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Demande d’accès à l’information et aux renseignements

La demande est transmise au district, jumelée avec le formulaire Grille d’analyse des impacts d’une demande d’accès à l’information (SQ-3211) et la copie des documents District ou nom de la direction Nom de l’unité Code d’agence PQ Nom, prénom Matricule Fonction Signature Date (aaaa-mm-jj)

FORMULAIRE Demande d’information

Demande d’information Nous traitons vos données à caractère personnel uniquement à des fins de gestion de votre demande d'information Nous n'utilisons pas vos données à des fins commerciales et nous ne les transférons pas à des tiers Si votre demande d’information est transformée en requête ou en plainte, les données à


Formulaire de demande d’accès à l’information Dernière mise à jour le 12 janvier 2021 I IDENTIFICATION DE L’ENTITÉ À QUI LA DEMANDE EST PRÉSENTÉE Municipalité de Lac-Beauport / Service du greffe a/s Monsieur Richard Labrecque, directeur général 65, chemin du Tour-du-Lac Lac-Beauport (Québec) G3B 0A1 II

Demande d’accès à l’information - STM

Demande d’accès à l’information Loi sur l'accès aux documents des organismes publics et sur ; la protection des renseignements personnels


2 Your 9-Digit CRA Business Number, for information on what a 9-Digit CRA Business Number is, please visit this site Step 2: Initial Submission or Re-submission 1 Confirmation on whether or not this is your first time submitting an application through application-demande ceba-cuec ca Step 3: Forecasted 2020 Eligible Non-Deferrable Expenses 1


- Se référer à qqch - Confirmer + confirmer la réception du courrier - Dire qu'il y a une pièce jointe - Exprimer une demande - Demander une information - S'excuser - Remercier (Expéditeur) De: séverine DURAND (Destinataire) A: X; Y Objet: Première correction de votre exposé du 20/10/00 Bonjour Merci de votre envoi/mail ou :


répondre à ma demande, conformément à l’article 94 du décret du 20 octobre 2005 pris pour l’application de la loi du 6 janvier 1978 modifiée Je vous prie d’agréer, Madame, Monsieur, l’expression de mes salutations distinguées

Effectuer une demande de subvention pour un projet au FNUD

1 Effectuer une demande de subvention pour un projet au FNUD Le Fonds des Nations Unies pour la Démocratie lance chaque année un appel à candidature pour les

Demande daccès à linformation - Quebec

À: Objet: Demande d'information Pièces jointes: PJ_Complet pdf ; Liste des articles pdf ; Avis de recours pdf Québec, le 19 août 2020 , La présente donne suite à votre demande d’accès à l’information reçue le 4 août 2020, laquelle est rédigée ainsi :

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User Guide

Objective of this guide:

The objective of this guide is to describe the steps required to upload documents to the CEBA Document Upload Website. This guide provides information on successfully completing each step within the website and the minimum requirements your 2020 eligible non-deferrable expense documents must satisfy

Table of contents:






2 8 9 10 21

Application Steps & Tips

1 Select the financial institution at which you submitted your CEBA application. Input your 9-digit CRA Business Number. A business number is a unique, 9-digit number the standard identifier for businesses. It is unique to a business or legal entity. It is required for any business registered with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) see here for a link to a Government of Canada websiteproviding more information on business numbers. Select the most appropriate option in the dropdown on Question #3. Base your response on whether you have already received CEBA through the Payroll stream and whether your financial institution has informed you of your ability to requalify your application

Identification Information


Confirm whether you have previously submitted

documents through the document upload website If you have previously submitted documents through the website, you will be required to re-upload any documents from previous application submissions that you wish to use again to demonstrate greater than $40,000 CAD in 2020 eligible non-deferrable expenses, Additionally,

For requalification applicants: you will need to:

complete the required fields on the page, and download the attestation.

For guidance on signing and uploading the

attestation, please visit the following guideas you will be asked to upload it with your expenses on step 4.

Initial Submission or Resubmission

Application Steps & Tips

3 Calculating your 2020 eligible non-deferrable expenses: The amount to be included in your forecasted 2020 eligible non-deferrable expenses are those actually paid in January and February 2020, as well as those for which a legal or contractual obligation existed on March 1, 2020, for the applicant to pay the expense within the remainder of 2020 and which cannot be avoided or deferred beyond 2020 even during a period of shut down and depressed revenues as a result of


Forecasted 2020 Eligible Non-Deferrable Expenses

The eligible non-deferrable expense categories are the following: Rent or lease payments for real estate used for business purposes; Rent or lease payments for capital equipment used for business purposes;

Payments incurred for insurance related costs;

Payments incurred for property taxes; Payments incurred for business purposes for telephone and utilities in the form of gas, oil, electricity, water and internet;

Payments for regularly scheduled debt service;

Payments incurred under agreements with independent contractors and fees required in order to maintain licenses, authorizations or permissions necessary to conduct business by the Borrower; Payments incurred for materials consumed to produce a product ordinarily offered for sale by the


Government of Canada COVID response programs that will cause adjustments to the Cdn. $40,000 amount of 2020 Eligible Non-Deferable Expenses include:

Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy,

10% Temporary Wage Subsidy,

Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance,

Regional Relief and Recovery Fund,


Northern Business Relief Fund,

Fish Harvester Grant,

relief measures for Indigenous businesses, and $250 million COVID-19 IRAP (Industrial Research Assistance Program) Subsidy Program

Please note:

-19 and is intended to support businesses that are not eligible for CEBA. Businesses that have received support under the RRRF or COVID Indigenous

Application Steps & Tips

4 You will select the frequency of your expense and enter the amount of the expense (based on the frequency selected). The form will automatically calculate your forecasted 2020 Eligible Non-Deferrable Expense by multiplying your payment frequency by the payment amount. Ensure that any documentation uploaded relates to expenses that have been paid in or are due in 2020. Upload documentation to prove greater than $40,000 CAD in 2020 Eligible Non-Deferrable Expenses. You can track the sum of your uploaded Forecasted 2020 Eligible Non-Deferrable Expenses by referring to the calculator at the bottom of the page.

Document Upload


Application Steps & Tips


Upon filling in the document details and uploading your expenses document to the website, your entry should

look like this (as per the previous Internet bill example):

Repeat these step for all your documents. The sum of all the 2020 Eligible Non-Deferrable Expenses you have

uploaded on Step 4 will be displayed at the bottom of the page Supporting examples for 2020 eligible non-deferable expenses: A B C

The amount due for the

bill uploaded is $162.74

The internet bill is

paid monthly. This is an automatic calculation on the webform, it multiplies the frequency (monthly), by the amount of the bill uploaded ($162.74) to arrive at a forecasted 2020 eligible non-deferrable expense of $1,952.88 (12 months * $162.74) Example Generic Internet Co.payment due 15 February, 2021 i. Utilities Internet Example

Please pay by Feb 20, 2020

You will find supporting examples on the upcoming pages on how to submit an internet bill and a rent payment.

Application Steps & Tips


The amount due each month is $3,500

based on the lease agreement

The payment frequency is Monthly

based on the lease agreement

This is an automatic calculation

on the webform, it multiplies the frequency (monthly), by the amount per payment period ($3,500) to arrive at a forecasted

2020 eligible non-deferrable

expense of $42,000 (12 months * $3,500) Example Generic Leasepayment starting January, 2020 ii. Rent / Lease Real Estate Example

The sum of all the 2020 Eligible Non-Deferrable Expenses you have uploaded on Step 4 will be displayed at

the bottom of the page i For applicants remediating their application and re-qualifying for the Non-Deferrable Expenses

Stream, you must digitally or physical sign the attestation and re-upload the document within step 4.

You can learn more about signing and re-uploading this document here. A BC

Upon filling in the document details and uploading your expenses document to the website, your entry should

look like this (as per the previous rent payment example):




Application Steps & Tips


Read through the Legal Declaration and click the

checkbox to acknowledge that you have read and agree to all the terms and conditions

Ensure that you have uploaded documentation that

demonstrates 2020 eligible non-deferrable expenses greater than $40,000 CAD

Review and submit

Document Eligibility Requirements

Acceptable Proofs of Expense Types:

Expense CategoriesAcceptable Proofs of Expense (Non-


Payments incurred for materials consumed to produce a product ordinarily offered for sale by the Applicant /


Agreement to pay for materials

consumed to produce a product ordinarily offered for sale by the business

Invoice from Livestock Feed

Wages and Other Employment Expenses to Independent


Employment Agreement

Rent or lease payments for real estate used for business purposes

Lease Agreement


Rent or lease payments for capital equipment used for business purposes

Lease Agreement


Payments incurred for insurance related costsInvoice Policy/Contract Payments incurred for property taxesProperty Tax Bill Payments incurred for business purposes for telephone and utilities in the form of gas, oil, electricity, water and internet

Contact or Agreement

Invoice or Bill

Payments for regularly scheduled debt serviceLending Agreement

Invoice from Lender

* Does not include credit card statements. Payments incurred under agreements with independent contractors and fees required in order to maintain licenses, authorizations or permissions necessary to conduct business by the Applicant / Borrower

Contract or Agreement


Document Eligibility Requirements

Supporting Document Requirements:

The purpose of the supporting documents is to provide evidence of 2020 Eligible Non-Deferrable Expenses in excess of $40,000 that the business was contractually or legally obligated to pay as of

March 1, 2020.

include at minimum:

Borrower name: Name of your business

Counterparty: Name of the counterparty involved in the agreement or transaction (i.e., landlord) Counterparty Information: Address, phone number for counterparty (where applicable) Date: Indication of obligation incurred on or before March 1, 2020 to pay in 2020 Amount: Dollar value of the non deferrable expense Expense Category: Description of the type of expense consistent with the selected category of eligible expenses

Document Eligibility Requirements

Minimum document requirements:

See below for a description and the minimum requirements for your uploaded document to be considered eligible. Payments incurred for materials consumed to produce a product ordinarily offered for sale by the Borrower

1.Agreement to pay for materials consumed to produce a product ordinarily offered for sale by the

business: An agreement to pay for materials consumed to produce a product ordinarily offered for sale by the business is a legal agreement between a supplier and a business for the purchase of input materials that are consumed or transformed in producing, or become part of, a product that is ordinarily offered for sale by the business, such as raw materials, ingredients, supplies, seed or livestock feed. Finished goods inventory or capital assets are not eligible. At minimum, this document must include: a description of the input materials purchased by the business from a supplier,quotesdbs_dbs6.pdfusesText_12