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Table 15 Life expectancy at birth, at age 65, and at age 75

Table 15 Life expectancy at birth, at age 65, and at age 75, by sex, race, and Hispanic origin: United States, selected years 1900–2016 Excel version (with more data years and standard errors when available):

Iron Deficiency Anemia: Evaluation and Management

Jan 15, 2013 · 60 years and older (white men) NA 13 2 (132) 90 80 20 years and older (white women) NA 12 2 (122) 90 80 20 to 59 years (black men) NA 12 9 (129) 90 80 60 years and older (black men) NA 12 7 (127

GFR (Glomerular Filtration rate

age (years) average estimated gFR 20–29 116 30–39 107 40–49 99 50–59 93 60–69 85 70+ 75 gFR declines with age, even in people without kidney disease


While we focus on the mean Black White difference in IQ because it is the topic on which most of the research to date has been conducted, studies of other traits (e g , reaction times) and other groups (e g , East Asians) are

Year 4 Summer Term Week 5 - White Rose Maths

There are 730 days in two years True or false? • 3 days >72 hours • 2 1 2 years =29 months • 11 weeks 4 days

Texas Population Projections 2010 to 2050

Jan 28, 2019 · category including Texans over 85 years of age is projected to grow at the fastest rate The eldest seniors, those 85 years of age and older, are projected to nearly quadruple in size between 2010 and 2050, approaching 1 5 million The age category including those 65 to 84 years of age is projected to 2010-2015 Migration Trends

Complete Blood Count Normal Pediatric Values

1-2 years 3 80-5 20 10 0-13 5 30-40 70-90 30-35 2-4 years 3 80-5 20 10 5-14 5 32-42 74-94 32-36 5-7 years 3 80-5 20 10 9-14 9 33-44 76-96 32-36 8-10 years 3 80-5 20 10 9-14 9 33-44 78-98 32-36 10-15 years 3 80-5 20 11 4-15 4 34-45 78-98 32-36 Differential White Blood Cell Count Normal Pediatric Values White Blood Cells Neutrophils Lymphocytes


a white shirt and black tie The coat had a pair of metal grommets affixed to the back, which were used to support the cross-strapped equipment belt These uniforms were dark blue; motor officers, however, were still wearing olive drab coats and khaki breeches The uniform most similar to the current version arrived in 1940 The equipment


aesthetically pleasing to homeowners A pinestraw raking schedule of every 2-3 years can generate $100-$200 of income per acre Potential Profits Can a landowner make money if they plant and manage longleaf pine on a long rotation? The following table is an example of potential gains from a longleaf stand It represents a longleaf plantation

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This publication was made possible through funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

Page 1 of 2 LL-#7

"Longleaf pine grows value faster than it grows wood"

Longleaf Alliance

Pole prices are 40%

higher and maintain their value better than sawtimber


The longleaf forest is noted for its aesthetic beauty and a rich diversity of plants and animals. But

longleaf has many unique wood properties and biological characteristics that make it economically competitive, with other timber species. Longleaf pine naturally grows straighter, tapers less, and produces a stronger, heavier wood than loblolly pine. The superior wood quality brings top dollar for poles, pilings and grade sawtimber. While longleaf trees grow slow at first, they can catch-up on nutrient poor sites. Longleaf lives longer than other trees. Its long needles are preferred landscape mulch. It is resistant to disease and insect injury and wind damage from hurricanes. Longleaf pine makes dollars and sense for many landowners.

Superior Timber

Longleaf pine has the potential to return more profit compared to loblolly pine, thanks to its superior

wood qualities. Through improvements in planting and growing longleaf seedlings, issues of slow growth rates and difficulty of regeneration have been solved. These trees grow as well as other

southern yellow pines on most sites after height growth is initiated (usually 2 to 3 years). On poor sites,

longleaf pine often out grows loblolly in 7 to 8 years. On better sites, longleaf pine does take a few

years longer to reach commercial size, but it can grow a more valuable product. Longleaf pine

produces poles, the highest valued timber product, in proportions far exceeding other pine species. By

age 40 and 50, half of all trees in a longleaf stand may meet the standards for utility poles. In one study, 72 percent of the longleaf pine trees were of pole quality. Typically, stands of loblolly contain less than 15 percent pole quality trees. Longleaf pine wood is stronger, straighter, and produces more growth rings per inch than other pines - characteristics favored for high grade sawtimber. Because of its higher wood density and less taper, longleaf

pine weighs more than loblolly pine, bringing higher value at harvest. To realize its greatest value,

longleaf stands are better managed on long rotations.

Pine Straw

The sale of pine straw provides a valuable and consistent source of income. Longleaf pine needles are

considered the premium landscape mulch because of their superior characteristics. Longleaf pine's

longer needles are easy to bale, retain a distinguished reddish color and deteriorate slower than other

mulches. Longleaf pine straw's earthy texture and color is attractive in many landscapes and aesthetically pleasing to homeowners. A pinestraw raking schedule of every 2-3 years can generate $100-$200 of income per acre.

Potential Profits

Can a landowner make money if they plant and manage longleaf pine on a long rotation? The following

table is an example of potential gains from a longleaf stand. It represents a longleaf plantation that is

intensively managed for pine straw and high value poles and grade lumber. Forestry investments have

high upfront cost, greater risk, and realize late returns on investment. Financial returns are improved

with cost share establishment programs and annual rental payments available for longleaf. The

analysis shows that longleaf is a profitable investment and generates consistent and frequent income. March 2011LL

-#7 This publication was made possible through funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

Page 2 of 2 LL-#7

We used the following assumption in

the analysis:

Stand grown on a good quality site-

site index of 55 (base age of 25 years)

A discount rate = 4.5 %

Thinned at age 19, 29, and 39.

Final harvest: Shelterwood

Establishment costs include herbicide

treatment and periodic prescribed burns.

Pine straw costs: clean-up,


A 60/40 pole to sawtimber ratio at

final harvest using the shelterwood method

Stumpage prices: for pulpwood at

$17/cord, sawtimber at $287/MBF, and poles at $450/MBF (Scribner).

Pine straw raking schedule-- rake,

rake, rest.

Pine straw income=$75-$125/acre

Adapted from "The Economics of Longleaf Pine Management: A Road to Making Dollars and Sense", Longleaf Alliance publication

Supplemental Sources of Income

Wildlife leases, mitigation opportunities and carbon trading all have potential to become profitable for

longleaf forests. Opportunities to mitigate adverse impacts on threatened or endangered species in return

for additional revenue streams are in development at this time. Emerging markets in ecosystem services,

such as open space, clean water, clean air and biodiversity maintenance favor managed longleaf pine forests.

Risk Aversion

Longleaf pine is more resistant to loss from natural disasters, damaging insects or harmful disease than

other southern pines. This is an undervalued and underappreciated aspect of longleaf pine stands. Longleaf

pine's deep root system, sparse crowns and strong wood reduces the amount and type of damage caused

by hurricane winds. A survey after Hurricane Katrina documented a majority of longleaf trees were not

damaged and far fewer snapped off compared to loblolly pine. Due to a strong resin flow longleaf is resistant

to southern pine beetle infestation, seldom suffering significant losses. It is less likely to succumb to fusiform

rust disease. And lastly, longleaf tolerates fire allowing the tree to withstand catastrophic damage during

most wildfires.

Cost Share

A wide range of cost-share funding sources are available to private landowners to reduce costs and/or

provide early income from longleaf establishment, management and restoration. The federal Conservation

Reserve Program, or CRP, reimburse landowners for up to 90 percent of the cost of planting longleaf on

cropland and provide an annual rental payment. The NRSC programs EQIP and WHIP reimburse

landowners for establishment and management costs and favor longleaf. The Partners for Fish and Wildlife

program of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service provides funds for longleaf establishment and management.

Check with your local forest ranger for potential cost-share opportunities as well as the Private Landowner

Network at www.privatelandownernetwork.org/grantprograms


The Longleaf Alliance (2011) The Economics of Longleaf Pine Management: A Road to Making Dollars and Sense.

Longleaf Pine Plantation

Financial Analysis

Management Scenario



Value @



Rate of


Timber only $197 6%

Timber + 50% cost-share (@

establishment) $282 7%

Timber + pinestraw $894 11%

Timber + CRP rental payment $787 29%

Timber + pinestraw + CRP

rental payment $1317 30%

The North Carolina Forest Service is an equal opportunity / affirmative action employer. Its programs, activities and employment practices are

available to all people regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, handicap or political affiliation.

This is a 'print-as-needed' document available at N.C. Forest Service offices and at www.ncforestservice.gov.
