[PDF] Balancing the G/L Reconciliation Report

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Balancing the G/L Reconciliation Report

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Balancing the G/L Reconciliation Report


About Reconciling the G/L Reconciliation Report

Troubleshooting Tips

Reconciling the Trust Bank

Reconciling the General Bank

Reconciling Accounts Receivable

Reconciling Client Disb Recov (1210) (for Accrual and Modified Cash systems only) Reconciling Accounts Payable (for Accrual systems only) Reconciling Value Added Taxes (for firms collecting HST, GST, or VAT)

About Reconciling the G/L Reconciliation Report

The G/L Reconciliation report compares PCLaw

TM journals with the Client Ledger and general ledger. Any imbalance is displayed on the report. Once an imbalance is reported, its source needs to be isolated. This document offers troubleshooting tips for finding the source of any imbalance that may occur on the G/L Reconciliation report. A general ledger account that is directly associated with a journal is called a control account. For example, General Bank Account 1 has a g/l control account of 1000, Trust Bank Account 1 has a control account of 1100. This terminology is used throughout this document.

Troubleshooting Tips

This section contains useful tips for reconciling

most reports in PCLaw TM , including the G/L Reconciliation report. These tips are recommended repeatedly throughout this document when reconciling the different sections of the G/L Reconciliation report. If there is an imbalance, run Verify Data Integrity: A common cause of an imbalance between reports is an index file that did not properly refresh or update itself. To confirm the integrity of your index files, perform a Verify Data Integrity.

1. Select on the Tools pull-down menu, Verify Data Integrity.

2. Select all boxes for the section being compared on the G/L Reconciliation report.

3. When the Verify Data Integrity is completed, rerun the G/L Reconciliation report.

Warning: Verify Data Integrity could take a long time to complete due to data size, network speed, and hardware components. Verify Data Integrity requires everyone to exit PCLaw TM If there is an imbalance in the Journal/ G/L comparison, reread G/L Information: When producing the G/L Reconciliation report, confirm Reread G/L Information is checked. If Reread G/L Information is not selected, items posted after the last time a G/L statement was produced may not appear on the report.

Balancing the G/L Reconciliation Report

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© 2009 LexisNexis, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc

Balance the journal to the Client Ledger first

Some sections display balances in all three columns, Journal, Ledger, and G/L. If all three balances are different, always reconcile the Journal to the Ledger before reconciling either balance to the g/l. The reason being that any change to the journal balance will reflect on the g/l, so always ensure the journal balance is correct prior to adjusting the g/l balance.

Locate the source of the imbalance by date

By starting with a time when the values balanced, the source of the imbalance can be narrowed down by date. For example, if reports were (and still are) balanced at the end of the previous month but are not balanced at the end of the current month, run the G/L Reconciliation report up the 15th of the

current month. If the imbalance still appears, run the report until the 7th of the month and continue

to cut the periods in half until the imbalance is narrowed down to a specific date. Look at a detailed journal, Client Ledger, or g/l for that date to find the source of the imbalance. If the report, when run to the 15th of the month is balanced, run the report to the 23rd, and continue to cut the periods in half to find the date the imbalance occurred. Tip: If the amount of the imbalance changes, then you are dealing with multiple entries.

Locate the source of the imbalance by matter

For an imbalance in accounts receivables, narrow down the source to a specific matter. For example, produce a Client Ledger or Billing Fees journal, (firm totals only) for a range of clients by nickname from A to M by using the Range of Clients option on the Matter tab for these reports. If the imbalance appears on this restricted report, narrow the range again to A to F Continue until you can isolate the matter with the imbalance. If the imbalance is not between A to M, narrow down the N to Z range to locate the matter. Once the matter is known, you can run a detailed Client Ledger and Billing Fees Journal for the specific matter to find the item causing the imbalance. Tip: If the amount of the imbalance changes, then you are dealing with multiple matters.

Has the historic report changed?

If reports balanced at the end of the previous month, but not at this month end, rerun the G/L

Reconciliation for the previous month to confirm that they still balance at that point in time. If not,

then the source of the imbalance is an entry backdated prior to the last accounting period. The imbalance can often be isolated by running an audit trail by entry number, using a known entry number from the start of the current period. On the Audit Trail report, check for dates that occurred prior to the current period.

Is the imbalance consistent over time?

If the value is consistent over time, then you are looking for a backdated entry, an incorrect opening balance, or a possible corrupted entry. If the value changes over time, then the imbalance is most likely due to an incorrect data entry routine. One or more users are entering or allocating information incorrectly. This could also be an indication of more widespread data corruption.

Balancing the G/L Reconciliation Report

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© 2009 LexisNexis, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc

Reconciling the Trust Bank

This section contains useful tips for reconciling an imbalance in an area of the Trust Bank. If there is an imbalance in the Client/Journal column: Causes and recommendations for an imbalance in the Trust Bank > Client/Journal column Follow these preliminary steps for identifying the source of the imbalance:

1. Narrow down by date when the difference occurs (see "Troubleshooting Tips" on page 1).

2. Run a detailed Client Trust Ledger and Trust Bank Journal for the date the imbalance

occurred. The reports can be filtered by bank account to further narrow the search field.

3. Compare the entries on both reports to find the imbalance.

4. Remove the entry in question, and re-enter it.

If there is an imbalance in the Journal/ G/L column: Causes and recommendations for an imbalance in the Trust Bank > Journal/G/L column Follow these preliminary steps for identifying the source of the imbalance:

1. Narrow down by date when the difference occurs (see "Troubleshooting Tips" on page 1).

2. Run a detailed g/l for the control account in question for the date the imbalance occurred.

3. Review the Srce column for a source other than TB.

4. Drill down on the entry to correct the g/l allocation. Also an offsetting General Journal entry

can be made to correct the imbalance.

If there is an imbalance between the sum of the individual trust G/L accounts and the Trust Funds Owed

(2100) account: If the individual trust bank g/l accounts reconcile to their corresponding journals, then an improper allocation was made to Trust Funds Owed (2100). See "If there is an imbalance in the Journal/ G/L column:" on page 3 to identify and correct this discrepancy. possible cause recommended correction

A partial entry: i.e. an entry that was

interrupted before it could properly post to the ledger or journal. **This could be from a workstation stoppage,

network issue, or power interruption.**• Drill down on the entry on the Client Trust Ledger or Trust

Bank Journal and remove it. Re-enter it if needed. • Use the Register to remove the entry, either on the Ledger or Trust tab. Re-enter the transaction if needed. possible cause recommended correction

A non-trust transaction was allocated to a

trust bank control account. **This transaction cannot originate from a trust bank data entry window as these windows do not provide a field to specify g/l accounts.**• Use the Register to correct the g/l allocation for the entry with a proper g/l account other than the trust bank control account. • Create a g/l adjustment to move the imbalance from the trust bank control account to its proper g/l account.

Balancing the G/L Reconciliation Report

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Reconciling the General Bank

This section contains useful tips for reconciling an imbalance in an area of the General Bank. If there is an imbalance in the Journal/ G/L column: Causes and recommendations for an imbalance in the General Bank > Journal/G/L column Follow these preliminary steps for identifying the source of the imbalance:

1. Narrow down by date when the difference occurs (see "Troubleshooting Tips" on page 1).

2. Run a detailed General Bank Journal and a detailed general ledger for the control account for

the date the imbalance occurs.

3. Search in the G/L Acct colum on the General Bank Journal, for the g/l nickname of the control

account. Use the icon to search for any instance of the nickname.

4. Search in the Srce column of the general ledger, for a source other than GB.

5. Drill down on any entry to examine in greater detail.

possible causerecommended correction

A check or receipt wa

s allocated to the general bank control account.• Use the Register to change the g/l allocation to an account that is not a general bank control account.

A non-general bank entry was incorrectly

allocated to a general bank control account.• Use the Register to correct the g/l allocation to an

account that is not a general bank control account • Create a g/l adjustment to move the imbalance from the bank control account to its proper account.

An entry was backdated into a closed month. • Reopen and close the month or create a reversing entry

for the same date.

An incorrect general bank opening balance

was entered for the account. • If no months are closed in PCLaw TM , use Tools > General Bank Opening Balances to correct the opening balance. • If months are closed, create a Firm Receipt for the amount of the opening balance. Allocate the receipt to the bank control account. This type of entry changes the bank journal balance but not the g/l balance.

An incorrect general ledger opening balance

was entered for the general bank control account.• If no months are closed in PCLaw TM , use Tools > General Ledger Opening Balances to correct the balance of the general bank control account. • If months are closed, cr eate a g/l adjustment for the opening balance. Allocate the receipt to an expense account to affect the current year's income, or to an equity account to leave income unaffected. This type of entry changes the g/l but not the bank journal balance.

Balancing the G/L Reconciliation Report

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Reconciling Accounts Receivables

This section contains useful tips for reconciling an imbalance in an area of Accounts Receivables. If there is an imbalance in the Client/Journal column: Causes and recommendations for an imbalance in the Accounts Receivable > Client/Journal column Follow these preliminary steps for identifying the source of the imbalance:

1. Narrow down by matter where the difference occurs ("Troubleshooting Tips" on page 1).

2. Run a detailed Client Ledger and Billing Fees Journal for the matter with the imbalance.

Reports should be run for all dates.

Tip: When producing the Billing Fees Journal, include Paid Invoices and Write Ups/Write


3. Compare the total billed fees, disbursements, taxes (if applicable), and receipts on both

reports to further narrow the search.

4. Confirm all invoice numbers listed under the Bld Inv column of the Client Ledger appear on

the Billing Fees Journal. possible cause recommended correction

A billing process was interrupted with an

invoice posted to the Client Ledger but not to the Billing Fees Journal. **This is often shown by the appearance of an invoice number in the Bld Inv column of the

Client Ledger, but that invoice number does

not appear on the Billing Fees Journal.**• Undo the bill. • If a 'Billing on Invoice #' entry does not appear on the Client Ledger for the invoice, cancel the invoice by performing the following:

1. Create an invoice for the same matter and the

same invoice number.

2. On the Options tab of the Bill Selections window,

confirm Prompt for Changes to Billed Amounts is checked.

3. Click the Cancel button in the Billing Information

window. PCLaw TM displays a Billing Cancelled prompt.

4. On the Client Ledger, confirm the invoice number

has been removed from all transactions.

A payment is missing from the Billing Fees


**This is shown by total receipts on the Client

Ledger not matching total receipts on the

Billing Fees Journal.**• If the payment is within an unreconciled open month, remove the payment and re-enter it. • If a payment is in a closed month, call LexisNexis PCLaw TM

Technical Support.

An entry is missing from the client ledger.

**This is shown by total billed fees or billed disbursements on the Client Ledger not matching total fees and disbursements on the Billing Fees Journal.**• If the invoice is in an unreconciled open month:

1. Undo the bill (any payments made to the invoice

must first be reversed).

2. Re-enter the missing entry.

3. Create the bill once again.

4. Re-enter all previously removed payments.

Balancing the G/L Reconciliation Report

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© 2009 LexisNexis, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc If there is an imbalance in the Journal/ G/L column: (for Accrual accounting systems only)

Causes and recommendations for an imbalance in the Accounts Receivable > Journal/G/L column for Accrual systems

Follow these preliminary steps for identifying the source of the imbalance:

1. Narrow down by date when the difference occurs (see "Troubleshooting Tips" on page 1).

2. Run a detailed Billing Fees Journal, Write Up/Down Journal, Payment Allocation Listing and

Accounts Receivable (1200) for the date the imbalance occurs.

3. On the general ledger, use the Srce column to compare transactions to their source journal.

• A source of BJ corresponds to an invoice on the Billing Fees Journal • A source of GB corresponds to a payment on the Payment Allocation Listing • A source of WUD corresponds to a write up or down on the Write Up/Down Journal.

4. Drill down on any entry to examine it in greater detail.

Tip: If the Client Ledger and Billing Fees Journal are not in balance, perform the steps in "If there

is an imbalance in the Journal/ G/L column: (for Accrual accounting systems only)" on page 6 before attempting to reconcile the g/l. Reconciling Client Disb Recov (1210) (for Accrual systems only) This topic contains useful tips for reconciling an imbalance in the Client Disb Recov (1210) account for Accrual systems. For Accrual systems, the reconciliation formula for Client Disb Recov (1210) is as follows: Unbilled disbursements - unapplied general retainers. Unbilled disbursements and unapplied general retainer balances are attained from the Client


If there is an imbalance in the Journal/G/L column: possible cause recommended correction

A transaction is incorrectly allocated to

Accounts Receivable (1200).

**This is most probably the case if the A/R balance on the Client Ledger equals the

Outstanding balance on the Billing Fees

Journal.**• Use the Register to correct the g/l allocation for the entry to a non general bank control account. • Create a g/l adjustment to move the imbalance from the general bank control account to its proper g/l account. possible causes recommended corrections

A Client Expense Recovery is allocated to

1210 instead of an expense account.

**This is shown by 1210 appearing in the G/L

Acct column of the Client Cost Journal.**• Drill down on the entry on the Client Cost Journal and

change the g/l allocation. • Post a general journal entry to reallocate the amount.

A non-client cost is allocated to 1210.

**This is shown by a non-summarized transaction in the 1210 G/L Acct column that

is neither a billing nor general retainer entry.**• Drill down on the general ledger entry and change the

g/l allocation. • Post a general journal entry to reallocate the amount.

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Causes and recommendations for an imbalance in Client Disb Recov (1210) > Journal/G/L column for Accrual systems

Follow these preliminary steps for identifying the source of the imbalance:

1. Narrow down by date when the difference occurs (see "Troubleshooting Tips" on page 1).

2. Run a detailed Client Cost Journal for that date. Use the

icon to search for any instance of

1210 (the Client Disb Recov nickname) in the G/L Account column.

Tip: If you are using a different nickname for Client Disb Recov, substitute that nickname in place of 1210.

3. Run a detailed Client Disb Recov (1210) for the date. Check the report for any individual

transactions that are not the result of billing or general retainers.

Tip: Exp

ense recovery, general check allocated to matters, and accounts payables allocated to matters appear as summarized entries. Any transaction incorrectly allocated to 1210 appears on the g/l as a separate transaction. Reconciling Client Disb Recov (1210) (for Modified Cash systems only) This section contains useful tips for reconciling an imbalance in the Client Disb Recov (1210) account in a Modified Cash system. possible causesrecommended corrections

An incorrect unbilled disbursement was

entered as a matter opening balance for one or more matters.• If no months are closed in PCLaw TM , use Tools > Matter

Opening Balances to correct the balance.

• If months are closed:

1. Create an Expense Recovery for the imbalance.

2. Allocate the receipt to 1210 account.

• This type of entry will change the Client Cost Journal but not the g/l balance.

An incorrect general ledger opening balance

was entered for Client Disb Recov (1210).• If no months are closed in PCLaw TM , use Tools > General Ledger Opening Balances to correct the balance of Client

Disb Recov (1210).

• If months are closed:

1. Create a g/l adjustment for the opening balance.

2. Allocate the receipt to an expense account to affect

the current year's income, or to an equity account to affect firm capital only. • This entry affects the g/l but not the Client Cost Journal. Warning: Do not reconcile if you are separating hard and soft costs, as only hard costs are reconciled on the G/L Reconciliation report. General Retainers are received as hard costs. At the time of billing, if a general retainer is applied to a hard cost, it is debited from Client Disb Recov (1210) as a hard cost. If a general retainer is applied to a soft cost, the retainer amount is debited from Client Soft Cost (5011) as a soft cost. Since Client Soft Cost (5011) is not tracked on the G/L Reconciliation report, an imbalance results in the Journal/ G/L column making Client Disb Recov (1210) a non-reconcilable account.quotesdbs_dbs19.pdfusesText_25