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A Comparison of Four Forest Inventory Tools in Southeast

or the Blume-Leiss hypsometer, all with 100-foot tapes A study by Williams and others (1994) found the manual hypsometer to show significant negative bias only in the 0-33 ft height class Wing and others (2004) found the Haglof Vertex to estimate tree height within 4 25 feet for 70 to 90 foot tall trees

34 Verification of NFI (Cycle 4

Blume-Leiss Suunto Figure 3 4 8 Measurement item of Cycle-4 (3)Verification regarding Plot Setting 1) Plot Location As shown in Table 3 4 5, The stake A used for identifying plot position was found for 24 of the 26 plots (sub-plot No 1) The stake A’s are made of concrete and show the plot number and surveyed cycle number on top (Figure

Evidence of variant intra- and interspecific scaling of tree

until the 1960s, thereafter replaced by the Blume Leiss (trigonometrical principle), which was in use until the 1990s, before being replaced by the Vertex (trigonometrical

Observations and measurements - Food and Agriculture

by mechanical-optical devices (Blume-Leiss, Suunto) Higher speed and accuracy (at higher cost) are obtained with instruments that use laser or ultrasonic technology (e g Vertex) These calculate distance based on interferometry of wavelength or the time that a sound impulse takes to travel the distance to the target object


Blume Leiss Exemple de mesures d’arbres NOM ALÇADA (m) PERIMETRE (cm) DIÀMETRE (cm) VITALITAT 1 ALBA DEL PLA DEL FORN 17,75 250 79,58 BONA

Μέρηση διαμέρο

Blume Leiss •Για να καθορσομε ην απσ Yαση ]ρησιμοποιομε σ Y f ]ο, ο οποος a ]ει καθορισμνες θ aσεις πνε λεκ aς λρδες με Yις ενδεξεις 0, 15, 20, 30 και 40 πο ανισ Yοι ]ον σε αποσ Y `σεις


Utiliza princípios semelhantes ao de Blume-Leiss 2 3 Hipsômetro de CHRISTEN Baseia-se na semelhança de triângulos Consiste de uma régua de 30 cm de comprimento, onde a marca de 3 cm esta salientemente marcada O processo de medição consiste em enquadrar a árvore nos 30 cm A partir disso,

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