[PDF] Formulas - Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

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Trigonometric Identities - Miami

sinA a = sinB b = sinC c Suppose you are given two sides, a;band the angle Aopposite the side A The height of the triangle is h= bsinA Then 1 If ahand a

Trignometrical Formulae Standard Integrals

Trignometrical Formulae sin(A+B) = sinA cosB +cosA sinB sin(A−B) = sinA cosB −cosA sinB cos(A+B) = cosA cosB −sinA sinB cos(A−B) = cosA cosB +sinA sinB

Formulas - Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

sina±sinb= 2sin 1 2 (a±b)cos 1 2 (a∓b) cosa+cosb= 2cos 1 2 (a+b)cos 1 2 (a−b) cosa−cosb= 2sin 1 2 (a+b)sin 1 2 bn sin(nπx/L) where bn = 2 L Z L 0 f(x)sin

Lesson 183: Triangle Trigonometry

Dividing both sides by sinAsinB results in: sinB b sinA a = Now drop a perpendicular line BE of length k from the vertex B to the side AC (Diagram 2 ) By right triangle trigonometry: k csinA c k sinA = = and k asinC a k sinC = = Hence: sinC c sinA a a sinC c sinA = = Since: sinB b sinA a = and sinC c sinA a = then: sinC c sinB b sinA a = = The

Formulas from Trigonometry

cos(A B) = cosAcosB tansinAsinB tan(A B) = A tanB 1 tanAtanB sin2A= 2sinAcosA cos2A= cos2 A sin2 A tan2A= 2tanA 1 2tan A sin A 2 = q 1 cosA 2 cos A 2 = q 1+cos A 2 tan 2 = sinA 1+cosA sin2 A= 1 2 21 2 cos2A cos A= 1 2 + 1 2 cos2A sinA+sinB= 2sin 1 2 (A+B)cos 1 2 (A 1B) sinA sinB= 2cos 1 2 (A+B)sin 2 (A B) cosA+cosB= 2cos 1 2 (A+B)cos 1 2 (A B

Trigonometric Identities - University of Liverpool

A= B= Sum and product formulae cosA+ cosB= 2cos A+ B 2 cos A B 2 (13) cosA cosB= 2sin A+ B 2 sin A B 2 (14) sinA+ sinB= 2sin A+ B 2 cos A B 2 (15) sinA sinB= 2cos A+ B 2 sin A B 2 (16) Note that (13) and (14) come from (4) and (5) (to get (13), use (4) to expand cosA= cos(A+ B 2 + 2) and (5) to expand cosB= cos(A+B 2 2), and add the results)


sina-sinb=2cos 2 a b sin 2 a b cosa+cosb = 2cos cos cosa-cosb = -2sin sin tana+tanb= a b a b s s ( ) 积化和差 sinasinb = - 2 1 [cos(a+b)-cos(a-b)] cosacosb =

Trigonometric Identities Revision : 1

If we let A = B in equations (2) and (3) we get the two identities sin2A = 2sinAcosA, (12) cos2A = cos2 A−sin2 A (13) 2 6 Identities for sine squared and cosine

44 Trigonometrical Identities - University of Sheffield

4 4 Trigonometrical Identities Introduction Veryoftenitisnecessarytorewriteexpressionsinvolvingsines,cosinesandtangentsinalter-nativeforms Todothisweuseformulas

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