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À la découverte des araignées - Agence Science-Presse

3 Suggestions d’activités ACTIVITÉ 1 : La morphologie de l’araignée Tout d’abord, demandez à vos élèves s’ils ont peur des araignées


Araign , 2 (3): 611 Material: “Icius semiater L K och, $ Holotype, Australien, Rockhampton (Mus Go- deffroy Nr 10533)”, ZMH Male Cephalothorax dark brown with sparse grey setae, surroundings of eyes darker with dark brown hairs Length of cephalothorax 2 60 Abdomen with a broad grey median belt Laterally brown-grey back­

First record of Dolomedes plantarius (Clerck, 1758) (Araneae

Sciences UDG (University of Girona) for the material and logistical support, to Enric Planes, of Barcel ona University, for material sup-port, to Dani Boix and Pere Pons, of Girona University, for their support and encouragement, and to Isabel Martínez and Pol Bantí for reviewing the translation References BARRIENTOS, J A 1978

Inspiring Energy - enoccom

achievement in the medical sciences Under the guidance and oversight of its Board under the Chairmanship of Sheikh Hamdan, ENOC has grown to become a leading integrated global oil and gas player, making significant contributions to Dubai’s continued drive towards economic diversification and sustainable development

The Causes of Transit Related Pak-Afghan Cross Border Smuggling

The Causes of Transit Related Pak-Afghan Cross Border Smuggling Sayed Waqar Hussain ∗, Asmat Ullah ∗∗ & Bashir Ahmad Khilji∗∗∗ Abstract The history of trade, as evolved between nations over the past few

L’orthographe des noms : masculin/féminin

Etude de la langue e5 L’orthographe des noms: masculin/féminin

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