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Angle, symmetry and transformation

Alternate angles Where two straight lines are cut by a third line (called the transversal), as in the diagram, the angles a and b (also c and d) are alternate If the two straight lines are parallel, then the alternate angles are equal in size Angle An angle measures the amount of ‘turning’ between two

STRAND F: GEOMETRY Angles and Symmetry

Find the sizes of angles a and b in the diagram below Solution First consider the quadrilateral All the angles of this shape must add up to 360°, so 60 120 80 360 oo o o+++=a 260 360 oo+=a a = 360 260− oo = 100 o Then consider the straight line formed by the angles a and b These two angles must add up to 180 o so, ab+=180 o but a =100o

UNIT 31 Angles and Symmetry CSEC Revision Test

Angles marked p and q are equal (a) What geometrical name is given to this type of equal angles? (b) Write down the size of angle r (c) (i) Write down the size of angle x (ii) What geometrical name is given to the pair of angles x and q? (4 marks) UNIT 31 Angles and Symmetry CSEC Revision Test 45˚ 20˚ 70˚ x y p x r q 80˚ Diagram not

Two-Dimensional Shapes, Angles, Symmetry

Two-Dimension Shapes, Angles, and Symmetry Grade: 4 Mathematical goals This lesson is intended to help you assess how well students are able to: Identify and sort quadrilaterals based on their properties and attributes Identify and classify angles and identify the angles in two-dimensional figures

7 Symmetry and Group Theory - University of Pennsylvania

An equilateral triangle can be rotated by 120 , 240 , or 360 angles without really changing it If you were to close your eyes, and a friend rotated the triangle by one of those angles, then after opening your eyes you would not notice that anything had changed In contrast, if that friend rotated the triangle


Deux angles sont complémentaires lorsque la somme de leurs mesures est égale à 90° Deux angles sont supplémentaires lorsque la somme de leurs mesures est égale à 180° 3) Angles alternes-internes, angles correspondants Deux droites coupées par une sécante forment avec cette sécante deux paires d’angles alternes-internes et

Terms Illustrations Acute angle An angle greater than 0° and

Two angles which add together to 90° Each is the ‘complement’ of the other Coordinate system A system which uses one or more numbers, or coordinates, to determine the position of a point in space e g (4,8) on a grid with a horizontal and vertical axis The y axis is vertical and the x axis is horizontal Corresponding angles

Transformer une figure par symétrie, translation ou rotation

2 L homothétie conserve les angles, PAUL est un rectangle, donc MIRO est un rectangle 3 MIRO est l image de PAUL par une homothétie de rapport 3 , donc : PMIRO = 3 × P PAUL = 3 × 24 = 72 cm Le périmètre de MIRO est égal à 72 cm 4 AireMIRO = 3 2 × Aire PAUL = 9 × 32 = 288 cm 2 L aire de MIRO est égale à 288 cm 2

Quadrilatères remarquables

angles droits i s o è l e Au moins une paire de côtés parallèles Au moins deux côt ésop isométriques Diagonales isométriques D euxpair s d’angles adjacents isométriques Au moins un ax ed symétri non diagonal r e c t a n g l e Au moins une paire de côtés p ar lèes Au moins deux angles droits > Angle (p 77), Polygone (p 82)

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