[PDF] Shabbat Parshat Nitzavim

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70 TORAH TIDBITS / NITZAVIM VAYEILECH 5780 DIVREI TORAH FROM YESHIVOT AND SEMINARIES Mrs Leba Schneider Director of Students םימעה לכמ ךצבקו בשו ךמחרו ךתובש תא ךיקלא ’ה בשו“)ג:ל םירבד( ”המש ךיקלא ’ה ךציפה רשא “Then Hashem, your G-d, will restore your

Nitzavim Nitzavim, 28 Elul 5776 Standing Before Hashem for

Nitzavim When Torah Study Is Not Necessary (condensed from Ein Ayah, Shabbat 2:255) Gemara: [What are the divine reasons for the deadly disease of askara ?] Rabbi Shimon answered: Due to the sin of bitul Torah (wasting Torah-learning opportunities) They said to him: but women [the fact that they die from it] is a disproof?

Shabbat Parshat Nitzavim

Shabbat Parshat Nitzavim: YNA alumni gathered together for a seudat shlishit at the home of Isaac and Rachel Leibwohl on the upper west side, to hear Divrei Torah and Chizuk from HaRav Yoel Rackovsky shlita Ov er40 alum nitok p hs d were inspired by Harav Rackovski's Divrei Torah, and helped create the warmth and the special

Se`udah Sheli Devar Torah

Sep 20, 2008 · new week by beginning to read next week’s Torah por-1 Two notes: 1) After delivering this Devar Torah, I noticed that an increasing number of Divrei Torah at Se`udah Shelishit would be read from paper 2) People did not tell me after delivering this Devar Torah whether or not they were impressed by my ability to read from a piece of paper 1

YNA Newsletter Parshat Nitzavim/Rosh Hashana 1 of 8

angels of G-d are ascending and descending" (Bereishit 28:12) If we observe the Torah and Mitzvot then everything will be good for the Jewish nation as well as the entire world If, G-d forbid, we do not keep the Torah then things will not be so good, not for us nor for the rest of the world this is the second bracha of Zichronot

Price: NYC Regional Area $300 Parshas Nitzavim-Vayeilech Vol

the seforim and divrei Torah that they pub-lished So much of the Torah that was replanted after the war can be traced to the yeshivos of Lita, such as Slabodka, Kletzk, Ponovezh, Mir and Telz So much of the Torah we study is from Brisk and its great talmidim So many of the stories we grew up with were about Lita Brisk, Kletzk, gedolei


STI – Shomrei Torah Inside ST – Shomrei Torah Outside DNI – Darchei www shomreiNoam Inside DN – Darchei Noam Outside YB – Yudin Backyard * - Minyan available via Zoom DAVENING NOTES The haftorah for Nitzavim is read At Ma’ariv we recite Vihi Noam We begin saying Selichot on Motzei Shabbat The Zoom Link for Selichot is


2 Table of Weekly Torah Readings and Haftarot lists all 54 Torah Readings and the Haftarot normally associated with them The typical “Ashkenazi” and “Sephardi” Haftarot are given, with the first few words in Hebrew characters, a way the Haftarot are named in many religious writings, with notes about overlaps and repetitions 3

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