[PDF] European Court of Human Rights

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The HUDOC User Manual is composed of separate sheets with each sheet describing one task In this way, you will find all information on how to perform a task on one single sheet which you can either print or consult on the screen (recommended) Annexes are also integrated in order to detail the tasks and other points related to the HUDOC database

HUDOC User Manual - EJTN

The HUDOC User Manual is composed of separate sheets with each sheet describing one task In this way, you will find all information on how to perform a task on one single sheet which you can either print or consult on the screen (recommended) Annexes are also integrated in order to detail the tasks and other points related to the HUDOC database

HUDOC User Guide - Matthias Rauterberg

Hudoc Manual 1 ABOUT THE DATABASE The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) Portal is a powerful, user-friendly information system which provides access to the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights, the


ALLAN v THE UNITED KINGDOM JUDGMENT 3 applicant'sunsettlecell for the purpose of elicitingbeinformation fromandthevulnerableapplicant As asserted by the applicant, H had every incentive to informrecordingon him


HUDOC database and using all the available search criteria and filters, or by clicking on the link ‘Legal Summaries’ in the results list Legal summaries in non-official languages are available in HUDOC in the tab ‘NOL Legal summaries‘ under the ‘Document collections”

European Court of Human Rights

UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION Official judgment in French available at: http://cmiskp echr coe int/////tkp197/viewhbkm asp?ac tion=open&table=1132746FF1FE2A468ACCBCD1763D4D8149


March 1976 4 The Chamber of seven judges to be constituted included, as ex officio members, Mr P O’Donoghue, the elected judge of Irish nationality, and Sir Gerald Fitzmaurice, the elected judge of

The Rights of Refugees and Asylum- Seekers under the European

5 Introduction The problem of rights of refugees and asylum-seekers is growing faster now than ever before Europe, especially its southern countries have to deal with incomers from Africa and

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