[PDF] Insider’s Guide - Boston University

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UNIVERSITAIRE DE PARIS 802 11ac Keeps Residents Connected CASE STUDY OVERVIEW: Founded in 1925, Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris is a private foundation that doesn’t just serve one single university, but is a housing development for all students who attend a university in Paris, France Playing a central role in welcoming international

The Cité internationale universitaire de Paris

The Cité internationale universitaire de Paris A unique site among the five continents The Cité internationale universitaire de Paris, recognized foundation of public utility, is a 34 hectare park with no less than 39 residences for students from different countries or schools

A China house at the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris

of peace and humanism, the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris seeks to achieve moral and intellectual togetherness through interaction between students, artists and researchers from different countries The Cité is the only institution of its kind in the world The Cité internationale is managed by a national

Insider’s Guide - Boston University

to the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris (CIUP) Bienvenue à la Cité Universitaire Paris is a big place, so for starters, we’ve put together this guide to the essentials in your new home The CIUP is an international student housing complex, with 40 houses and over 1800 residents from all over the world Here’s


à la Cité Universitaire, du lundi 16 septembre au 22 novembre 2013, Maison Internationale, salle Nathan (1er sous-sol), de 9h à 16h30 Pour sélectionner l’organisme concerné cliquer dans la case afin d’accéder au menu déroulant Imprimer l’attestation et la faire signer au secrétariat de la CIUP, puis donner le dossier complet à la

Résidence universitaire Boudonville Nancy, France

Proche du cœur historique de Nancy, la cité universitaire Résidence universitaire Boudonville Nancy, France 5 6 Plan masse, échelle 1:1000 7 8


CONSTRUCTION D'UN BÂTIMENT UNIVERSITAIRE SUR LE CAMPUS "PARIS-SACLAr À PALAISEAU 2 Identification du maitre d'ouvrage ou du pétitionnaire 2 1 Personne physique Nom Prénom 2 2 Personne morale Dénomination ou raison sociale Nom, prénom et qualité de la personne habilitée à représenter la personne morale

I-de-F 07-2007 sans carroyage - Paris by Train

Stade de France Luxembourg Port Royal Denfert-Rochereau Cité Universitaire Gentilly Laplace Arcueil–Cachan Bagneux Sceaux La Croix de Berny Antony Fontaine Michalon Les Baconnets Palaiseau Palaiseau–Villebon Le Lozère Guichet Orsay Ville Bures sur-Yvette La Hacquinière Gif Courcelle sur-Yvette sur-Yvette Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse Magenta

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to the Cité Internationale

Universitaire de Paris (CIUP)

Bienvenue à la Cité Universitaire ! Paris is a big place, so IRU VPMUPHUV RH·YH SXP PRJHPOer this guide to the essentials in your new home. The CIUP is an international student housing complex, with 40 houses and over 1800 residents from all over the world. +HUH·V what you need to take advantage:

General resources:

Facebook groups: CIUP Events, Inter CIUP, CIUP Job

CitéScope : http://www.ciup.fr/citescope/

Ma Cité U : http://www.macite-u.com

CULTURE: Le Théâtre de la Cité Universitaire: Theater is very popular in France, and the CIUP is a great place to discover international performers: 7½ IRU VPXGHQPVA http://www.ciup.fr/en/theatre/ Art-hopolis: The first Wednesday of every month from

7pm-9pm, hop from one house to the next for the

exhibition openings of international artists! Openings are FREE and open to the public (wine and snacks included). Guided Tours: Not much is open in Paris on Sundays, so why not take a FREE tour of the other houses? Tours are in French, and take you to three different houses to explore their impressive art collections, gardens and architecture. The second Sunday of every month:

2:30pm - 4:30pm at L/Oblique:

http://www.ciup.fr/en/l-oblique/ Concerts: Many professional musicians live at the CIUP and they will perform for you for FREE! The Fondation des Etats-Unis (FEU) hosts a rendez-vous musical of classical and contemporary music every other Sunday at

5pm. http://www.feusa.org/cultural-events/

Film: If you leave Paris without going to the cinéma,


For those who prefer English subtitles, check out Lost in

Frenchlation: http://lostinfrenchlation.com/

2POHURLVH POHUH·V POH FLQp-club: international film

screenings at different houses and theaters near the

CIUP: FREE - 5½! http://www.ciup.fr/citescope/

Language exchanges: )HHO OLNH \RX·UH QRP JHPPLQJ HQRXJO French practice in? Or maybe you want to work on your Spanish, Arabic or Russian? Check out the Espace Langues! Weekly FREE conversation groups at the

Maison Internationale.

SPORTS: HI \RX·YH MOUHMG\ seen the excessive Parisian gym membership rates, you may be panicking about daily your baguette intake. Not to worry! The CIUP offers a gym membership starting at 20½CPRQPO RU

40½/semester. If you want to take dance classes, or are

into boxing, scuba diving, or capoeira, prices go up to

30½CPRQPO RU 60½CVHPHVPHUB http://www.ciup.fr/sports/

Dance classes: Prefer dancing to weightlifting? Some houses and nearby universities also offer dance classes

MQG GRQ·P hesitate to try something new!

Tango classes 0MLVRQ GH O·$UJHQPLQH 3Ud Wednesday of every month: 8:30pm- 10:45pm, 2½ Swing: Les Soirées Rock Télécom: swing dance events at Télécom Paris, a university right down the street from the Cité Universitaire: Le Parc Montsouris: $QG RI ŃRXUVH GRQ·P IRUJHP POMP RQH RI 3MULV·V PRVP NHMXPLIXO SMUNV LV ULJOP LQ IURQP RI \RXA IH Parc Montsouris is a popular place for runners and sports groups and classes, which are often open to outsiders. So dRQ·P hesitate to join in!

FOOD: CROUS Restaurant and Café

$V M VPXGHQP LQ 3MULV \RX GRQ·P QHHG PR VSHQG M ORP RI money to feed yourself, thanks to the network of CROUS cafés around the city. Just 3,25½ for an appetizer, main course and desert at the Cité CROUS

Restaurant: http://www.ciup.fr/en/restaurant/

Open Monday-Friday, 11:45am-2:15pm and 6:15pm-

9:00pm. Maison Internationale, first floor. 25 360½ IRU

breakfast (hot drink, orange juice, yogurt, pastry, bread with butter and jelly) at the Café in the main entrance hall of the Maison Internationale. Open Monday-Friday

8:00am- 7:00pm and weekends 9:30am- 7pm.

Restaurant, Collège



sick of CROUS meals?

Try some Spanish

food! Breakfast:

3,50½; Full lunch

PHQX 8E0½; GMLO\ PMLQ ŃRXUVH DD0½; Full dinner PHQX 11½. Open Monday-Friday, unlimited service

7:15am-2:30pm, Saturday 8:30am-2:30pm, Sunday

8:30am- 10:30am.

te/tarifas-del-restaurante Le Jardin du monde: Or maybe some home-grown organic? A garden and greenhouse maintained by UHVLGHQPV ´GLVŃR NUXQŃOHVµ MQG RPOHU MOO-organic food gatherings are often held in this little green space at the center of the CIUP, just in front of L/Oblique. All residents are also welcome to get involved in the upkeep of the garden!


Most houses have their own library, copy machine and printers, but you can also use the Bibliothèque de la Cité Internationale: Access: 2nd floor, Maison Internationale

Open 10:00am-10:00pm Monday-Friday, and 1:00pm-

7:00pm on weekends. Entry only with your CIUP

residence card (provided by your house), otherwise 3½ fee. Printer and photocopier in color (You must purchase a card in the print room at the back of the library, then re- charge it with coins. The second printer which is accessible during all building hours is at the library entrance) Bank: There is a BNP ATM and branch office in the first floor entrance hall of the Maison Internationale.

Open Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:15pm

Post Office: TOHUH·V HYHQ M place to mail postcards back to mom and dad! (Access just behind the main entrance of the Cité Universitaire, in front of the Maison

Internationale). Open Monday-Friday 2:00pm-7:00pm

International Student Welcome Service (ADEI) (Access: basement, Maison Internationale). Having Visa TXHVPLRQV" GRQ·P XQGHUVPMQG ORR PR PMNH \RXU 2)HH health appointment? 7OMP·V ROat this center was created for. Open Monday-Friday 9:00am- 4:30pm: http://www.ciup.fr/adei/quotesdbs_dbs15.pdfusesText_21