[PDF] CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support Learner Guide Book 2

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CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support Learner Guide Book 2

CHC43015 – Certificate IV in Ageing Support Learner Guide Book 2 Australian Healthcare Qualifications & Training Page 8 of 284 Australia’s culture Australian society today is a diverse mix of cultures, languages, and socioeconomic status made from a range

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CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support | Learner Guide Book 2 | Australian Healthcare Qualifications & Training | Page 1 of 284

CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support

Learner Guide Book 2

Units Covered

CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people

HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems

CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families CHCPAL001 Deliver care services using a palliative approach CHCHCS001 Provide home and community support services

CHCAGE002 Implement falls prevention strategies

CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support

CHCAGE003 Coordinate services for older people

CHCPRP001 Develop and maintain networks and collaborative partnerships

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Table of Contents

CHCDIV001 - Work with diverse people .................................................................. 4

Element 1: Reflect on own perspective ........................................................................................................................... 6

Element 2: Appreciate diversity and inclusiveness, and their benefits ......................................................................... 14

Element 3: Communicating with people from diverse backgrounds ............................................................................ 23

HLTAAP001 - Recognise healthy body systems ...................................................... 29

Element 1: Work with information about the human body .......................................................................................... 30

Element 2: Recognise and promote ways to support healthy functioning of the body ................................................ 57

CHCCCS025 - Support relationships with carers and families ..................... 72

Element 1: Include carers and family members as part of the support team ............................................................ 73

Element 2: Assess and respond to changes in the care relationship .......................................................................... 85

Element 3: Monitor and promote carer rights, health and wellbeing ........................................................................ 89

CHCPAL001 - Deliver care services using a palliative approach ............................... 94

Element 1: Apply principals and aims of a palliative approach when supporting individuals...................................... 95

Element 2: Respect the persons preferences for quality of life choices ..................................................................... 101

Element 3: Follow the persons advance care directives in the care plan ................................................................... 104

Element 4: Respond to signs of pain and other symptoms ......................................................................................... 108

Element 5: Follow end of life care strategies .............................................................................................................. 118

Element 6: Manage own emotional responses and ethical issues .............................................................................. 123

CHCHCS001 - Provide home and Community support services ............................. 129

Element 1: Determine requirements of individual plan .............................................................................................. 131

Element 2: Establish relationship in the home ............................................................................................................ 137

Element 3 : Operate respectfully in the home ............................................................................................................ 147

Element 4: Complete reporting and documentation .................................................................................................. 156

CHCAGE002 - Implement falls prevention strategies ............................................ 159

Element 1 Prepare to implement falls prevention strategies ..................................................................................... 160

Element 2 Identify potential fall risks .......................................................................................................................... 165

Element 3 Implement falls prevention strategies ....................................................................................................... 174

Element 4 Monitor Falls prevention strategies ........................................................................................................... 182

CHCCCS017 - Provide loss and grief support ....................................................... 192

Element 1 - Recognise reactions to loss and grief ....................................................................................................... 193

Element 2 - Engage empathically ................................................................................................................................. 202

Element 3 - offer support and information ................................................................................................................. 205

Element 4 - Care for self .............................................................................................................................................. 208

Element 5 - Review support provided ......................................................................................................................... 211

CHCAGE003 Coordinate services for older people ................................... 218

CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support | Learner Guide Book 2 | Australian Healthcare Qualifications & Training | Page 3 of 284

Element 1: Coordinate the delivery of the individualised plan ................................................................................. 219

Element 2: Liaise and negotiate with appropriate personnel and service providers ............................................... 232

Element 3: Support family and carers ........................................................................................................................ 240

Element 4: Coordinate feedback ................................................................................................................................ 244

CHCPRP001 - Develop and maintain networks and collaborative partnerships ....... 249

Element 1: Identify networking and collaboration needs and opportunities ............................................................ 250

Element 2 : Develop collaboration strategies .............................................................................................................. 253

Element 3: Work collaboratively ................................................................................................................................. 265

Element 4: Represent the organisation ....................................................................................................................... 270

Element 5: Maintain and enhance networks and collaborative partnerships ............................................................ 276

CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support | Learner Guide Book 2 | Australian Healthcare Qualifications & Training | Page 4 of 284

CHCDIV001 - Work with diverse people

Welcome to the learning resource for the unit CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people. On completion of this unit you will have covered the requirements for:

1. Reflect on own perspectives

2. Appreciate diversity and inclusiveness and their benefits

3. Communicate with people from diverse backgrounds and situations

4. Promote understanding across diverse groups

You will be able to demonstrate your ability to:

Undertake a structured process to reflect on own perspectives on diversity Recognise and respect the needs of people from diverse social and cultural backgrounds in at least 2 different situations: Select and use appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication

Recognise situations where misunderstandings may arise from diversity and formed appropriate responses

You will gain knowledge about the:

Concepts of cultural awareness, cultural safety and cultural competence and how these impact different

work roles

Concepts and definitions of diversity

Own culture and the community attitudes, language, policies and structures of that culture and how they

impact on different people and groups Features of diversity in Australia and how this impacts different areas of work and life:





Legal and ethical considerations (international, national, state/territory, local) for working with diversity,

how these impact individual workers, and the consequences of breaches:






Human rights:

Universal declaration of human rights

Relationship between human needs and human rights

Frameworks, approaches and instruments used in the workplace

Rights and responsibilities of workers, employers and clients, including appropriate action when rights

are being infringed or responsibilities not being carried out. Key areas of diversity and their characteristics, including:

Culture, race, ethnicity


Religious or spiritual beliefs

Gender, including transgender



Sexual orientation/sexual identity - lesbian, gay, bisexual, heterosexual

CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support | Learner Guide Book 2 | Australian Healthcare Qualifications & Training | Page 5 of 284

K Social, political and economic issues affecting Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people Own culture, western systems and structures and how these impact on Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and their engagement with services Potential needs of marginalised groups, including:

Protective factors

Physical, mental and emotional health issues/care needs Consideration of impacts of discrimination, trauma, exclusion and negative attitudes Resources that support individuals and organisations to embrace and respond to diversity

Language and cultural interpreters


Influences and changing practices in Australia and their impact on the diverse communities that make up

Australian society

Impact of diversity practices and experiences on personal behaviour, interpersonal relationships,

perception and social expectations of others

A copy of the full unit of competency can be found at: http://training.gov.au/Training/Details/CHCDIV001

This learning resource is designed to support your learning and act as a guide to further research. We

encourage you to access other texts which include; standards and legislation and other resources relating to

your industry that can be sourced throughout the internet or library.

CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support | Learner Guide Book 2 | Australian Healthcare Qualifications & Training | Page 6 of 284

Element 1: Reflect on own perspective

Understanding cultural diversity

In this section you will learn about:

What is culture?

Understanding cultural competence

Reflect on own culture

What is culture?

As a support worker it is important that you have an understanding about culture and diversity.

Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) individuals often find it hard to communicate effectively, to feel

validated and understood. Breakdowns in communication can occur and this can lead to low self-esteem,

frustration and even behaviours of concern. We discuss in more detail the barriers to communication later in

this chapter. You will encounter a range of individuals from different cultures when working as a support


It may be that you are supporting an individual and their family or friends, a colleague, or stakeholder who

are from a different background to you. Working cross culturally is important and is a fundamental factor in

ensuring you are effective in your role.

It is not only up to you to be aware of working cross culturally, your organisation is required to provide a work

environment that is culturally inclusive and culturally competent. Being competent in cross-cultural functioning

means learning new patterns of behaviour and effectively applying them in the appropriate settings, like your

community services workplace.

Diversity and multiculturalism

Diversity in a team has many benefits for all stakeholders within an organisation and for the greater community

services industry in general. Team members will have different cultural backgrounds and a variety of

qualifications, training and experiences. Accepting and respecting individual differences is very important for

building strong and cooperative working relationships with others.

Respecting cultural diversity means recognising and accepting that people can have different views and habits

due to their cultural background. By doing this you are able to deliver services in a non-judgemental way that

Examples of how you could contribute to building workplace relationships that are inclusive and accepting of

diversity include: Using communication styles that can be adapted to different cultures.

Using non-discriminatory language.

Get to know people within your workplace.

Follow policies and procedures in regards to inclusivity, discrimination, harassment.

Respecting diversity means:

Showing mutual respect and collegiality.

Displaying honesty and tolerance.

Being receptive to the diversity of cultures, ideas and peoples. Having an appreciation of and support for Indigenous perspectives and reconciliation.

Appreciating and respecting diversity.

Acting with integrity as part of local, national, global and professional communities. Working collaboratively and engaging with people in different settings.

Recognising how culture can shape communication.

Being open to new ideas and innovations.

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Cultural diversity in aged care is becoming increasingly important as our post-war migrant population ages and

newer population groups enter our aged care system. Over 20 percent of Australian seniors are from culturally

and linguistically diverse backgrounds and in our main cities this figure is much larger. Ensuring that these

consumers receive the aged care they are entitled to is a significant challenge for policy makers and providers.

Providing culturally competent aged care services is a vital aspect to service provision to ensure an appropriate

and equitable aged care system. Diversity in aged care organisations may incorporate:

Diverse life experiences.

Varied work experiences.

A range of different qualifications and training.

Diverse social/ethnic/cultural backgrounds.

Different philosophies.

A spread of age in both individuals and staff.

In the community services industry, there is an increasing need for a more appropriate mix of culturally

competent mainstream services, multicultural services and ethno-specific services. Organisations must also

ensure that they make an appropriate use of language and cultural interpreter services where required. In

addition to this, it is essential for organisations to consider workforce planning to build and maintain a well-

trained workforce which includes the recruitment of bilingual staff.


Multiculturalism is the co-existence of diverse cultures, where culture includes racial, religious, or cultural

groups and is manifested in customary behaviours, cultural assumptions, and values, patterns of thinking, and

Source: www.aifla.org

Government departments and agencies have an obligation to provide access to services regardless of the

cultural or linguistic background of individuals. The Multicultural Access and Equity Policy is broken up into six different dimensions.

1. Leadership

2. Engagement
