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The Voyages of Captain Cook

James Cook No middle name Born Oct 27, 1728 in a mud hut in Yorkshire Died Feb 14, 1779 Two Voyages of Discovery Captain James Cook Captain James T Kirk Mission

The James Cook Collection

James Cook, Louis de Bougainville and the Comte de La Perouse James Cook ‘s ship Endeavour set sail from Plymouth 250 years ago and over the course of three voyages, Cook travelled further south than anyone else in the world, crossing the Antarctic Circle for the first time Cook achieved the first recorded European


The ancient Yorkshire town of Whitby was James Cook's home port for the period of his service with John Walker, and in its shipyards the Endeavour and the vessels of the second and third voyages were built 8


Society chose Captain James Cook to command Endeavour on the expedition to Tahiti in 1769 to observe the transit of Venus, a phenomenon of outstanding scientific importance Its importance was matched by the work of Cook and his fellow-scientists on this and subsequent voyages Cook was a formidable man: powerful,

Voyages of Discovery in the 18th Century - Film Education

was to be Captain James Cook Neither of these first two voyages had completely disproved the idea of a southern continent It was to be Cook's three voyages between 1768 and 1779 that finally removed all hopes of a great land mass in the South Seas On the first of these voyages, Cook charted the whole of New Zealand, disproving that it was

Life on Eighteenth-Century Navy / Life on Cook’s Endeavour

Life on Eighteenth-Century Navy / Life on Cook’s Endeavour Alan Frost _____ I think it may be most efficient if I ‘codify’ life at sea on voyages of discovery in the later eighteenth-century into a number of categories (You will also notice that I have taken a flexible view of what constituted a voyage of discovery ) The Voyage

Captain James Cook and the Opening of the Pacific 1760-1800

Captain James Cook and the Opening of the Pacific 1760-1800 Themes • Introduction: Cook’s voyages • Europeans and the Pacific • Politics, Discovery and Science

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This book was published by ANU Press between 1965-1991. This republication is part of the digitisation project being carried out by Scholarly Information Services/Library and ANU Press. This project aims to make past scholarly works published by The Australian National University available to a global audience under its open-access policy.

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