[PDF] SÉQUENCE COLLEGE Cycle 3 - ac-orleans-toursfr

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Superheroes - LearnEnglish Kids

Superheroes have special powers which they use to do good things like helping people and fighting crime They usually wear special clothes, like a cape Sometimes they wear a mask so no one knows who they are Some superheroes use gadgets, like Spiderman's web shooter Modern superheroes started as stories in comic books

Who Wants to be a Superhero - ac-besanconfr

Oral Comprehension Listen and spot Leila, (en anglais) ≠ ≠ ≠ c) Find the English for : Name some superheroes and supervillains you know

Myths and Heroes - Anglais bac

(superheroes, superstars, icons ) of our communities (Door 1) And when science is faced with the unexplained, when it cannot answer some of the interrogations (the ori- gins Of the universe, extraterrestrial life ) Of our times, new narratives keep being created (Door 8) Myths originally aimed at explaining the origins of huma-

Classe de 3ème, fin d’année scolaire

PROJECT –SUPERHEROES Classe de 3ème, fin d’année scolaire NIVEAUX DU CECRL CIBLES : A1, A2, B1 ACTIVITE LANGAGIERE PRIVILEGIEE : Compréhension de l’écrit AUTRES ACTIVITES DEVELOPPEES : Compréhension de l’oral et production orale, TACHE FINALE : Lecture cursive d’un extrait de bande dessinée

Expression orale du baccalauréat – Expressions utiles

Is it useful for society to have « superheroes »? What is the role of the media in the rise and fall of certain « heroes »? Why are myths and heroes so important to our society? In what way are heroes portrayed in Hollywood movies? How does this reflect our society today? From rags to riches: Self-made men/women – how did they do it?

Notion: Myth and Heroes Definition of a Myth

Notion: Myth and Heroes Definition of a Myth: A Myth can be defined as a legend telling a story that sometimes cannot be verified This is a well-known tale that everybody knows about, like the Myth

SÉQUENCE COLLEGE Cycle 3 - ac-orleans-toursfr

- 1 - SÉQUENCE COLLEGE – Cycle 3 Axe ou thème culturels1: l’imaginaire Extrait du programme du cycle 3 ou 4, B O spécial n° 11 du 26 novembre 2015 p 126 : « Il s’agit, pour les élèves, d’atteindre en fin de cycle 3 le niveau A1 du CERCL dans les

Des questions possibles à l’épreuve d’expression orale Myths

Des questions possibles à l’épreuve d’expression orale Pour la 2ème partie de votre épreuve l’examinateur vous posera des questions


POI 6) Oral interaction L’étudiant ouvre le meeting, doit poser des questions, écouter les arguments et débattre sur le choix du réseau social avec les élèves présents 15mn Worksheets role for students and members PE 7) Writing activity: individual feedback: Chaque mem re d’un réseau social remplit la dernière partie


(date du jour complète en anglais) Invoice n°F125 Dear Mr Lillton, Thank you for your letter dated 30 September and for cheque n°0025016 for 150 euros in payment of invoice n°F125 Yours sincerely (signature) Georges Dufour Letterhead 2 Inside address 3 Date 4 Reference 7 Body 8 Complimentary close 9 Signature

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