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Infections and infectious diseases

Module 4: Infections spread by animals and insects and less common infectious diseases Module 5: Diseases spread by person-to-person contact Module 6: Tuberculosis Module 7: Infections spread by sexual contact and blood and body fluids Part I: Infections spread by sexual contact Part II: Infections spread by blood and body fluids 1 38 53 92 125


cases of these infections ACUTE BRONCHITIS Acute bronchitis is a very frequent infection (10 million cases per year in France), usually due to a virus, occurring in an epidemic setting The diagnosis is clinical: no complementary investigation is useful and chest x-ray is reserved to cases with a doubtful diagnosis

Scientific update on COVID-19 - Infectiologie

Proportion of known symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections that have yet to develop symptoms by number of days since infection, using bootstrapped Modelling study –data from 131 countries:

Classification and new diagnostic - infectiologieorgtn

Classification and new diagnostic methods for invasive fungal infections Stéphane Bretagne National Reference Center for Mycoses & Antifungals

Prevention of Infections During Primary Immunodeficiency

INVITED ARTICLE IMMUNOCOMPROMISED HOSTS David R Snydman, Section Editor Prevention of Infections During Primary Immunodeficiency Claire Aguilar,1,2,3 Marion Malphettes,1,4 Jean Donadieu,1,5 Olivia Chandesris,1,3,6 Hélène Coignard-Biehler,1,2,3

Anosmie, Agueusie et Covid-19

•Sinunasal (CRS, Polyps, Allergies, repeated infections, multiple surgeries) •Post-infectious / Post upper respiratory tract infection •Posttraumatic •Neurological (Parkinson, Alzheimer, and many more) •Congenital (isolated, syndrome) •Tumor (brain, nose or paraneoplasia) •Side effects (toxic, medication) •Metabolic Diseases


RELATED INFECTIONS OF THE LOWER UROGENITAL SYSTEM The microbiota seems to play an important role in infections of the lower urogenital system, whether it is the urinary microbiota (urine is not sterile) in the case of urinary tract infections, or the vaginal microbiota, in the case of bacterial vaginosis and vulvovaginal candidiasis However,


6 145 Infections naso -sinusiennes de l ’adulte et de l ’enfant 49 Annexes Généralités en Infectiologie 207 Tableau des abréviations

Prise en charge des fongémies - SPILF - Infectiologie

infections, or AEs Pappas et al CID2007 0 25 50 75 100 Mica Mica Caspo) Micafungin 100mg/d and 150mg/d equivalent to standard dose caspofungin for candidemia/IC

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