosophical

Dictionary (1764)

Synopsis of Philosophy and Ideas:

He did not believe in a religious text. He focused on universal laws. He believed that life on Earth is spent waiting to be discovered by those in the moral world the bible.

Impact of Ideas on European History:

He was not very popular and often angered government officials of many countries. He also angered the church a lot. He was not a believer in democracy and wanted a King to end illiteracy and thought the king was the key to a better republic. He was also critical of religious intolerance and persecution, which many people bought into. He also highly believed in freedom of speech and equality. These ideas are applicable today and people still use them.

Name of Philosopher: Adam Smith

Dates of Birth and Death: June 5, 1723 July 17, 1790 Name of Publication (s): The Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759); An Inquiry into the

Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776)

Synopsis of Philosophy and Ideas: (Moral Philosophy) Smith believes that sympathizing with other people is one of our main drives in life. He believes that morally separates virtues from moral rules. Moral rules are guidelines that society follows in order to survive. Virtue requires people to share sentiments and identify with other (Political Philosophy) Smith economy: aka laissez-faire. He believed business should be left to businesspeople and that the government should be left out in business decisions because the government may take advantage of its power to gain its own interests. Impact of Ideas on European History: Adam Smith founded the idea of capitalism, which is the foundation of modern economics. He also provided a theory on morality that helped shape the actions of society.

Name of Philosopher: Karl Marx

Dates of Birth and Death: May 5, 1818 March 14, 1883 Name of Publication (s): The Communist Manifesto (1848); Capital (1867-1894) Synopsis of Philosophy and Ideas: Marx believed that humans recognize they have both actual and potential selves. He thought self-realization began with the before mentioned recognition. Marx called his idea of spiritual loss as commodity fetishism in which thing people produce (commodities) have life of their own that humans adapt to. Marx believed in materialism: who deserves to earn what they earn depends on the structure of economy and distribution of wealth. Marx believed capitalism exploited workers and natural resources. He thought that one day the working class would revolt against capitalism. Impact of Ideas on European History: Mas beliefs as a basis for ll it this, his beliefs are now

Name of Philosopher: John Locke

Dates of Birth and Death: August 29, 1632 October 28, 1704 Name of Publication (s): A Letter Concerning Toleration (1689); Two Treatises of Government (1689); An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690); Some

Thoughts Concerning Education 1693)

Synopsis of Philosophy and Ideas: Locke believed that political power is the natural right of each man that is grouped into a designated body. People give up this natural power a little in the hands of the government because the government is able to protect and serve much better than an individual. Locke believed that all knowledge came from experience. He believed in a tabula rasa (blank slate) that is filled as people live their lives. (Political) Locke believed that the right to property follows the right to self-preservation (a peaceful state of nature). According to Locke, all men own their bodies completely. Impact of Ideas on European History: John Locke introduced the idea of the right to life, liberty, and property. His theory of self-government brought great inspiration towards the French Revolution.

Name of Philosopher: Thomas Hobbes

Dates of Birth and Death: April 5, 1588 December 4, 1679

Name of Publication (s): Leviathan (1651)

Synopsis of Philosophy and Ideas: Hobbes believed that leaving nature the way it is without a higher authority is the worst way to live. People would not have a safe right to their belongings, and they would all fear each other and live in chaos. He also believed that each person was equal to every other person. He had a very pessimistic view towards life, and thought this could be fixed with a social contract. The Leviathan is the authorized representative of the people, and thus has a monopoly on violence, taking of property, and other actions that had previously occurred in the state of nature. The Leviathan would be used to enforce rules of society. Impact of Ideas on European History: His beliefs shaped European History by introducing the idea that all men are evil, and cannot be trusted. This idea can be used to justify the need for a government in order to preserve a peaceful society.

Name of Philosopher: Oswald Spengler

Dates of Birth and Death: May 29, 1880 May 8, 1936 Name of Publication (s): The Decline of the West (Der Untergang des Abendlandes) (1918-1922); Prussiandom and Socialism (Preußentum und Sozialismus) (1920) Synopsis of Philosophy and Ideas: He believed that history is cyclical. He believed that cultures have destiny and is not dependent on individual choices. He said there were high cultures (ex. classical and western) that had a prime symbol. These prime symbols are influenced by the dominating religion of the high culture. Impact of Ideas on European History: His writings influenced the Beat Revolution.

A Study of


Name of Philosopher: Denis Diderot

Dates of Birth and Death: October 5, 1713 July 31, 1784 Name of Publication (s): Jacques le fataliste et son maître (Jacques the Fatalist and his Master); Le Neveu de Rameau (Rameau's Nephew); Encyclopédie Synopsis of Philosophy and Ideas: He believed in free will and had a materialistic view of the universe. He rejected the idea of progress he thought the push to further technology would fail. He believed that all human behavior was determined by heredity, and not by experience (nature vs. nurture). Impact of Ideas on European History: Many articles in the Encyclopédie attacked the old French society. They were against religious superstition and supported religious toleration. Many other articles pushed for improvements in society to create a more tolerant community.

Name of Philosopher: Thomas Malthus

Dates of Birth and Death: February 13, 1766 - December 23, 1834 Name of Publication (s): An Essay on the Principle of Population (1798-1826) Synopsis of Philosophy and Ideas: Malthus argued that human population increased geometrically while food supply increased arithmetically. Since food is necessary for survival, if human population was not put in check, then starvation would occur. According to Malthus, ways to prevent overpopulation include marrying at a later age (moral restraint), abstaining from procreation, birth control, and homosexuality.

Impact of Ideas on European History: influenced

ttest. Malthus stated that population would decrease over time because of the lack of food supply, and the most fit would survive.

Name of Philosopher: Baron de Montesquieu

Dates of Birth and Death: January 18, 1689 February 10, 1755 Name of Publication (s): Persian Letters; The Spirit of the Laws Synopsis of Philosophy and Ideas: Montesquieu believed that there are three types of governments: republican governments, monarchies, and despotisms. He said ext democracies. The spirit of inequality is when citizens no longer have the same interests as their countries, and therefore want to achieve their own interests at the expense of others, and to acquire political power over them. The spirit of extreme equality is when the people be equal as citizens, but want to be equal in every respect. In a monarchy, one person governs "by fixed and established laws." In despotic states "a single person directs everything by his own Impact of Ideas on European History: His views helped establish democracy. He introduced the idea of the three branches of government. This idea helps check and balance the workings inside the government. The three branches of government is used in the American government system as well.

Name of Philosopher: Jean-Paul Sartre

Dates of Birth and Death: June 21, 1905 - April 15, 1980 Name of Publication (s): Huis-clos (No Exit); The Roads to Freedom Synopsis of Philosophy and Ideas: He was an existentialist. He believed that people are He believed that there was an essence to everything. The creator has a purpose for the created and that purpose is its essence. Sartre said that human beings have no essence before their existence because there is no

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Impact of Ideas on European History: Helped spread philosophy of existentialism. Many of his works are used in schools to teach existentialism and modernism.quotesdbs_dbs12.pdfusesText_18