[PDF] iPad Applications for Speech and Language Therapy

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Apps for Autism

iPhone/iPod Touch application that allows BCBAs, behavioral therapists, aides, teachers or parents to track behaviors and graph them The application was specifically designed to support the behavioral treatment plans for children with Autism Notes: Grace Picture Exchange for Non-Verbal People A simple picture exchange system

The iPad and Mobile Devices: Useful Tools for Individuals

Skills application is designed to teach and reinforce basic social skills critical for 4 & 5, iPhone 3GS, iPod touch 4th generation or iPad

Assistive Technology Android Application for Autism Spectrum

There are some existing android and iphone apps for autism but each one of them are deficient in one feature or the other The TOBY Autism app[7] concentrates on a 2-4 years autism child which targets at improving social, language and cognitive skills through IPod tasks, play activities and rewards

A Visual Task Manager Application for Individuals with Autism

application, greatly easing the portability concerns Proloquo2Go costs only $190 and Grace Picture Exchange only $43 Even adding the price of an iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch, using these apps in place of the original methods is much more affordable Since autistic people often have problems forming grammatically correct sentences, language

iPad Apps for Students & Adults with Learning Disabilities

iPad Apps for Students & Adults with Learning Disabilities, ADHD & Autism Spectrum Disorders Voice-To-Text App Function Price Link Dragon Dictation An easy-to-use voice recognition application that allows you to easily

Telecommunication Adaptive Devices (TAD) Application

iPad/ iPhone Other TOTAL Type of Income Ann ual Amount 20 2 1 Federal Poverty Guidelines Gross Wages $ Family Siz e 300 Self -Employment $ 1 $38,640 Social Security : SSI or SSDI $ 2 $52,260 Pensions $ 3 $65,880 Public Assistance $ 4 $79,500

iPad Applications for Speech and Language Therapy

Application for the iPhone®, iPad®, and iPod touch® takes 60 story starter images from this Super Duper Publications card deck and combines them with audio to create 180 entertaining ways for students to begin telling their own stories Story Starters also helps children improve their describing, questioning, inferencing, writing, and

IPAD APPS to Support Evidenced Based Practices for Students

Application for the IPAD to support Description of the Application Price Functional Communication Training and AAC Look2Learn Look2Learn (L2L), a revolutionary AAC software application for the iPod Touch, iPhone, and iPad allows individuals to work at their communicative level using photographs to express wants and needs

Outils numériques Autonomie et vie quotidienne

français: autonomie, TSA, autisme, planification, Anglais: Autism app, taker economy, rewards, Certaines applications anglaises sont paramétrables en français • Chercher dans les stores Apple, Google mais aussi directement sur internet ( de nombreux sites proposent des listes d’applications par catégorie)

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