[PDF] convergence in probability to a constant PDF Cours,Exercices ,Examens

7 Convergence in Probability

In general, convergence will be to some limiting random variable However, this random variable might be a constant, so it also makes sense to talk about convergence to a real number There are several different modes of convergence We begin with convergence in probability Definition 7 1 The sequence {X n} converges in probability to X

Topic 7 Convergence in Probability

In general, convergence will be to some limiting random variable However, this random variable might be a constant, so it also makes sense to talk about convergence to a real number There are several different modes of convergence (i e , ways in which a sequence may converge) We begin with convergence in probability Definition 7 1 The

9 Convergence in probability

9 CONVERGENCE IN PROBABILITY 111 9 Convergence in probability The idea is to extricate a simple deterministic component out of a random situation This is typically possible when a large number of random effects cancel each other out, so some limit is involved The general situation, then, is the following: given a sequence of random variables,

Convergence Concepts Continued - UMN Statistics

ber of theorems about multivariate convergence in distribution without proof The proofs are just too hard for this course Theorem 8 3 If a is a constant, then X n ¡D a if and only if X n ¡P a Thus, as was true in the univariate case, convergence in probability to a constant and convergence in distribution to a constant are equivalent

8 Convergence in Distribution

Convergence in mean implies convergence in probability Convergence in probability implies convergence in distribution However, the following exercise gives an important converse to the last implication in the summary above, when the limiting variable is a constant Of course, a constant can be viewed as a random variable defined on any

Various Modes of Convergence - Cornell University

Various Modes of Convergence Definitions • (convergence in probability) A sequence of random variables {X n} is said to converge in probability to a random variable X as n →∞if for any ε>0wehave lim n→∞ P [ω: X n (ω)−X (ω)≥ε]=0 We write X n →p X or plimX n = X • (convergence in distribution) Let F and F n be the

STAT 830 Convergence in Distribution

n converges in distribution (or in probability) to c, a constant, then X n +Y n converges in distribution to X+ c More generally, if f(x;y) is continuous then f(X n;Y n) )f(X;c) Warning: the hypothesis that the limit of Y n be constant is essential De nition: We say Y n converges to Y in probability if P(jY n Yj> ) 0 for each >0

Modes of Convergence

now seek to prove that a s convergence implies convergence in probability Theorem 2 If X na s n1 X, then X n P n1 X Proof Fix ">0 De ne A n:= S 1 m=n fjX m Xj>"gto be the event that at least one of X n;X n+1;::: deviates from Xby more than " Observe that A 1 A 2 decreases to an event Awhich has probability zero, since the a s

Lecture 7 Asymptotics of OLS - Bauer College of Business

Probability Limit: Convergence in probability • Definition: Convergence in probability Let θbe a constant, ε> 0, and n be the index of the sequence of RV xn If limn→∞Prob[xn – θ> ε] = 0 for any ε> 0, we say that xn converges in probabilityto θ That is, the probability that the difference between xn and θis larger

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