[PDF] 2011 half-year report

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FINANCIAL REPORT First Half of 2020 - Maroc Telecom

8 Maroc Telecom • Financial Report H1 2020 To the shareholders ITISSALAT AL MAGHRIB (IAM) S A Avenue Annakhil, Rabat Maroc This is a free translation into English of the statutory auditor’s limited review report on the half-yearly financial information issued in French and is provided solely for the convenience of English-speaking users

FINANCIAL REPORT 2018 - Maroc Telecom

10 Maroc Telecom • 2018 Financial report 2 2 1 Comparison of financial data for fiscal years 2018 and 2017 2 2 1 1 Group Consolidated results Revenues Maroc Telecom Group's consolidated revenues(3) at the end of December 2018 amounted to MAD 36,032 million, up 3 1 (+2 6 at constant exchange rates) compared to the end of December 2017


Maroc Telecom Group’s consolidated financial data is summarized in the following table Selected financial data from the three fiscal years ended December 31, 2010, 2011, and 2012, were drawn from Group consolidated


6 Maroc Telecom I 2013 Financial Report I 1 CONSLIDATED RESULTS OF THE PAST THREE YEARS Maroc Telecom Group’s consolidated financial data is summarized in the following table Selected financial data from the three fiscal years ended December 31, 2011, 2012, and 2013, were drawn from Group

2011 half-year report

FINANCIAL REPORT 3 I 2011 half-year IT Financial Services 519 5 185 2 Telecom Services 18 1 17 9 Maroc SA t t t t t t t t Ficorent SA High Technology Finance

Emirates Telecommunications Group Company PJSC

On 17 April 2018, Maroc Telecom completed the acquisition of additional 10 stake in ONATEL S A on the Abidjan Regional Stock Exchange for EUR 41 million (AED 185 million), bringing its total shareholding in the Burkina Faso subsidiary to 61

Emirates Telecommunications Group Company PJSC

the Tchadian authorities, consolidation of Tigo Chad has been commenced in July 2019 when the control was transferred to Maroc Telecom (ii) On 18 September 2019, the Group signed an agreement to acquire 100 of the Help AG's businesses in United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

2012 half-year report

Telecom Services SAS Asystel SAS Econocom Maroc Sarl Synopse SAS Econocom Enterprise Solutions t t t t t t t t 100 100 88 100 84 66 100 25 Tactem SAS t 100 Centix 40 t C gROuP STRuCTuRE 11 Management report

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