[PDF] Grand Est The Protestants of Alsace-Lorraine of the 16th and

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The Protestants of Champagne-Ardenne of the 16th and 17th

2 Protestant Registers Archives des consistoires – Églises réformées de France Archives nationales > Inventaire – TT//230-TT//276/B Dates : 1317, 1446, 1520-1740


2 Tel : +33 1 75 47 20 02 Salle de lecture de Paris Archives nationales 11, rue des Quatre-Fils, 75003, Paris Tel : + 33 (0) 1 40 27 64 20 France Archives

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Grand Est The Protestants of Alsace-Lorraine of the 16th and

Protestant registers at the Archives nationales de France (Paris) Série TT – Affaires et biens des protestants 1686-1789 (Estates, properties, landholdings which were held by Protestant families which were or were not

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Rechercher dans les archives nationales en France - France Archives: porta il national des archives: https://francearchives fr/ Recherche avec mot-clé et « document numérisé » : Architecture, « Paysage », « Urbanisme »

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Protestant registers at the Archives nationales de France (Paris) Série TT – Affaires et biens des protestants 1686-1789 (Estates, properties, landholdings which were held by Protestant families which were or were not

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Grand Est

https://www.grandest.fr/ https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Grand-Est

The Protestants of Alsace-Lorraine

of the 16th and 17th centuries Modern-day Bas-Rhin Haut-Rhin Meurthe-et-Moselle

Meuse Moselle Vosges Territoire de Belfort

Map courtesy Wikipedia


The region

Alsace-Lorraine Two provinces of France located on the border with Germany. Duché de Lorraine - Organized in 959 from a much older state with the name of


Alsace A former province of France that was ceded to King Louis XIV in 1648. Much earlier, the region was part of the Frankish kingdom and, at a later date, part 2 of the Carolingian kingdom. At the breakup of the latter, Alsace became part of the state of Lotharingia in 843. In 1697 Basse-Alsace was ceded to France. In 1798 the City of Mulhouse joined France. Modern-day Alsace includes the départements of Bas-Rhin and Haut-Rhin in addition to the Territory of Belfort. Lorraine The province of Lorraine goes back to the Holy Roman Empire. Under the reign of Louis XV, the region of Lorraine was ceded to France. In 1870-71, both Alsace and Lorraine were ceded to Germany. The treaty of Versailles in 1919 restored Alsace-Lorraine to France. In 1940, Alsace and Lorraine were again allocated to Germany. In 1945, Alsace and Lorraine were assigned to France. Modern-day Lorraine comprises the départements of Meurthe-et-Moselle, Meuse,

Moselle, Vosges.

Sources : Wikipédia and other online web pages.

France Huguenot Family Lineage Searches

Huguenot family names, ancient families and family heraldry of France of the 16th,

17th, 18th centuries


Archives départementales de France

Online searches at the 95 Regional Archives of France (free searches) Protestant families of France Where they resided from

1565 to 1721 including those of Alsace-Lorraine



Protestant families: where they resided from about 1517 onward Bas Rhin #67 (Alsace) > Strasbourg (Regional Capital) > Adamsweiler - Adolphe- de-Nassau-Sarre-Wenden - Alteckendorf - Andlau - Ban-de-la-Roche - Baerendorf - Balbronn - Barr - Berstett - Bettweiler - Blatterhaush Strasbourg - Bischwiller - Bitche-Deux-Ponts - Blaesheim - Bosselshausen - Bourgheim - Breuschwickersheim - Burbach - Cernay - Cheebourg - Dettwiller Diedendorf - Domfessel - Dorlisheim - Drachenbronn - Duntzenheim - Eckbolsheim - Eckendorf 3 - Eschburg - Eywiller - Feldbach - Furchausen - Gerstheim - Gertwiller - Geudertheim - Goersdorf - Goxwiller Graffenstaden - Gries (de) - Gundershoffen - Haguenau - Hanau-Lichtenberg -Handschuheim - Hangenbieten - Harskirchen - Hattmatt - Heiligenstein Herbitzheim - Herrlisheim - Hirschland - Hoelschloch - Hoerdt - Hohfrankenheim Hohrodberg - Hurtigheim - Imbsheim - Ingwiller - Ittenheim - Kauffenheim - Kirchenbuch - Kolbsheim - Kurchenbuch - Kurtzenhausen - Kurzenhausen - Lampertschioch - Lampertheim - La Roche - Lembach - Lobsann - Lochwiller - Lohr - Mattstall - Melsheim - Merkwiller - Mietesheim - Mitschdorf - Mittelbergheim - Molsheim - Morsbronn-les-Bains - Mülhausen - Mulhouse Mundolsheim - Neuwiller-lès-Saverne - Niederbronn-les- Bains - Niederhausbergen - Niederkutzenhausen - Niedersteinbach - Niedersulzbach - Oberdorf - Oberehnheim - Oberberonn - Oberhausbergen - Oberkutzenhausen Oberlinden (Oberlin) - Obernai - Obernheim - Oberseebach - Obersultzbach - Octeville-sur-Mer - Offendorf - Olwisheim Örmingen - Palatinat- Deux-Ponts - Petite-Pierre (La) - Pfaffenhoffen Pfaizweier - Pfulgriesheim Phalsbourg - Preuschdorf - Puberg - Quatzenheim - Reipertsweiler - Reitwiller - Riedisheim Rimsdorf - Rixheim Rothau - Rothbach - Rott - Saint-Jean- Sélestat - Sessenheim - Soultz-sous-Forêts - Strasbourg Sundhouse - Waltenheim Wangen Weinbourg - Weitbruch - Weyer - Wickersheim - Wildersbach - Wingen - Wissenbourg Wolschheim - Zehnacker - Zettersheim - of Alsace with the ancient regions of Strasbourg and Mulhouse. Haut Rhin #68 (Alsace) > Colmar (Regional Capital) > Ban-de-la-Roche Buhl - Cernay - Colmar Dannemarie Durrenentzen - Elisabeth - Eschbach - Fortschwihr - Geudertheim - Griesbach - Guebwiller - Gunsbach Habsbourg - Hohrod - Horbourg - Husseren-Wesserling - Jouy-en-Josas - Kaysersberg - La Bresse Luttenbach - Mittelwihr - Muhlbach-sur-Munster - Mulhouse - Munster - Muttersholtz Oberhoffen-sur-Moder - Pont-de-la-Charité - Ribaupierre - Ribauvillé - Riquewiht Rixheim - Rouffach - Rupt-sur-Moselle Sainte Marie aux Mines Saulxures-sur-Moselotte - Sélestat - Soultz-sous-Forêts - Soulzeren - Stosswihr - Sundhouse Thann - Turckheim Urbès - Waldersbach Wurtemberg - Zinswiller - Also refer to: Bas-Rhin (#67) Both were part of Alsace with the ancient regions of Strasbourg and Mulhouse. Meurthe et Moselle #54 (Lorraine) > Nancy (Regional Capital) > Badonviller - Dombasle-sur-Meurthe Lunéville - Nancy Saint-Pierre de Nancy Toulois See also: Vosges (#88) Meuse (#55) Moselle (#57) All part of ancient


Meuse #55 (Lorraine) > Bar le Duc (regional Capital) > Abinville Bar-le-Duc - Dompcevrin - Mortagne-la-Vieille (Thairé) Nettancourt Revigny-sur-Ornain - 4 Spada - Thairé (Mortagne-la-Vieille) Verdun - Vouthon-Haut See also: Vosges (#88) Moselle (#57) Meurthe & Moselle (#54) All part of ancient Lorraine Moselle #57 (Lorraine) > Metz (Regional Capital) > Abreschviller Algrange Amanvillers Amnéville - Ars-sur-Moselle Audun-le-Tiche Aumetz Avricourt - Baerenthal - Behren-lès-Forbach Berling - Bitche Boulay-Moselle Bouzonville - Courcelles-Chaussy Créhange Creutzwald Diesen Dieuze Falck - Farel Farébersviller Fénétrange Fontoy Forbach - Freyming- Merlebach Hagondang Hangviller - Hangweiler Hayange Hellering-lès- Fénétrange Hombourg-Haut - Insmings Lafrimbolle - Lixheim Longeville-lès-Metz Lorry-Mardigny - Lutzelbourg Maizières-lès-Metz Metting - Metz Mittershem Montigny-lès-Metz Morhange - Mouterhouse Moyeuvre- Grande Niederstinzel Nilvange Novéant-sur-Moselle - Pays de Bitche - Pays de Thionville Petite-Rosselle Phalsbourg - Philippsbourg Postroff Rédange Rombas - Saint Avold Sarralbe Sarrebourg Sarreguemines Schalbach Stiring-Wendel Thionville Uckange Vibersviller Wintersbourg Yutz Zilling See also: Vosges (#88) Meurthe & Moselle (#54) Meuse (#55) All part of ancient Lorraine. Vosges #88 (Lorraine) > Épinal (Regional Capital) > Albi - Avranville Bardou - Bussang - Chandon Colombier Cofumat Contrexéville - Corbou Coste Domrémy - Donnadieu Épinal - Escroux Fenouille - Fouilhe Gérardmer - Grand - La Bresse - Lacaze Lacaune Ornac - Panissaire Paulin - Raicac - - Rayssac Saint-Dié des Vosges - Saint Étienne de Calhie - Saint - Saint Julien-Olargues - Saint Martin de Jeannes Saint-Martin - Saint Michel sur Mearthe Saint Pierre de Trivisy - Saint Vincent quotesdbs_dbs19.pdfusesText_25