[PDF] How to Set Up Active Directory and LDAP on Mattermost

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OpenLDAP directory integration with Cisco Unified

if OpenLDAP is used to proxy an Active Directory you might need to replace the objectClass “inetOrgPerson” by the objectClass “user” and the field “uid” by “sAMAccountName” Appendix 1 contains a complete example of configuration using mapping for objectClass and fields

Active Directory Sync - Nusound

based on data entry in the Active Directory service • Active Directory Sync is a menu in Enterprise Manager No external application is necessary • It supports manual and scheduled approaches • It supports Microsoft Active Directory (AD) service and OpenLDAP service • ADSync only reads data from Active Directory service but does not

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How to Set Up Active Directory and LDAP on Mattermost

methods for interfacing and querying directory information It’s not necessarily its own system; it’s how you access data in a system There are many different variations of AD/LDAP set up and structures using services such as OpenLDAP, Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS), Active Directory forests, Azure Active Directory, and more

Directory Integration with Workspace ONE Access - VMware

n Active Directory over LDAP: Create this directory type if you plan to connect to a single Active Directory domain environment For the Active Directory over LDAP directory type, the Directory Sync service binds to Active Directory using simple bind authentication The connection to Active Directory could be over SSL/TLS


searching for the password Think of the search base as the "top" of the directory for your LDAP users although it may not always the top of the directory itself The search base may be something equivalent to the organization, group, or domain name (AD) of external directory Here is a sample configuration for Active Directory:

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How to Set Up Active Directory and LDAP on Mattermost // mattermost.com1

How to Set Up

Active Directory

and LDAP on


How to Set Up Active Directory and LDAP on Mattermost // mattermost.com2

Table of Contents


Part 1: Overview of AD/LDAP

LDAP Objects and Information Structure

How Mattermost Connects to LDAP

Part 2: User Authentication & Synchronization

Basic Configuration

Advanced Configuration

Part 3: Group Synchronization

Basic Configuration

Group-Synced Teams/Channels

Next Steps

How to Set Up Active Directory and LDAP on Mattermost // mattermost.com3


Companies of all shapes and sizes use directory services to help them manage users and resources within their for storing and managing information in a hierarchical structure. Most companies prefer to manage user identity and access policies in one place for greater ease and “system of truth"—the go-to authority on the most current user data. of systems that store user accounts and require login. connection with your directory service and use the same controlling access to sensitive data. Mattermost gives you full and in compliance with your company policies. How to Set Up Active Directory and LDAP on Mattermost // mattermost.com4

“We originally started by using the Mattermost

version that came bundled in the GitLab

Omnibus package, but we eventually migrated

to Mattermost Enterprise Edition in order to get

LDAP authentication and enterprise support."

Dan West, IT Systems Administrator, Galois

How to Set Up Active Directory and LDAP on Mattermost // mattermost.com5

Part 1: Overview of


methods for interfacing and querying directory information. understand how to map user and group data in Active

LDAP Objects and Information Structure

How to Set Up Active Directory and LDAP on Mattermost // mattermost.com6 to the root is called a “distinguished name." dc ۙ ouۙ cnۙ dnۙ path to the root. dc=ExampleCorp, dc=com



cn=User1 cn=User2cn=User3cn=User4MarketingHR


Enterprise LDAP Hierarchy


OU = Organization Units


Users How to Set Up Active Directory and LDAP on Mattermost // mattermost.com7

Here"s an example:

Carlos Santana is a marketing manager at Acme Corp. His which is linked to the cn=Marketing group and falls within must specify the distinguished name.

How Mattermost Connects to LDAP

1. 2. with a username and password. 3. Your server grants the client access to your directory data How to Set Up Active Directory and LDAP on Mattermost // mattermost.com8 How to Set Up Active Directory and LDAP on Mattermost // mattermost.com9

Part 2: User

Authentication &


administrators to control who gets access to Mattermost and prevent unauthorized usage. User authentication and

Centralized Identity

Management• ҝ

in the same way across multiple systems. truth" for each user.

Single Sign-on

no need for users to create or maintain a unique Mattermost How to Set Up Active Directory and LDAP on Mattermost // mattermost.com10

Basic Configuration

read the documentation for



Enable sign-in with AD/LDAP ҍޔ

credentials. a. email address. 2.

Enable synchronization with AD/LDAP — Choose

how you want Mattermost to synchronize users and Mattermost run this process periodically or only during user login.

Automatic Account

automatically created. their sessions are revoked on the next synchronization or login attempt. How to Set Up Active Directory and LDAP on Mattermost // mattermost.com11 3. Bind Mattermost to your LDAP server — Create the a. 4.

Set your BaseDN ҍޔ


Set the bind username/passwordҍޔ

6. 7.

Map user attributes ҍ

a. How to Set Up Active Directory and LDAP on Mattermost // mattermost.com12 create a new Mattermost account that is not associated and administrators. 8. Set up synchronization and query preferences — You a. manually synchronize data whenever needed.

Advanced Configuration

Mattermost supports more complex use cases associated with are a few typical advanced scenarios.

Using AD/LDAP with SAML

How to Set Up Active Directory and LDAP on Mattermost // mattermost.com13

SAML documentation .

Mattermost synchronizes.

Active Directory Forest

Mattermost currently supports

information on this in the

AD/LDAP Setup documentation .

Multiple LDAP systems

Mattermost currently does not

this blog post . How to Set Up Active Directory and LDAP on Mattermost // mattermost.com14

Case Study: Oetker Digital

Read their story >

How to Set Up Active Directory and LDAP on Mattermost // mattermost.com15

Part 3: Group


teams and channels. the

AD/LDAP Groups documentation .


structure of your organization. Users already have access to the teams and channels most discover channels of interest themselves. How to Set Up Active Directory and LDAP on Mattermost // mattermost.com16

Basic Configuration

manually create a user group directly in Mattermost. read the documentation for

Mattermost System Console:


In Authentication > AD/LDAP :

Set Group Display Name Ҋҝ

Access Controls•

private teams or channels. when removed from the group. How to Set Up Active Directory and LDAP on Mattermost // mattermost.com17 Note: that Mattermost must load and parse. 2.

Synchronize group data:

You can either let your synchronization process run 3.

In User Management > Groups:

the connection with to Mattermost for each group How to Set Up Active Directory and LDAP on Mattermost // mattermost.com18 remove channels when needed.

Group-Synced Teams/Channels

enlist the Mattermost system administrator to help them set to set a group policy for a team. Setting a group policy for a channel would follow the same steps. 1.

In User Management > Teams:

the team. How to Set Up Active Directory and LDAP on Mattermost // mattermost.com19 and removing users from the group will add or remove 2.

In Authentication > AD/LDAP:

Case Study: Bungie

with external partners and vendors from within their

Read their story >

How to Set Up Active Directory and LDAP on Mattermost // mattermost.com20

Next Steps

Enterprise Edition E10 is ideal for small companies and data security and commercial support. Enterprise Edition E20 includes added data control and security teams.

Learn more

contact us or get hands on with a free 30-day trial .quotesdbs_dbs15.pdfusesText_21