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Université d’Orléans, a comprehensive public institution, occupies four sites in Frances Centr’ e region: Bourges, Chartres, Châteauroux/Issoudun, and Orléans The university has an enrollment of 18,500 and a faculty of 1,200 professors, instructors, and researchers It celebrated its 700th anniversary in 2006 MAIN PROGRAMMES OF STUDY

Supplementary Appendix

20 CH Chartres 34, avenue du Docteur Maunoury Chartres, France KALFON Pierre 21 Université of Maryland Daniel Herr Suite D4S13 22 S Geeene St Tabatabai Baltimore 21201

St Louis de Montfort Academy

near the cathedral city of Chartres Université d'Été took place from August 25-31 The visitors were impressed bv such magnifi- cent monuments to the heritage of Christian civ- ilization as the great cathedrals of Notre Dame de Paris, Chartres, and Rheims and the castlè at Nogent-le-Rotrou, As summer turned to fall St Louis de Montfort

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† Institut de Chimie Organique et Analytique, UMR 7311 CNRS, rue de Chartres, Université d’Orléans, F-45067 Orléans Cedex 2, France ‡ INSA de Rouen avenue de l’Université, 76800 Saint Etienne du Rouvray, France § Laboratory COBRA UMR 6014 & FR 3038, IRCOF, Université de Rouen, 1 Rue Tesnière, 76821 Mont St Aignan Cedex, Rouen, France

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Precise name of the institution

Université d'Orléans

Type of institution


City where the main campus is located


Number of students

18 500

Percentage or number of international


2 000/15%

Type and level of qualifications awarded

LMD - AESM (engineering), LAME

(languages and business) and IE (international economics) master's programs - dual degree programs

French language courses

Yes - By the semester or year Summer

sessions - Courses for scholars/ researchers, doctoral candidates, post- docs - DELF/DALF/TCF examination center - www.univ-orleans.fr/idf

Programs for international students

Yes - Programs for international students:

yes, diploma courses in French level A1 to C1 Programs in English

Yes - Master LAME - Master AESM -

Master IE

Registration fees/year

(for information only)

Licence : 170 euros - Master : 243 euros-

Doctorat (PhD), HDR : 380 euros - Training

engineers Polytech'Orléans : 601 euros - Contribution for campus and student's life : 90 euros

Postal address

Château de la Source - BP 6749 - 45067

Orléans - Cedex 2


Member of Campus France Forum

Université d'Orléans, a comprehensive

public institution, occupies four sites in

France's Centre region: Bourges, Chartres,

Châteauroux/Issoudun, and Orléans. The

university has an enrollment of 18,500 and a faculty of 1,200 professors, instructors, and researchers. It celebrated its 700th anniversary in 2006.


Université d'Orléans offers a full array of degree programs : Licence, Master, Doctorate in law, economics, management, arts, letters, languages, humanities, social sciences, science, technology, and health

Program catalog:


Programs are organized into

- 6 multidisciplinary thematic institutes - 4 IUTs - 1 Engineering school http://www.univ-orleans. fr/polytech - 1 ESPE RESEARCH - 26 research laboratories, http://www.univ- recherchede- luniversite-dorleans - 4 doctoral departments enrolling 450 doctoral candidates each year - 50 patents 100 dissertations defended each year


- The Institut de Français offers French-language courses for students and scholars during the summer, by the semester, or as needed. - Programs taught in English - The Centre region's EURAXESS center provides mobility services and support for mobile faculty and researchers. - For exchange students, support services for the duration of their stay. - Welcome Centre for all international students - Top-level athletics department, including an internationally recognized judo program. - Student Life: Multiservice student card, many cultural and athletic activities, E-campus


Orléans, the capital of the Centre region in the heart of France, is one hour from Paris. It lies in the Loire Valley, a UNESCO world heritage area.

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