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• Liaison = élément gymnique ou non qui permet d'enchaîner 2 figures (sans marcher) • Voltigeur : doit être prêt à monter pour ne pas fatiguer le porteur • Pas de prise doigts / doigts mais poignets / poignets • Montage / tenue 3s / démontage (contrôlé, ne pas sauter) • Quand le porteur ne peut plus soutenir le voltigeur, il dit

Acrosport - Education Physique et Sportive

Acrosport Principes d'élaboration de l'épreuve figures différentes et d’éléments de liaison pour la réaliser collectivement en assurant la stabilité


ACROSPORT Novembre 2008 Animation : Eric Berthiller Documents d’appui : Tony Froissart : -Enseigner l ’acrosport - Ed les cahiers actio Eric Berthiller et JP Olinger: -l’activité gymnique du lycéen- Ed revue EPS,Paris,2004 Eric Berthiller et Serge Morel : vidéogym , logiciel de vidéo et

Eléments de liaisons gymniques - lycee-renaudeaufr

Eléments de liaisons gymniques (seul ou en simultané) Familles d’éléments Niveau A (0,5pt) Niveau B (1pt) Niveau C (1,5 pt) Niveau D ( 2pts)


RESSOURCES POUR LA CLASSE ACROSPORT NIVEAU 1 Compétence attendue : Concevoir et présenter un enchaînement maîtrisé d’au moins 4 figures acrobatiques, montées et démontées de façon sécurisée, choisies en référence à un code commun, reliées par des éléments gymniques ou chorégraphiques


Lycée St Pierre 2015 - 2016 ACROSPORT PRINCIPES D’ELABORATION DE L’EPREUVE COMPETENCE ATTENDUE Un projet d’enchaînement collectif est présenté sur une fiche type qui comporte le scénario (figures dans l’ordre d’apparition, difficultés,


ACROSPORT EAA single place biplane (3) Sb 2426 XDF 7 00 ACROSTAR (Hirth) single seat aerobatic (2) Sb 2414 XD 5 00 L-3B (O-58B) liaison high wing W7 -04 OD 3 00

Annexe circulaire EPS Référentiels 2012

figures différentes etd’éléments de liaison Elle estréalisée collectivementdans un espace orienté en s’attachant à favoriser la fluidité lors des phases de montage démontage et des éléments de liaison Chaque élève est confronté aux rôles de porteur et voltigeur, dansdesformationsdifférentes(duo,trio )

EPS - WordPresscom

L’ACROSPORT Acrosport = enchainer à plusieurs des figures esthétiques (pyramides) : dépense énergétique + maîtrise de soi + recherche de l’esthétique Matériel = salle avec tapis, cônes, un gros ballon, chaises, cerceaux, musique Sécurité = on délimite la surface de déplacement, faire attention à son camarade

Fiche individuelle de figures en acrosport1

Fiche individuelle de figures en acrosport Nom prénom du gymnaste Classe Exigences : 5 figures différentes minimum 1 dynamique au moins 1 en position verticale inversée au moins 3 types de formations différentes 1 figure collective Durée 2 à 4 minutes Présence d’éléments de liaison Assumer les rôles de voltigeur et porteur

[PDF] éléments de liaison gym

[PDF] acrosport figure dynamique

[PDF] acrosport a 3

[PDF] figure acrosport a 5

[PDF] figure acrosport a 4

[PDF] acrosport a 4

[PDF] acrosport définition

[PDF] spectacle acrosport cycle 2

[PDF] l'acrosport

[PDF] acrosport cycle 1

[PDF] acrosport maternelle

[PDF] figures acrosport

[PDF] acrosport cycle 4 nouveaux programmes

[PDF] acrosport college 3eme

[PDF] cycle acrosport niveau 2

1A D 1 E RACING 3-VIEWSSchneider Cup...........................................

Racing Antiques - Gordon Bennet-

Pulitzer-Golden Age-Thompson-Bendix- & Pre WWII Record Setters................. Racing Formula 1 - Formula Vee& Biplane....................................................

Racing Unlimited - Reno - Post WWIICleveland - & Record Setters....................Gliders & Sailplanes..................................Powered Gliders........................................Helicopters.................................................Gyrocopters...............................................Engines......................................................Air Ships - Guns - Miscellaneous...............

©Copyright 201 All rights reserved. No reproduction of this document without prior written approval by publisher.Aircraft Documentation

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W# - First # indicates drawing wingspan to nearest inch KF - Koku Fan, originally 15" x 20" now reduced to 11" x 17" to fit in documentation folder. Considered by many as best series of drawings available today. SKF- Small Koku-Fan, originally published as smaller drawings, quality varies. Sp - Special Polish drawings, probably the highest detail drawings available. Sa - From Aircraft of the Fighting Powers series publ. 1946.

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72700's up - two 11" x 17" sheets (requires joining tocomplete drawing).

Sb - Selected drawings from various sources, quality varies

RA - Racing Antique 1910 to 1939

RF - Racing Formula (Goodyear, Reno) includes biplanes

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AAC A-20 Wamira trainerW5 -01 ODF 3.00

A.B.C. Robin monoplane 3 cyl. engine(2) Sb 2425 OD 5.00

ABRAMS Explorer twin boom pusherSb 32105 OX 3.00

ACA Zeebrugge C-2 fighter biplaneW5 -02 ODF 3.00

ACRO I aerobaticSb32106 OO 3.00

ACROSPORT EAA single place biplane(3) Sb 2426 XDF 7.00 ACROSTAR (Hirth) single seat aerobatic(2) Sb 2414 XD 5.00

AD Scout pre-20's pusher bipeSb 6052 OD 3.00

Ae M.B. 2 radial bomber (weak)W4 -01 ODF 3.00


Armored biplaneSb 40142 OX 3.00

1917 bomber twin engine biplaneSb 45109 OD 3.00

B-II WWI recon biplaneSa 72238 OXF 3.00

D-1 1917 fighter bipe(3)Sb 3005 OXF 7.00

D-1 1917 fighter biplaneSb 5039 XD 3.00

G-IV 1918 twin eng bipe

bomberSb6053 OD 3.00 G-105 twin engine biplane bomber(2) Sb 65107 XDF 5.00 AERFER Sagittario 2 single eng/seat jet(2) Sb 72101 OXF 5.00 AERITALIA G-222 twin engine transportSb 11027 OD 3.00 Aeritalia/Aermacchi AM-3C observ hiwing W7 -05 OD3.00


AMX single seat attack jetSb8047 OD 3.00


/LOCKHEEDLASA60 trike mono Sb9525 XDF 3.00

MB339 twin seat jet(3) Sb 72179 XD 7.00

AERO (Also see LET)

2 place tandem, pusher monoSb 40143 OX 3.00

Ae-02 bipe fighterW8 -07 XD 3.00

Ae-02 single seat biplaneSb 8084 XD 3.00

Ae-04 bipe fighterW8 -08 OD 3.00

Ae-10 2 seat biplane, inline engineSb 5027 XD 3.00 A-10 single engine biplane passenger(2) Sb 40172 XD 5.00

A-11 bipe fighterW11-01 XD 3.00

A-11 2 seat biplaneSb 8085 XD 3.00

A-12.4 bipe fighterW12-02 XD 3.00

A-14 inline 2 seat biplane

fighterSb40173 XD 3.00

A-14 1924 3 place inline

biplaneSb4009 OX 3.00

A-14 3 place biplaneW12-03 XD 3.00

A-18 single fighter biplaneW9 -17 XD 3.00

A-20 bipe single seat V-8?W10-38 OD 3.00

A-34 "KOS" 2 seat biplaneW10-06 OX 3.00

A-34 2 seat biplaneSb 48460 XD 3.00

A-42 single engine fighter/bomberSb 8072 XD 3.00

A-42 fighter/bomber high wingW14-01 XD 3.00

Ae-45 twin engine civilianSb 4013 OX 3.00

Ae-50 high wing inline boomSb 40319 OX 3.00

A-100 2 seat biplaneSb 50418 XD 3.00

A-100 2-seat fighter biplaneW13-01 XD 3.00

A-101 V-12 biplane fighter(4)Sb6047 OX 9.00

A-102 high gull wing, radialSb 5531 OX 3.00

A-102 gullwing radial singleW12-04 XD 3.00

A-200 low wing radialSb 50419 XD 3.00

A-300 twin tail/engine bomberSb 8073 XD 3.00

AP-32 fighter biplaneW11-26 XD 3.00

Bonzo 2 place low wingSb 45221 XD 3.00

C-3 twin engine/tail transport(2)Sb 6054 XD 5.00

L-39 Albatross 2 seat jet w/cutaway(5) Sb 50410 XD 11.00

L-39C 2 seat jet(3) Sb 55144 XD 7.00

L-39C (ZA) 2 seat jet(2) Sb 7560 XD 5.00

AERODIS Orion G.802 4 passenger pusher Sb48331 XD 3.00AEROMARINE low wing 2 open cockpit radial Sb5097 OD 3.00

39B 2 seat, V-8 biplaneSb 50420 XD 3.00

AERONAUTICA Umbra T.18 radial fighter W4 -02 ODF 3.00 AERONCA KCA 2 seat civilian pilot trainingSb 4008 OX 3.00

L-3B (O-58B) liaison high wingW7 -04 OD 3.00

L-58 B 'Defender' observationSa 7201 OXF 3.00

LC - Low wing radialSb 5508 XD 3.00

15AC Sedan civilian 4 seatSb 6011 XD 3.00

Champ 7AC high wing 2 placeSb 40144 XD 3.00

Champ 7CC/CC 2 place monoplaneSb 3271 OX 3.00

Champ 7CC 2 place monopln w/dorsal finSb 45132 OD 3.00 AERONEER 1-B low wing side by side W10 -07 OD 3.00 AEROPRAKT A-11M Russian light planeSb 2453 ODF 3.00 AEROSPACE CT-4 Airtrainer w/cutawayW3 -01 ODF 3.00 AEROSPATIALE ATR-42/72 twin eng airliner (7)Sb 13013 ODF 15.00

Rallye 235GT 2 place low

wingSb65175 OD 3.00

SE-200 4 engine flying

boatSb 48386XD 3.00 TB-30 Epsilon 2 seat trainer(7) Sb 72210 XDF 15.00 (Socata) TB-30 Epsilon trainer (3) W9 -18 XD 7.00 Nord 262 Fregate twin eng transport(2) Sb 8074 XD 5.00


Quail low wing single seat(2) Sb 32107 ODF 5.00

Scamp single seat biplane(3) Sb 20113 ODF 7.00

Senior homebuilt 2 seat bipeSb 3511 OX 3.00

AEROTEC A-122/132 low wing 2 place w/cut (3) Sb8551 ODF 7.00

144 Uirapuru 4-seat trainerW6 -01 ODF 3.00

A-132 Tangara trainerW6 -02 ODF 3.00

AESL CT/4 Airtrainer 2-seat trainerW4 -04 ODF 3.00 AETNA 2SA twin open cockpit, radial sport Sb 4014OD 3.00 AICHI type 94/96 carrier dive bomber bipe SKF7003 OD 3.00 B7A1 "Ryusei" 'Grace' attack bomberKF 7071 OD 5.00 B7A1 attack bomber radial gull wingSKF 11508 OD 3.00

B7A1 'Grace' attack bomberSb 5535 OD 3.00

B7A1 attack bomberSKF 6050 XD 3.00

B7A1-3 "Ryusei" 'Grace' attack bomber

SKF 6530 OD 3.00

B7A2 "Ryusei" arrier attack bomberKF 7032 XD 5.00

B7A3 #1/12 carrier attackW9 -19 OD 3.00

D1A1 type 94 carr dive bomber bipe SKF4515 OX 3.00 D1A2 type 96 carr dive bomber bipe SKF 6037 OD 3.00

D1A2 type 96 carr bomber radial

bipe SKF10015 OD 3.00 D3A1/A2 type 99 MkII carr dive bombr.KF 7023 XD 5.00

D3A1 type 99 carrier dive bomberSKF 10017 OD 3.00

D3A1 model 11 type 99 'Val' fixed gear(2) SKF 7012 OD 5.00

D3A1 'Val' fighter(2) W8 -09 XD 5.00

D3A2 type 99 'Val'dive bmbr fixed gearSa 7203 OXF 3.00 D3A2 model 22 type 99 'Val' fixed gearSKF 7013 OD 3.00

D3A2 fighter(2) W7 -06 OD 5.00

D3Y1-K Myojo 'Venus'(99) carrier bomberSKF 7011 OD 3.00 D4Y2 carrier bomber, inline engineSKF 5051 XD 3.00

D4Y4 Suisei #43 attack bomberW9 -20 OD 3.00

E11A1 type 98 recon seaplane singl

pshr SKF7501 OD 3.00 E13A1 'Jake' ftr, radial on floats recon SKF6010 OX 3.00 E13A1 'Jake' seaplane radial recon SKF9502 OD 3.00 E13A1 'Jake' seaplane radial recon Sa72239 OXF 3.00

E16A 'Paul' fighter on floatsSKF 6011 OX 3.00

E16A1 'Paul' recon seaplane radial Sa72240 OXF 3.00 E16A1-2 'Paul' recon seaplane radial SKF6039 OD 3.00

H9A1 type 2 flying boat twin

engine SKF10005 OX 3.00 M6A1 "Seiran" attack bomber on floatsKF 4530 OD 5.00 M6A1 "Seiran" attack bomber on floatsSKF 6038 OD 3.00 M6A1 "Seiran" attack bmbr on floats(3) Sb 5030 OD 7.00

M6A1 "Seiran" w/floatsW5 -03 ODF 3.00








AIR-1 inline 2 seat bipeSb 4015 OD 3.00

AIRBUS A-300 B-2 twin jet airlinerSb 21002 OD 3.00

AIRCOUPE 2 place high wingSb 65176 OD 3.00

AIRSPEED AS-4 Ferry 3 eng gull wing bipe (3) Sb10010 OXF 7.00

AS-6 Envoy 8 passenger twinSb 7512 OD 3.00

AS-8 Viceroy twin radial transp(3) Sb 5518 OD 7.00

AS-30 Queen Wasp biplane on

floats Sb60244 OXF 3.00 AS-39 Fleet shadower 4 eng observ.(5) Sb 60219 ODF 11.00

Ambassador 2 engine airliner (2)Sb 13209 OXF 5.00

Courier 6 place low wing

radialSb65177 OXF 3.00

Envoy I twin radial passenger(3) Sb 5515 OX 7.00

Envoy II twin radial passenger(3) Sb 5516 OD 7.00

Envoy III twin radial passenger(4) Sb 5517 OD 9.00

Oxford I twin engine trainer(3) Sb 72141 XDF 7.00

Oxford IV & V twin

trainerSa7204 OXF 3.00

Oxford advanced twin trainer(2) Sa 72602 OXF 5.00

AIRTRACTOR AT401/502 turbo ag plane (3) W10 -08 XD 7.00

A.I.S.A. I-11B 2 seat trainerSb 5044 OD 3.00

AVD-12C Spain spotter w/cutaway (2)W6 -03 OXF 5.00

I-115 2 seat tandem trainerSb 5045 OD 3.00

AKAFLIEG Stuttgart FS-28 twin boom pusher(2) Sb 60207 ODF 5.00 AKROTECH GILES G-200/202 1&2 seat aerobaticSb 35336 OOF 3.00

G-200W10 -01 OD 3.00

G-202 2 place aerobaticSb 32146 OD 3.00

G-202 aerobatic(3) Sb 2868 XD 7.00

G-202 aerobatic(3) W9 -08 XD 7.00

222 aerobatic(2) W9 -01 OD 5.00

G-300 fuse (use 202 3-V for rest of drawing)Sb 2090 OD 3.00

G-300 aerobatic(4) W7 -01 ODF 9.00

ALBATROS A1-102A 2-place parasol W9 -21 OD 3.00

B-I WWI scout biplane(2) Sb 4827 OX 5.00

B-I 2-seat scout biplaneSb 8048OX 3.00

C-I WWI scout biplane(2) Sb 7245 OXF 5.00

C-I WWI scout biplaneSb 4826 OX 3.00

C-III WWI scout biplaneSb 4823 OX 3.00

C-III WWI scout biplane(2) Sb 7246 OXF 5.00

C-III 2-seat scout biplane(2) Sb48205 OXF 5.00

C-X bipe, cutawaySb20140 VD 3.00

D-I pre-20's fighter bipeSb 3006 OD 3.00

D-I thru D-VI single seat biplanes(8) Sb 35128 XD 17.00

D-II WWI scout/fighter biplane(2)Sb 7247 OXF 5.00

D-II WWI scout/fighter biplaneSa 72158 OXF 3.00

D-III WWI fighter biplaneSb 4824 OX 3.00

D-III WWI scout/fighter biplane(2)Sb 7248 OXF 5.00

D-III WWI scout/fighter biplaneSa72157OXF 3.00

D-III, D-V, D-Va WWI scout/ftr bipeSb 4837 XD 3.00

D-IV single seat biplane fighterSb 40145 OX 3.00

DR-I Scout pre-20's triplane fighterSb 4866 OXF 3.00 DR-I Scout pre-20's triplane fighterSb 4881 OX 3.00

DR-I single seat triplane fighterSb 40150 OD 3.00

DR-II single seat triplane fighterSb 40151 OX 3.00 D-V WWI fighter biplane inline eng.Sb 4825 XD 3.00 D-Va WWI fighter biplane inline eng.Sb 4801 OX 3.00

D-Va fighter biplaneSb 48206 XD 3.00

D-Va WWI scout/fighter biplaneSa 72156 OXF 3.00

D-Va WWI scout/ftr biplane(2) Sb 7249 OXF 5.00

D-Va WWI fighter biplaneSb 3512 OD 3.00

D-VII single seat fighter biplaneSb 7040 OX 3.00

D-IX single seat biplane fighterSb 40146 OX 3.00

D-X single seat biplane fighterSb 40147 OX 3.00

D-XI WWI fighter biplaneSa 72155 OXF 3.00

D-XI WWI fighter biplaneSb4880 OD 3.00

D-XI single seat biplane fighterSb40148 OX 3.00

D-XII single seat biplane fighterSb 40149 OX 3.00

Doppeltaube 2 place biplaneSb 50195 OX 3.00

Doppeltaube MZ-1 2 seat biplaneSb 11028 OX 3.00

L-69 (1925) radial, parasolW8 -10 OO 3.00

L-77V 2-seat fighter bipeW7 -07 OO 3.00

Scout triplane single seat(2)Sb 40152 OXF 5.00

Taube single place mid-wingSb 50196 OX 3.00

W-4 Seaplane WWI fighter biplaneSa 72154 OXF 3.00

W-4 single seat biplane on floatsSb40153 OX 3.00ALEXANDER BULLET

4 place low wing radial w/cutaway(4) Sb 7521 OD 9.00

ALEXANDER Eaglerock 4 place cabin radial Sb 3208OX 3.00

Eaglerock 2 seat biplane(2)Sb 35106 OXF 5.00

AMBROSINI S.S.4 canard pusherW7 -08 ODF 3.00

AME VI pre-20's fighter/bomber biplaneSb 4835 OD 3.00 AMERICAN EAGLE A129 1929 2 seat bipeSb 4016 XD 3.00

A129 1929 2 seat biplaneSb 5046 OX 3.00

A129 2 seat biplaneSb 40154 OX 3.00

Eaglet B-31 2 seat parasolSb 40155 OXF 3.00

AMPHIBIAN'S P-3B single pusher fly boat Sb 6055 OD 3.00 ANATRA DV 'Anasal' WWI fighter/scout bipeSb 4834 OX 3.00 ANBO

IV 2-seat parasol observationW6 -04 ODF 3.00

VIII light bomber radialW6 -05 ODF 3.00

14 2-seat parasolW10 -09 OD 3.00

ANDERSON GREENWOOD 14 twin boom pshrSb 3027 OX 3.00 ANDREASSON BA-4B Swede aerobatic bipe(2) Sb 3007 OX 5.00 A.N.E.C. 1A 1923 shoulder wing racing (2)Sb 35107 OXF 5.00

I shoulder wing racingSb 4513 OX 3.00

II shoulder wing 2 place openSb48387OX 3.00

II shoulder wing 2 placeSb 50126 OX 3.00

Missel Thrush 2 seat racing bipe 1924 (3) Sb48207 OXF 7.00 A.N.F. Mureaux 117R2 2 seat parasol Sb48461 OD 3.00

Mureaux 170 gullwing fighter(2)W4 -05 ODF 5.00

Mureaux 180 gullwing 2 seatW4 -06 ODF 3.00

Mureaux 190 low wing fighterW4 -07 ODF 3.00

ANSALDO A-1 WWI fighter biplaneSa72159 OXF 3.00

A-1 single seat biplane fighterSb 50199 OX 3.00

A-300 WWI 2 seat fighter

biplaneSb3513 OD 3.00

SVA-5 WWI fighter biplaneSa 72160 OXF 3.00

SVA-5 single seat biplaneSb 40157 OX 3.00

SVA-5 single seat biplane(3)Sb 50200 XDF 7.00

SVA-9 WWI fighter biplaneSb 4017 OD 3.00

Baby single seat biplane on floatsSb40156 OX 3.00

ANTOINETTE 1909 2 seat V8 shoulder wing (3) Sb 65199 ODF 7.00

1909 2 seat V8 shoulder

wingSb 7598OD 3.00

VII twin gnome single seat 1910Sb 7013OD 3.00

VII single seat shoulder wing V-8 engineSb 50202 XDF 3.00 Monoplane shoulder wing V-8 engineSb 50201 OX 3.00 ANTONOV AN-2 Psngr/cargo single eng bipe(2) Sb 7259 OX 5.00 AN-2 Single engine biplane transp(7) Sp 5501 XD 23.00 AN-2 large radial engine biplane(2) Sb 60109 XD 5.00quotesdbs_dbs11.pdfusesText_17