[PDF] Overview of SECC at 1550 Evans Ave - BMAGIC

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SECF’s leadership identified the following future goals: • Ensure that SECF is “walking its talk”- Organization leaders want to ensure that SECF is demonstrating leadership around racial equity This includes how SECF engages with people and the culture of the organization

Southeastern Council of Foundations SECForg Volume 29 · Issue 4

Because of your engagement and support, SECF is positioned well headed into 2021, a year that will see us reveal a new strategic plan and continue the vital work inspired by our Equity Framework Thank you Trying times are still ahead of us – in fact, this winter may be the most challenging period yet As I write this, Congress is still

SECF’s Equity Framework The Journey to Our Full Potential

Engage - Programming: SECF bolsters work toward more equitable systems through opportunities to connect equity to members’ work and relationships with peers As a result, equity becomes a central value and practice of SECF members and our region Inspire - Vision and Values: SECF models equity for its members by ensuring that our

Environmental and Social Management Framework

Risk Mitigation Action Plan, and a Stakeholder Engagement and Consultation Framework (SECF) The framework provides guidanceon the procedures to be followed for mitigation of impacts, along with roles and responsibilities of the implementing agencies The ESMF presents detailed guidelines and formats for carrying out these activities


for the benefit of the Bayview Hunters Point community The members of the SECF Commission are appointed and served at the pleasure of the Mayor The Southeast Community Facility (SECF) located at 1800 Oakdale Avenue is a community-based and oriented facility with numerous programs and services For

Disclosure of Social Management Framework for World Bank

SECF Stakeholder Engagement and Consultation Plan SPIU State Program Implementing Unit Draft Social Assessment and Social Management Framework for IFPVAPP

Overview of SECC at 1550 Evans Ave - BMAGIC

Commission Engagement • Throughout each phase, the SECF Commission will receive regular process updates • Once all information is received and analyzed, SECF Commission will vote on a new name in September • Will also use survey data to choose appropriate names for other rooms and facilities 18

Southeast Community Facility Revitalization Update

SFPUC - SECF Commission Joint Meeting TBD 1800 Oakdale,Alex Pitcher Room • 2015-2016 Community Engagement Process

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