[PDF] Planche 18 - Fondation La main à la pâte

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Plants That Aren’t “Plants”: Mosses and Lichens

Feb 09, 2011 · The mosses belong to the Green Plant Clade, or Chlorobionta As seen in the cladogram below, they are the sister group to all vascular plants Figure 2 Phylogeny of the Chlorobionta, or Green Plants Liverworts and hornworts are phylogenetically distinct from the mosses

The Evolution of Eukaryotes - Rutgers University

14 The major branches : Chlorobionta I (early plants: red algae, green algae, bryophytes, etc ) 15 The major branches : Chlorobionta II (early vascular plants: clubmosses, ferns, conifers, etc ) 16 The major branches : Chlorobionta III (flowering plants) 17 The major branches : Fungi (suggested guest lecturer: Jim White or other

Systematics - Elseviercom

diplantae or Chlorobionta; Figure 1 1) This early chloroplast became modifi ed with regard to photosynthetic pigments, thy-lakoid structure, and storage products into forms characteristic of the red algae and green plants (see Figure 1 1) In addition, several lineages of photosynthetic organisms—including the

Phylogeny and Molecular Evolution of the Green Algae

1981, 1998), “Chlorobiota” or “Chlorobionta” (Jeffrey, 1971, 1982), “Chloro-plastida” (Adl et al 2005), or simply “green plants” (Sluiman et al , 1983) or “green lineage ” containing eukaryote gave rise to the green lineage, as well as theredalgaeandtheglaucophytes Fromthisstartingpoint,pho-

donde se muestran las relaciones filogenéticas de los grandes

Chlorobionta y se profundiza en el grupo de algas verdes Características de sus genomas La información nucleotídica necesaria para reconstruir la filogenia de las plantas verdes (Chlorobionta

quiz1 - introduction to plant taxonomy

4 Which group represents the Chlorobionta? A, B, C, or D 5 Does this cladogram represent the traditional or phylogenetic definition of plants? 6 These organisms would be studied by: a a botanist c both b a plant scientist d neither 7 On the cladogram, insert the following apomorphies: • cuticle • flower • chlorophyll a & b

Planche 18 - Fondation La main à la pâte

118 À l’école de la biodiversité © La Classe Présence de chlorophylle = couleur vert e Formes aquatiques aplaties ou filamenteuses Végétaux = Chlorobionte s

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