[PDF] ACROSPORT - Colegio Fuenlabrada

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ACROSPORT is an acrobatic and cooperative sport, practiced

GROUP 3 ACROSPORT AND GYMNASTICS ACROSPORT is an acrobatic and cooperative sport, practiced with partner or group, through a combination of: Figures, transitions between figures and choreographic elements It is a sport that needs physical strength, stamina, rhythm, coordination and balance It is a team sport, so your partners depend on you

acrosport - XTEC

•Acrosport is a fun sport, but can also be dangerous if you aren’t concentrated and paying attention So it’s very important to following instructions and don’t be playing other games while the figure is being built BASIC SAFETY RULES •

ACROSPORT - Colegio Fuenlabrada

When we do acrosport the smallest person is always on top The strongest people are the base and support the weight of their teammates Acosport is a form of choreographed acrobatics involving 2 basic elements : - Making shapes, figures or human pyramids - Strength, flexibility and balance Everybody in an acrosport figure has a different role

ACROSPORT - Colegio El Armelar

ACROSPORT Acrosport is an acrobatic and cooperative sport, practiced with partner or group, through a combination of: • Figures and human pyramids, • transitions between figures, • choreographic elements: dance, gymnastic skills and acrobatic jumps, which give the artistic character supported by music


Figure formations or body pyramids Realization of floor gymnastic skills (jumps, turns and balances) which are used as transitions from one figure to another Music, which supports the choreographic component of the combination of the previous elements 3 ACROSPORT AS A COMPETITIVE SPORT

UD9999: :: : ACROSPORT

3 33 3 - --- ELEMENTS AND ROLES OF ACROSPORT ELEMENTS AND ROLES OF ACROSPORT ELEMENTS AND ROLES OF ACROSPORT Acrosport is an acrobatic-choreographic sport that integrates three main elementselementselements: 1 Buildings: strength, flexibility and balance are needed to make buildings a

ACROSPORT - educa2es

ACROSPORT)ROLES) ROL MEANING BASES "Theonesthatsupportthe formation "Thebaseperformersareusuallythe strongestandheaviestparticipants;


4º ESO ACROSPORT 1: INTRODUCTION Acrosport is a part of Gymnastics It is a team competition accompanied by music Teams must create different structures and build human pyramids in time with the music It is a sport that needs physical strength, stamina, rhythm, coordination and balance It is a team sport, so your partners depend on you

L’Acrosport - WordPresscom

L’Acrosport è una ginnastica di tipo acrobatico, eseguita su una base musicale che prevede la combinazione di movimenti, elementi coreografici e complessi elementi di acrobaticaattraverso un preciso lavoro posturale Si svolge a coppie, in terzetti o quartetti, una sorta di “squadra” dove prevale il lavoro di gruppo, la


RESSOURCES POUR LA CLASSE ACROSPORT NIVEAU 1 Compétence attendue : Concevoir et présenter un enchaînement maîtrisé d’au moins 4 figures acrobatiques, montées et démontées de façon sécurisée, choisies en référence à un code commun, reliées par des éléments

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