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Fig 1: Location of Mare Australe and associated study re- gion

Australe basalt deposits, which potentially represent one or several disconnected eruptive events and basin-forming impacts, such as the northern Australe basin Goals: The goals of our study are to 1) identify and characterize the discrete basalt deposits in the Australe region using new LRO data products 2) identify possi-

Reconstruction of the full-length transcriptome atlas using

Reconstruction of G australe transcript loci To reconstruct FL transcript models for G australe,we developed a computational pipeline using several pub-licly available tools (Fig 1a) High homology is known to exist between genes from G australe and those from other Gossypium species, and COding GENome recon-

Antibacterial activity, optimal culture conditions and

In this paper, we detail G australe from Thailand with morphological characteristics and phylogenetic data, and report for the first time in Thailand the optimal conditions for mycelia, spawn production and the cultivation of G australe Materials & Methods Mushroom collection and isolation

First report of Neofusicoccum australe Botryosphaeria

The N australe conidia obtained from grapevine shoots were smooth, unicellular, hyaline and with granular contents A septum was rarely formed before germination The average lengthoftheN australeisolates(27 0 0 9mm)wasgreaterthan those of N luteum (23 1 0 6mm) (Fig 1) Length/width ratio was also slightly greater (3 9 0 2 vs 3 6 0 4mm


australe est un espace traversé par d'intenses flux migratoires Elle est l'une des plus importantes zones de départ mais aussi d'arrivée au sein du continent africain, avec l'Afrique du Sud pour principale destination d'arrivée L'Afrique australe concentre des flux de toutes natures : migrations économiques, réfugiés, exode

Le Marché commun de lAfrique de lEst et de lAfrique

l'Afrique australe (COMESA) a pour objectif la mise en place d'un marché intégré réunissant 19 pays d'Afrique de l'Est et d'Afrique australe Conformément à son mandat originel, et malgré un programme officiel en expansion, le COMESA

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