[PDF] Appendix 71 Plant species and relative abundance recorded in

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Keith et al (2013) Scientific foundations for an IUCN Red

Keith et al (2013) Scientific foundations for an IUCN Red List of Ecosystems PLoS ONE in press Supplementary material 141 Figure S15 1 Typical examples of alvar in Ontario, Canada, showing clockwise from top right: little bluestem – shrubby cinquefoil (Schizachyrium scoparium, Dasiphora fruticosa ssp floribunda) dwarf-

Conservation of Plant Biodiversity in Temple Yards of Luni

plant species respectively according to IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) The paper enumerates their local names, botanical names and life forms Recorded economic and medicinal values of these plants are described Keywords: Worshipped plants, Ornamental plants, Medicinal plants, Economic importance

Vascular plants in the tourist area of Lushan National Nature

According to the IUCN Red List, 26 plant species are threatened species, of which 5 are endangered, 8 vulnerable and 16 native to Lushan Non-native threat - ened species such as Calycanthus chinensis and Manglietia insignis were introduced for conservation and study (Chen 1994) There are also some species that were

Floristic assessment of the important least concern plant

The IUCN red list categories, adopted by IUCN Council in 1994, have become widely recognized internationally, and they are now used in a range of publications and list-

Appendix 71 Plant species and relative abundance recorded in

Appendix 7 1 Plant species and relative abundance recorded in the assessment area (PS: Project Site, S/G: shrubland/grassland, SW: secondary woodland, AW: artificial


According to IUCN Red List (2004) currently 15,589 species are threatened with extinction; 12 of world’s known birds, 23 of mammals, and 32 of amphibians are also threatened (Baillie et al

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Appendix 7.1 Plant species and relative abundance recorded in the assessment area (PS: Project Site, S/G: shrubland/grassland, SW: secondary

woodland, AW: artificial wetland, AG: agriculture, U/D: urbanized/disturbed, W: watercourse) Scientific Name Chinese Name Growth Form Native Conservation

Status PS S/G SW AW AG U/D W

Aglaia odorata 䰛Ṽ嗕 Shrub or Small Tree Exotic ++ Alangium chinense ℓ奺㣻 Tree Native + + Aleurites moluccana 䞛㞿 Tree Exotic ++ Aporusa dioica 戨㞜 Shrub or Small Tree Native + ++ Aquilaria sinensis ⛇㰱楁 Tree Native 1,2,3,4,5 + + + Artocarpus heterophyllus 厈嗧囄 Tree Exotic + +

Asparagus densiflorus

Averrhoa carambola 㣲㟫 Small Tree Exotic + Scientific Name Chinese Name Growth Form Native Conservation

Status PS S/G SW AW AG U/D W

Bambusa textilis 曺䙖䪡 Clumped Tree Bamboo Exotic +++ Bambusa ventricosa ἃ偂䪡 Clumped Tree Bamboo Exotic +

Bischofia javanica 䥳㣻 Tree Native

Blechnum orientale 䁷㮃唐 Herb Native +

Bombax ceiba 㛐㡱 Tree Exotic + + +

Bridelia tomentosa ⛇囄㧡 Shrub or Small Tree Native +++ Calliandra haematocephala 㛙主剙 Shrub Exotic + + Carmona microphylla ➢⍲㧡 Shrub Exotic ++ Caryota mitis 䞕䧿欂⯦吝 Small Tree Palm Exotic + Casuarina equisetifolia 㛐湣湫 Tree Exotic ++ + +++ Catharanthus roseus 攟㗍剙 Subshrub Exotic + + Cayratia corniculata 奺剙䁷嗆医 Herbaceous Vine Native + Scientific Name Chinese Name Growth Form Native Conservation

Status PS S/G SW AW AG U/D W

Celosia argentea 曺吁 Herb Native + + + Celtis sinensis 㛜㧡 Tree Native ++ ++ + +++ Chrysalidocarpus lutescens 㔋⯦吝 Shrub Palm Exotic + + Cibotium barometz 慹㮃䉿 Fern Native 1,2,4 + Cinnamomum burmannii 昘楁 Tree or Large Shrub Native + +

Cinnamomum camphora 㧇 Tree Native + +

Citrus maxima 㞂 Tree Exotic +

Claoxylon indicum 䘥㟸㧡 Tree Native + Clausena lansium 湫䙖 Small Tree Exotic +++ + Clerodendrum thomsonae 漵⎸䎈 Shrub Exotic + + Cordyline fruticosa 㛙哱 Shrub Exotic + + Crateva unilocularis 㧡柕厄 Tree Exotic + + Cratoxylum cochinchinense 湫䈃㛐 Tree/Shrub Native + + Cynodon dactylon 䉿䈁㟡 Perennial Herb Native + + + Cyperus involucratus 桐干勱 Herb Exotic + + Dalbergia assamica ⋿ⵢ湫㨨 Tree Native + + Dalbergia benthamii ℑ⺋湫㨨 Climber: Vine Native ++ Dalbergia odorifera 旵楁湫㨨 Tree Exotic + + Scientific Name Chinese Name Growth Form Native Conservation

Status PS S/G SW AW AG U/D W

Delonix regia 沛↘㛐 Tree Exotic + ++ Dracaena draco 漵埨㧡 Tree Exotic + + Duranta erecta `忋価 Climbing Shrub Exotic +++ Dypsis lutescens 㔋⯦吝 Shrub Palm Exotic + + Eleusine indica 䈃䫳勱 Herb Native ++ Epipremnum aureum 䵈嗧 Tall Climbing Plant Exotic + + Eriobotrya japonica 㜯㜟 Small Tree Exotic + + ++ Eucalyptus camaldulensis 崌㟱 Tree Exotic + Eucalyptus citriodora 㩠㩔㟱 Tree Exotic + + Euphorbia hirta 梃㎂勱 Herb Exotic + + Euphorbia thymifolia ⋫㟡勱 Herb Native + + Scientific Name Chinese Name Growth Form Native Conservation

Status PS S/G SW AW AG U/D W

Ficus religiosa 厑㍸㧡 Tree Exotic ++ ++ Flueggea virosa 䘥梗㧡 Shrub Native + Gardenia jasminoides 㠼⫸ Shrub Native + Hedyotis corymbosa ⁀㇧剙俛勱 Herb Native + Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 㛙㦧 Shrub Exotic + + Hibiscus tiliaceus 湫㦧 Tree/Shrub Native + + Ipomoea cairica Ḽ䇒慹漵 Climber: Twining Herb Exotic + ++ ++ Itea chinensis 滈⇢ Tree/Shrub Native + + Ixora chinensis 漵凡剙 Shrub Native + +++ Ixora coccinea 䲭ẁᷡ剙 Shrub Exotic + Ixora coccinea f. lutea 湫漵凡剙 Shrub Exotic + Scientific Name Chinese Name Growth Form Native Conservation

Status PS S/G SW AW AG U/D W

Lantana camara 楔主ᷡ Shrub Exotic ++ Leucaena leucocephala 戨⎰㬉 Small Tree Exotic ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ Liquidambar formosana 㣻楁 Tree Native + + Litchi chinensis 勼㝅 Tree Exotic + +++ + Litsea glutinosa 㼢㥩㧡 Tree Native + ++ + + Litsea monopetala `㞧㛐唹⫸ Small Tree Native ++ Lophostemon confertus 䲭先㛐 Tree Exotic + + Lygodium japonicum 㴟慹㱁 Climbing Herb Native + + Macaranga tanarius 埨㟸 Tree Native +++ ++ + +++

Michelia x alba 䘥嗕 Tree Exotic ++

Scientific Name Chinese Name Growth Form Native Conservation

Status PS S/G SW AW AG U/D W

Magnolia grandiflora 匟剙䌱嗕 Tree Exotic + Mangifera indica 刺㝄 Tree Exotic + +++ + Melaleuca cajuputi 䘥⋫Ⰼ Tree Exotic +++ +++ Microstegium ciliatum ∃午䪡 Perennial Procumbent

Herb Native +++ +

Mikania micrantha 唯䓀卲 Climbing Herb Exotic ++ ++ + Mirabilis jalapa 䳓励匱 Herb Exotic +

Morus alba 㟹 Tree or Shrub Native + +

Murraya paniculata ḅ慴楁 Small Tree Exotic ++ + Ophiopogon japonicus 湍⅔ Perennial Herb Native + Opuntia stricta var. dillenii ẁṢ㌴ Perennial Herb Exotic + + + Osmanthus fragrans 㟪剙 Tree or Shrub Exotic + Scientific Name Chinese Name Growth Form Native Conservation

Status PS S/G SW AW AG U/D W

Phyllanthus emblica 检䓀⫸ Tree or Shrub Native + + Pinus elliottii 㽽⛘㜦 Tree Exotic + + Pinus massoniana 楔⯦㜦 Tree Native + + Platycladus orientalis "㝷 Tree Exotic + + Podocarpus macrophyllus 伭㻊㜦 Tree Native + Polygonum chinense 䀓䁕㭵 Herb Native ++ + + Psidium guajava 䔒䞛㥜 Tree Exotic + + Psychotria asiatica ḅ䭨 Tree or Shrub Native + Pterocarpus indicus 䳓㨨 Tree Exotic + + Pyrus calleryana 寮㡐 Tree Native + + Radermachera sinica 厄寮㧡 Tree Exotic + + Ravenala madagascariensis 㕭Ṣ哱 Tree Exotic + Rhaphiolepis indica 䞛㔹㛐 Shrub Native + + Rhapis excelsa 㡽䪡 Shrub Palm Native + Rhynchelytrum repens 䲭㮃勱 Perennial Herb Exotic Scientific Name Chinese Name Growth Form Native Conservation

Status PS S/G SW AW AG U/D W

Sapindus saponaria 䃉か⫸ Tree Native + + Sapium sebiferum 䁷㟽 Tree Native + ++ Schefflera arboricola 洅㌴喌 Climbing Shrub Exotic

Schima superba 㛐匟 Tree Native + +

Schefflera heptaphylla 洅㌴㞜 Tree Native ++ + Solanum americanum ⮹剙漵吝 Herb Exotic ++ + + + Spathodea campanulata 䀓䃘㧡 Tree Exotic + + Sterculia lanceolata `喳⧮ Tree Native + + Strophanthus divaricatus 伲奺㉿ Woody Vine Native + + Swietenia mahagoni 㟫剙⽫㛐 Tree Exotic + Syngonium auritum 攟俛⎰㝄刳 Herb Exotic +

Thuja orientalis "㝷 Tree Exotic +

Trema tomentosa Ⱉ湫湣 Shrub or Small Tree Native + Scientific Name Chinese Name Growth Form Native Conservation

Status PS S/G SW AW AG U/D W

Tylophora ovata ⦫⃺喌 Woody Vine Native + Vernonia patula 渡圎剙 Herb Native ++ Viburnum odoratissimum 䍲䐂㧡 Tree Native + + Youngia japonica 湫洒厄 Herb Native ++ + ++ Zanthoxylum nitidum ℑ朊憅 Woody Vine Native +

Number of species 92 6 62 22 15 126 19

Relative abundance: +=Rare, ++=Occassional, +++=Common

1: Cap. 586; 2: Listed in Rare and Precious Plants of Hong Kong; 3: Listed in China Plant Red Data Book; 4: Category II protected species in China; 5: IUCNs Red List of

Threatened Plants
