[PDF] Déclinaison : les pronoms-adjectifs hic, iste, ille, is

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Chapter 9: Hic, Ille and Iste - Utah State University

Iste means “that grrr-rrrRRRrrr” And note that iste declines in exactly the same way as ille, illa, illud, including the genitive singular -ius and dative singular -i, with which you should be familiar by now But those particular archaic endings are not restricted to hic, ille and iste They also show up in a


the latin demonstrative adjectives: ille, hic, iste Latin also has demonstrative adjectives roughly equivalent to our "this" and "that" Now remember, since these words are adjectives in Latin, they must be able to agree with the nouns

Déclinaison : les pronoms-adjectifs hic, iste, ille, is

Déclinaison : les pronoms-adjectifs hic, iste, ille, is Comme son nom l’indique, un pronom-adjectif est un mot dont la nature est double : il peut remplir, selon le contexte, soit une fonction pronominale (en remplaçant un nom), soit une fonction adjectivale (en complétant un nom)

Deictic Pronouns in Anatolian* - UCLA

hic) Of the few examples of ap ā-, most are ana-phoric, but note perhaps apatti ā rr ī ‘at that time’ in KBo 9 141 i 14 If this ex-ample is correctly interpreted, it suggests that ap ā-is synchronically ‘that’ (far, probably both iste/ille), but see further below In any case, the words ā ššiwant(i)-‘poor

PART V - Pragmatics & Discourse at IU

3 (Latin hic/iste/ille), 4 (Sre, Vietnam), 6 (Sami Nesseby, a Finnic dialect), 14 (Daga, Papua New Guinea) or even more than 30 (Alaskan Yup’ik Eskimo) (Senft 1997:8, Pajusalu 2006: 242) According to Pajusalu, however, Livonian (a Finnic language) has only one demonstrative (Pajusalu 2006: 242, cf Laanest 1982: 197-199)

I Hic, haec, hoc (this, these

hic huius huic hunc höc haec huius huic hanc häc hoc huius huic hoc höc hï hörum hïs hös hïs hae härum hïs häs hïs haec hörum hïs haec hïs II Ille, illa, illud (that, those) Singular (that) Plural (those) Masc Fem Neut Masc Fem Neut Nom Gen Dat Acc Abl ille illïus illï illum illö illa illïus illï illam illä


HIC, ISTE, ILLE sunt pr˙n˙mina et adiect§va Quid significat PRONOMEN? (VIR est n˙men; HIC est pr˙n˙men; ELIZABETHA est n˙men; ILLA est pr˙n˙men ) HIC, ISTE, ILLE sunt pr˙n˙mina et adiect§va DEMONSTRATIVA In Anglic~ HIC significat "this/these" aut "this/these men, women, etc " Spect~te et tr~nsferte h~s sententi~s: HIC est LIBER

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