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WORKING AT INSERM 1 - Inserm key figures and specific features At the heart of innovation Inserm Transfert is an Inserm subsidiary dedicated to the va-lorization of discoveries from its research laboratories It iden-tifies inventions having industrial potential and transfers them across to industry to develop them as innovative healthcare

An initiative for rapid research-response to epidemics of

Inserm and Bichat Hospital, Paris, France Bernadette Murgue, Yazdan Yazdanpanah Jean François Delfraissy Isaric Meeting, London, United Kingdom –1st Dec 2015 REsearch and ACTion targeting emerging infectious disease An initiative for rapid research-response to epidemics of emerging infectious disease

Disponible en ligne sur ScienceDirect

Unite´ Inserm m UMR-S 1121 « Biomate´riaux et Bioinge´nierie », 11, rue Humann, 67000 Strasbourg, France Colle`ge n national des sages-femmes de France, 136, avenue E´mile-Zola, 75015 Paris, France De´partement o de gyne´cologie-obste´trique, hoˆpital Poissy-Saint-Germain, 10, rue du Champ-Gaillard, 78300 Poissy, France Universite

Gain of power of the general regression model compared to

model misspecification, as they are model-based In case of deviation from additivity, the power of CAT_ADD test to detect association may be decreased [3–5]


et l’ensemble des médecins de prévention de l’Inserm, le responsable sécurité de la Tour Olympie, Frédéric Fiette et le bureau de l’expérimentation animale de l’Inserm par l’intermédiaire de Brigitte Rault Pour les relectures et la mise en page, nous tenons à remercier Vanessa Grondin et Julie Arqué

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