[PDF] Antimicrobial Therapy & Infection Control - infectiologieorgtn

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Rational Use of Antibiotics Community - infectiologieorgtn

knowledge of antibiotic prescribing trtreendsnds Information collected includes-Indication for use (definitive, empirical, prophylaxis) -Route of administration, dosage regimen, durationRoute of administration, dosage regimen, duration o off

Forgotten Antibiotics: An Inventory in Europe, the United

Nationales d'Infectiologie (French Infectious Diseases Society meeting) and Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy in 2011 Correspondence: Ce´line Pulcini, MD, PhD, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nice, Service d'Infectiologie, Hoˆpital l'Archet 1, 151 Route Saint Antoine de

Antimicrobial Therapy & Infection Control - infectiologieorgtn

Antimicrobial Therapy & Infection Control Dr Ziad A MemishDr Ziad A Memish Director GCC States Center for Infection Control & Executive Director, Infection Prevention and Control Program

Antibiotic Stewardship in Hospitals - SPILF - Infectiologie

16es Journées Nationales d’Infectiologie, Nancy du 10 au 12 juin 2015 16es JNI, Nancy, du 10 au 12 juin 2015 3 A Little Bit of Geography France: 63 5 Mio

Recommandations RECOMMANDATIONS Prescription - Infectiologie

recommandations r imprimer messages clés il convient de rÉserver la prescription des antibiotiques aux situations pour lesquelles ils sont nÉcessaires

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Antibioclic : prise en charge des patients Covid+ en ville2 CMG : infographies de prise en charge (09/11/2020)3 Publication ministérielle : Organisation des centres dédiés Covid-19 en ville (10/11/2020)4 HAS : recommandations sur la prise en charge en médecine de ville (09/11/2020)5

Info-antibio N°73: mars 2017 - Biopyrénées

Française), membre de la Fédération Française d’Infectiologie Rédigé par le Dr S Alfandari Sources d’information nationales sur l’utilisation des antibiotiques Recommandations sur les ATB: infectiologie com ATB rationnelle en soins primaires: antibioclic com ANSM : AMM des ATB, surveillance des effets indésirables

Drug resistance linked to antibiotic use and patient

International de Recherche en Infectiologie, University of Lyon, France To help hospitals assess the best strategies for preventing the emergence of resistance, Shapiro

Penicillins’ defined daily doses must be changed

aService Pharmacie, Hopital du Gier, 42400 Saint-Chamond, France; andˆ bUnite´ de Gestion du Risque Infectieux, Service d’Infectiologie et Service des Agents Infectieux et Hygiène, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Saint-Etienne, 42055 Saint-Etienne Cedex 2, France

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A ntimicrobial Therapy & Infection


Dr ZiadAMemish

Dr ZiadAMemishDr

Ziad A


Ziad A


Director GCC States Center for Infection Control & Executive Director, Infection Prevention and Control Program

SaudiNati nalGua dHealthAffai s


Saudi Nati o nal Gua r d


Affai r s




Antibiotics were hailed as "miracle drug" after their initial introduction in the 1940sinitial introduction in the 1940s
In 1967 US surgeon General William H. Stewart reportedly declared that it was time to close the book reportedly declared that it was time to close the book on infectious diseases However, the emergence of new infectious diseases &However, the emergence of new infectious diseases development of AR underscored the continued importance of Rx of infectious diseases



Antimicrobial consumption costs more than $ 7 billion annually in the US ($ 4 billion for HAI due to ARannually

in the US 4 billion for HAI due to AR bacteria) Antimicrobials account for up to 30% of hospital drugAntimicrobials account for up to 30%
of hospital drug budget Up to 50% of antimicrobial usage in US hospitals isUp to 50%
of antimicrobial usage in US hospitals is inappropriate in spite of strict control measures

Antimicrobial ResistanceAntimicrobial


AR is increasing worldwide despite efforts to minimize the problemthe problem

AR is a naturally occurring phenomenon, but the

process is amplified by misuse of antimicrobialsResistance commonly stems from inadequate Rx or overuse Ii ddifibiiI

ntervent i ons are centere d on re d uct i on o f ant ibi ot i c use

Increase in

antibiotic use Increase inIncrease inresistant strainsLimited treatment alternatives

Ineffective empiric

alternatives •more antibiotics increased

Ineffective empirictherapy

•increased morbidity increasedmortality •more antibiotics



hospitalisation tibi ti healthcare resource use •more an tibi o ti cs use

Antimicrobial ResistanceAntimicrobial


50% of antibiotic consumption in developing countries is in humans & 50% is in animalsis

in humans 50%
is in animals

80% of human consumption occurs in the community

& 20% in hospitalsWithin the community, 80% of antibiotic use is for treatment of RTI (the majority being viral in etiology)Mfhji fhM

any o f t h e ma j or res i stance emanate f rom t h e hospital environment Im p act of increasin g

HAI due to


AR bacteria

Prolonged hospitalisationIncreased risk of deathMore toxic/expensive therapy neededMore toxic/expensive therapy needed

Increased chance of inappropriate therapy

•independent risk factor for increased mortality

Increased costs

Antibiotic resistance:

implications for treatment Start with the appropriate empiric antibiotic first in nosocomial infectionsnosocomial infections Administer antibiotics at the right dose for the appropriate dtid ura ti on

If appropriate, change antibiotic dosage or therapy based on resistance and pathogen informationRecognise that prior antimicrobial administration is a risk factor for the presence of resistant pathogensKnow the unit's resistance

p rofile and choose antibiotics p accordingly

Penicillin Resistance in Pneumococci

Versus outpatient Beta-lactam Sales

Livermore DM Lancet Infect Dis 2005; 5: 450-59

Resistance Trend to Penicillin (Yellow) &

Macrolides (Blue) among

S pneumoniae



(Blue) among S pneumoniae from

Bacteremias in England and Wales

Livermore DM Lancet Infect Dis 2005; 5: 450-59

(A) Resistance trends to ciprofloxacin in E coli from bacteraemias in

England and Wales, 1990-2004.

(B) Resistance trends to fluoroquinolones in Ecoli from European (B)


trends to fluoroquinolones in E coli from


countries, 2001-04

Livermore DM Lancet Infect Dis 2005; 5: 450-59

Recommendations from the European Union conference on 'the Microbial Threat', held in Co p enha g en in 1998 pg (the Copenhagen Recommendations 1998) Carbon C, et al Clin Microbil Infect Dis 2002;8 (S 2): 92-106 Wh y

The Unnecessar


Use of



Inadequate knowledge and support for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseasesdiagnosis

and treatment of infectious diseases

False expectation of the benefits of antimicrobials to healthhealthUnawareness of effects of antimicrobial use on emergence of resistant microbesemergence

of resistant microbes

Economic benefits to drug sellers and prescribers

Factors Contributin

g to Increased g

Antimicrobial Resistance

Sicker patient populationLi idltiL

arger i mmunocomprom i se d popu l a ti on

New procedures and instrumentationEmerging pathogensComplacency regarding antibioticsIneffective infection control and complianceIncreased antibiotic use

Recommendations for Prevention &

Reduction of Antimicrobial Resistance inReduction






Implementation of a system for periodic monitoring of AR in community and nosocomial isolatesAR in community and nosocomial isolates

Implementation of a system for periodic monitoring of antibiotic use according to hospital location and/orantibiotic

use according to hospital location and/or prescribing service Monitoring of relationship between antibiotic use andMonitoring of relationship between antibiotic use and

AR; assignment o responsibility through practice

guidelines Application of contact isolation precautions in patients known or suspected to be colonized or infected with id i l i ll i i i ep id em i o l og i ca ll y i mportant m i croorgan i sms Shales DM, et al Clin Infect Dis 1997; 95: 584-599

Structure of a Hospital-Wide Quality-

Improvement Program to AddressImprovement





Murthy R Chest2001; 119: 405S-411S

Use of Antimicrobial AgentsUse




The most important factors contributing to the misuse of antimicrobial agents :of antimicrobial agents -Inadequate availability of trained personnel

Excessive variety poor quality and public


variety poor quality and public misconception about antimicrobial drugs

Lack of diagnostic and epidemiologic information

Lack of diagnostic and epidemiologic information and facilities Healthcare system disincentives for appropriate useHealthcare system disincentives for appropriate use Inade q uate Availabilit y of Trained qy


No published data systematically address this important problemimportant problem In countries with limited resources, insufficient number of:of: Infectious Disease physiciansClinical pharmacistsClinical pharmacists

MicrobiologistsHospital epidemiologistHospital


Problems With Antimicrobial

Drugs Excessive variety (competitive business promotion, confuse prescribers and patients alike)confuse prescribers and patients alike) Poor or inconsistent quality of drugsPublic misconception about antimicrobial agentsPublic misconception about antimicrobial agents

Lack of Diagnostic and

Epidemiologic Information &Epidemiologic



Physicians are forced to treat infections presumptively when they do not have sufficient infowhen they do not have sufficient info Funds to buy antimicrobial discs are unavailable Weakness in e p idemiolo gy ca p abilities lead to lack of pgyp

AR surveillance data

Health S

y stem Disincentives for y

Rational Use

"Over-the-counter" drugsFi i l i ti f h i i d i tit ti tFi nanc i a l i ncen ti ves f or p h ys i c i ans an d i ns tit u ti ons t o over prescribe Antimicrobial use in animal husbandryAntimicrobial use in animalquotesdbs_dbs5.pdfusesText_9