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3 The little girl’s great-grandfather arrived at Ellis Island in 1904 4 He emigrated from Ireland, where there was a lot of poverty, in the hope of finding a better life in America 5 When the immigrants arrived at Ellis Island, they were examined in the Great Hall and were asked 29 questions in 2 minutes 6

#17 Ellis Island - pedagogieac-reunionfr

Ellis Island - Why did you bring me here, Grandpa ? Where are we ? - We’re on Ellis Island; this is where many immigrants arrived, when they wanted to live in America My father, your great-grandfather, came here in 1904 I want to tell you his story Look at the Statue of Liberty, over there, Mary It was the first thing your ancestor saw

Space and exchanges - Paul K

immigration in the USA, especially with Ellis Island Understanding the reasons why America is seen as such an attractive country was very enriching too Seeing how diverse the American culture is made me realize that the USA really is a multi-cultural country Finally, what struck me the most was the testimonies of the many


BAC ANGLAIS ORAL Forms and Places of Power JENNY Mathieu – TS1 II ] Turning point and end of Apartheid A – Soweto uprising Everything started with an (illegal) demonstration against Afrikaans being used as the language of instruction on June, the 16 th 1976 It became the Soweto uprising because the police opened fire on the demonstrators and

IMMIGRATION / B1 – B2 - anglais-pedagogiewebac-grenoblefr

DON’T SEND ME BACK (the feelings of an immigrant at Ellis Island) 1- CE (without the end of the document – pupils have to guess) 2- training for TRANSLATION TASK 5 (EOi) : (in groups) you’re one of the doctors at Ellis Island, discuss if this person can be accepted or has to be sent back to his native country

Notion : Espaces et Echanges / Spaces and Exchanges

ORAL BACCALAUREAT : SEQUENCE 1 NEW AMERICANS Immigration in the past - CO Ellis Island (woman about her immigrant grandparents) - Video on Ellis Island (past and present) - Graphs (in the book) Personal Stories/American Dream - CO Farah (cd élève) - CO “Immigrants hope their American Dream is not fading” (cd élève)

2nde New York trame - ANGLAIS Grenoble

The Cruise to Liberty Island and Ellis Island is such a must-see when you visit New York The museum on the Ellis Island is so fascinating What a difficult journey the immigrants had How determined they were But to go there you have to pay 12$ What / Such + GN How / So + adjectif


A Ellis Island attentes humiliantes,visites médicales exténuantes Sur leurs papiers leurs noms sont déformés par des policiers qui ne connaissent que l'anglais 1En réalité le chiffre est faux,il n'est pas vraisemblable Fra il 1880 e il 1915 approdano negli Stati Uniti quattro milioni di italiani : home-emigrati it


Fiche vocabulaire immigration www lewebpedagogique com/anglais Immigration ♦Noms ascension sociale aimant atelier atelier (personnel exploité)


ANGLAIS RÉVISIONS DES ÉPREUVES DU BAC 1 - Espace et échange Le terme d’échange = l’idée de réciprocité En effet, l’acte d’échanger = un ou plusieurs

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